fixed GUI giving error if iniread xposition and yposition doesn't work, wav filepath will check for a FLAC file first and then .wav if not found

Yuriy 1 year ago
parent 45b27311d4
commit 263fb222e9

@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ ScriptSettingsSection := "VideoUploader"
IniRead, ShowTooltipProgress, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress, 1
(ShowTooltipProgress)?(ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 1) : (ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, XPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, XPosition
IniRead, YPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, YPosition
IniRead, XPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, XPosition, 0
IniRead, YPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, YPosition, 0
IniRead, RootDirToStartIn, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, RootDirToStartIn
IniRead, LogErrorsToMsgbox, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LogErrorsToMsgbox, %A_Space%
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ if(VideoDescription = ""){
; Loop through the folder again to find the correct .WAV audio file as Stef has multiple in there and we need the .mp4 file to be found first so we know what to look for file name wise.
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.WAV, F ; loop through the files in the directory
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.flac, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt
@ -322,7 +322,21 @@ Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.WAV, F ; loop through the files in the direct
; Loop through the folder again to find the correct .WAV audio file as Stef has multiple in there and we need the .mp4 file to be found first so we know what to look for file name wise.
; if no FLAC file, then loop through folder and select WAV file instead
if(WavAudioFilepath = ""){
; Loop through the folder again to find the correct .WAV audio file as Stef has multiple in there and we need the .mp4 file to be found first so we know what to look for file name wise.
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.WAV, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt
if(FileNameNoExt = VideoFileNameNoExt){
WavAudioFilepath := A_LoopFileFullPath
; Find the .mp3 podcast file
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.mp3, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt
@ -1239,6 +1253,20 @@ SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,Disc
WinGetPos, XPosition, YPosition, , , A
if(XPosition > 0 and YPosition > 0){ ; if gui doesn't exist, both are set to -8
; Msgbox % "XPosition: " XPosition
; Msgbox % "YPosition: " YPosition
IniWrite, %XPosition%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, XPosition
IniWrite, %YPosition%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, YPosition
Tooltip ; Remove all tooltips
Gui, Destroy ; destroy GUI in case we're going from the main screen to results without uploading.
