commented out all references to flote and parler in the GUI

Yuriy 1 year ago
parent d35e5db4ab
commit 761076e0e3

@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ global LinkedIn
global MeWe
global Twetch
global ThinkSpot
global Flote
; global Flote
global PocketNet
global parler
; global parler
global Gettr
global steemit
; global Pintrest
@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ if(StrLen(ErrorLoggingDirectory) > 5 and !InStr(ErrorLoggingDirectory, ".exe")){
(LinkedIN != "")?(LinkedINCheckStatus := 0) : (LinkedINCheckStatus := 1)
(Twetch != "")?(TwetchCheckStatus := 0) : (TwetchCheckStatus := 1)
(ThinkSpot != "")?(ThinkSpotCheckStatus := 0) : (ThinkSpotCheckStatus := 1)
(Flote != "")?(FloteCheckStatus := 0) : (FloteCheckStatus := 0)
; (Flote != "")?(FloteCheckStatus := 0) : (FloteCheckStatus := 0)
; (Pintrest != "")?(PintrestCheckStatus := 0) : (PintrestCheckStatus := 1)
(Parler != "")?(ParlerCheckStatus := 0) : (ParlerCheckStatus := 0)
; (Parler != "")?(ParlerCheckStatus := 0) : (ParlerCheckStatus := 0)
(PocketNet != "")?(PocketNetCheckStatus := 0) : (PocketNetCheckStatus := 1)
; (Tumblr != "")?(TumblrCheckStatus := 0) : (TumblrCheckStatus := 1)
@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ if(TestingMode){ ; Easy testing for Yuriy
MeWeCheckStatus := 0
TwetchCheckStatus := 0
ThinkSpotCheckStatus := 0
FloteCheckStatus := 0
; FloteCheckStatus := 0
; PintrestCheckStatus := 0
ParlerCheckStatus := 0
; ParlerCheckStatus := 0
PocketNetCheckStatus := 0
; TumblrCheckStatus := 0
; PocketNetCheckStatus := 0
@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ if(AutoUpdateCheck AND !SkipUpdateCheckThisRun){
TooltipXPosition := Round((A_ScreenWidth / 2) - (A_ScreenWidth / 10)) ; Center Tooltip on the screen and a bit to the left
GuiWidth := 1366
GuiFontSize := 10
TemplatesGroupBoxWidth := 700
MarginSpace = 10
MarginSpaceDoubled := MarginSpace * 2
@ -511,8 +512,8 @@ Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vMeWe Checked%MeWeCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, MeWe
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+75 yp-210 vLinkedIn Checked%LinkedINCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, LinkedIn
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vLinkedIn Checked%LinkedINCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, LinkedIn
Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vThinkspot Checked%ThinkSpotCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Thinkspot
Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vFlote Checked%FloteCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Flote
Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vParler Checked%ParlerCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Parler
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vFlote Checked%FloteCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Flote
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vParler Checked%ParlerCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Parler
Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vSteemit Checked%SteemitCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Steemit
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vPintrest Checked%PintrestCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Pintrest
Gui, Add, Checkbox, y+7 vPocketNet Checked%PocketNetCheckStatus% , Bastyon
@ -531,8 +532,10 @@ Gui, Add, Button, x%PlatformsGroupBoxXLocation% y+20 w300 h30 gSchedulePost, Sch
; Gui, Font, s%GUINormalFontSize%
gui, font, s6
gui, font, normal
Gui, Add, StatusBar,, Total Posts Posted: %TotalPostsPosted% | Total Run Time: %TotalRunTime% Seconds |
; easier to just let the gui size be as needed instead of trying to recalculate the size each time an element is added
Gui, Show,,%FullScriptName% ; , w%GuiWidth%, %ScriptName%
ControlFocus, Edit1, %FullScriptName%
@ -804,10 +807,10 @@ IniWrite, %ShowTooltipProgress%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, ShowT
(LinkedIn = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "LinkedIn|") : ()
(Twetch = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Twetch|") : ()
