@ -16,6 +16,25 @@ JS_TryToExecute(JsToExecute,NumberofAttempts := 1,SleepLength:=1000){
js = document.querySelector("%Selector%").value = "%JSStringText%";
try driver.executeScript(js)
sleep, %SleepLength%
js = return document.querySelector("#title").value;
try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
; DevModeMsgBox(status)
if(Status = "")
return "Failed"
return ""
; ValueToCheckOptions = innertext,textContent,InnerHTML,outerHTML,value,href,option value
jsSend = document.getElementsByClassName('%ClassName%')[%ClassIndexNum%].value = "%JSStringText%";
@ -217,123 +236,123 @@ Selenium_LoopToClearXpath(Xpath,NumOfLoops:=1,SleepLength:=1000){
; -------------------------------Javascript-------------------------------
; msgbox, here goes
; https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_all.asp
; -----TEXT CONTENT-----
js = return %jsref%.textContent;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3,.TextContent:,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
; msgbox, here goes
; https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_all.asp
; -----TEXT CONTENT-----
js = return %jsref%.textContent;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3,.TextContent:,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
; -----VALUE-----
js = return %jsref%.value;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
; -----VALUE-----
js = return %jsref%.value;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3,.value:,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3,.value:,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
; -----INNERTEXT-----
js = return %jsref%.innerText;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
; -----INNERTEXT-----
js = return %jsref%.innerText;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .innerText,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .innerText,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
; -----OuterText-----
js = return %jsref%.outerText;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
; -----OuterText-----
js = return %jsref%.outerText;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .outerText,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .outerText,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
js = return %jsref%.innerHTML;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
js = return %jsref%.innerHTML;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .innerHTML,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .innerHTML,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip = js = %js% `n try, status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
; -----outerHTML-----
js = return %jsref%.outerHTML;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
; -----outerHTML-----
js = return %jsref%.outerHTML;
try status := driver.executeScript(js)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .outerHTML,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxJSReturnData")
MsgBox 0x3, .outerHTML,%status%
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox Yes,{
IfMsgBox Yes,{
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip =js = %js% `n try,status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
TextForClip =js = %js% `n try,status := driver.executeScript(js)
Clipboard := TextForClip
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
} ; end of fuctions
} ; end of fuctions
OnMsgBoxJSReturnData() {
OnMsgBoxJSReturnData() {
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Process, Exist
If (WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel)) {
@ -341,4 +360,4 @@ OnMsgBoxJSReturnData() {
ControlSetText Button2, Copy
ControlSetText Button3, Return