Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramMessage ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramMessage ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
; Split the Description into 4096 character chunks while preserving sentences
; Split the Description into 4096 character chunks while preserving sentences
; Used 4095 because a ". " has to be put in at the end of the chunk.
; Used 4095 because a ". " has to be put in at the end of the chunk.