@ -1155,15 +1155,29 @@ JSVideoDescription := FormatTextToJSText(VideoDescription)
; -------------------------------/Log Info To Text-------------------------------
; -------------------------------/Log Info To Text-------------------------------
; This should go somewhere appropriate
; fwiw this function comes straight from the docs: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/Functions.htm#Variadic
Join(sep, params*) {
For index, param in params
str .= param . sep
return SubStr(str, 1, -StrLen(sep))
; Create an array out of the keywords to be used in different places
; Create an array out of the keywords to be used in different places
VideoTags := StrReplace(VideoTags, ", ",",")
KeywordsArray := Array()
VideoTags := StrReplace(VideoTags, " ,",",")
For idx, val in StrSplit(VideoTags, ",") {
VideoTags := StrReplace(VideoTags, " ",",")
; for each element in the split videotags array, trim leading & trailing spaces
val := Trim(val)
KeywordsArray := StrSplit(VideoTags,",")
; and remove any chars that are not a letter, number, or space (i = case-insensitive)
; note: it would be better to replace accented chars w/ their pure latin equivalents but that seems a bit
; beyond the scope of this change. here's a link talking about how to do that tho
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=61626
val := RegexReplace(val, "i)[^a-z0-9 ]", "")
KeywordsArray.InsertAt(idx, val)
; update VideoTags with sanitized keywords list
VideoTags := Join(",", KeywordsArray*)
; Call each sub one by one, if errors occur then an upload will be stopped and the next upload will then proceed
; Call each sub one by one, if errors occur then an upload will be stopped and the next upload will then proceed