added bitrate check to video file, automatic uncheck if below 300kbps for brighteon

main 3.30
Yuriy 8 months ago
parent 646d5994df
commit 679e698435

@ -284,6 +284,11 @@ Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.*, F ; loop through the files in the director
VideoFilepath := A_LoopFileFullPath
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath,,,, VideoFileNameNoExt
FileGetSize, VideoFileSizeInMB, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, M
VideoInfoObj := Filexpro(VideoFilepath,
, "System.Video.TotalBitrate" )
VideoTotalBitrate := VideoInfoObj["System.Video.TotalBitrate"]
if(FileExt = "png" OR FileExt = "jpg"){
@ -330,9 +335,11 @@ Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.mp3, F ; loop through the files in the direct
;---Read Info From Previous Run (If Any)---
; @todo: Figure out a way to do this with an array
;---Read Info From Previous Run And Set Upload Options---
VideoLinksIniFile = %VideoFolderDir%\VideoLinks.ini
@ -424,6 +431,9 @@ if(VideoFileSizeInMB > 6144){
FacebookCheckStatus := 0
TelegramCheckStatus := 0
;---/Read Info From Previous Run And Set Upload Options---
;---Testing Mode Overrides---
@ -558,9 +568,6 @@ else, {
; LocalsGrabURL := 0
; Locals := 0
@ -779,7 +786,12 @@ Gui, Add, Checkbox, x%GroupBoxCheckboxPos% y+%MarginSpace% vOdyseeAudio Checked%
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x%GroupBoxCheckboxPos% y+%MarginSpace% vRumble Checked%RumbleCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Rumble
if(VideoTotalBitrate > 300000)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vBrighteon y+%MarginSpace% Checked%BrighteonCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Brighteon
Gui, Add, Checkbox, cRed vBrighteon y+%MarginSpace% Checked0 gUpdateVars, Brighteon (Bitrate Below 300kbps)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vDailyMotion y+%MarginSpace% Checked%DailyMotionCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, DailyMotion
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, vStreamanity Checked%StreamanityCheckStatus%, Streamanity