(ThinkSpot = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "ThinkSpot|") : ()
(Flote = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Flote|") : ()
; (Flote = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Flote|") : ()
(PocketNet = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "PocketNet|") : ()
(Gettr = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Gettr|") : ()
(Parler = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Parler|") : ()
; (Parler = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Parler|") : ()
(Steemit = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Steemit|") : ()
(Pintrest = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Pintrest|") : ()
(Tumblr = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Tumblr|") : ()
@ -858,8 +861,8 @@ if(Discord)
Gosub, PostToDiscord
Gosub, PostToTelegram
Gosub, PostToParler
; if(Parler)
; Gosub, PostToParler
Gosub, PostToSubscribeStar
@ -874,8 +877,8 @@ if(Twetch)
Gosub, PostToTwetch
Gosub, PostToThinkSpot
Gosub, PostToFlote
; if(Flote)
; Gosub, PostToFlote
Gosub, PostToLocals
@ -988,11 +991,11 @@ Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w%WebsiteStatusEditWidths% h%ButtonHeights%, %ThinkSpot%
Gui, Font, s%GUINormalFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button,x%StatusTextSecondRowXPos% y+%MarginSpace% w%WebsiteButtonWidths% h%ButtonHeights% Center, Flote
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w%WebsiteStatusEditWidths% h%ButtonHeights%, %Flote%
; Gui, Add, Button,x%StatusTextSecondRowXPos% y+%MarginSpace% w%WebsiteButtonWidths% h%ButtonHeights% Center, Flote
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w%WebsiteStatusEditWidths% h%ButtonHeights%, %Flote%
Gui, Add, Button,x%StatusTextSecondRowXPos% y+%MarginSpace% w%WebsiteButtonWidths% h%ButtonHeights% gActivateParlerTab Center, Parler
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w%WebsiteStatusEditWidths% h%ButtonHeights%, %Parler%
; Gui, Add, Button,x%StatusTextSecondRowXPos% y+%MarginSpace% w%WebsiteButtonWidths% h%ButtonHeights% gActivateParlerTab Center, Parler
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w%WebsiteStatusEditWidths% h%ButtonHeights%, %Parler%
Gui, Add, Button,x%StatusTextSecondRowXPos% y+%MarginSpace% w%WebsiteButtonWidths% h%ButtonHeights% Center, Steemit
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w%WebsiteStatusEditWidths% h%ButtonHeights%, %Steemit%
@ -3156,6 +3159,9 @@ if(InStr(CurrentTabURL, "/onboarding"))
; Xpath = ///div[@id='textarea-post']
Xpath = //*[contains(text(),'What's new?')]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
; double click, first click fails sometimes
sleep, 500
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
; Input image
if(ImageAttachmentFilepath != ""){
@ -3205,7 +3211,7 @@ Loop % StrLengthOfPost{
; Gettr_Index_Of_Line_Post := GettrPostArray[A_index]
; DevModeMsgBox(Gettr_Index_Of_Line_Post)
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=100,StringTextContent:=Current_Char)
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=1,SleepLength:=100,StringTextContent:=Current_Char)
Message = Failed to Input Text
@ -3909,7 +3915,7 @@ PauseBetweenPosts(){
; Read status of each website and save them to variables to be used in GUI
IniRead, Gettr, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Gettr, %A_Space%
IniRead, Parler, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Parler, %A_Space%
; IniRead, Parler, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Parler, %A_Space%
IniRead, Steemit, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Steemit, %A_Space%
IniRead, Discord, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Discord, %A_Space%
IniRead, SubScribeStar, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, SubScribeStar, %A_Space%
@ -3921,7 +3927,7 @@ ReadWebsiteStatuses(){
IniRead, MeWe, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, MeWe, %A_Space%
IniRead, Twetch, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Twetch, %A_Space%
IniRead, ThinkSpot, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, ThinkSpot, %A_Space%
IniRead, Flote, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Flote, %A_Space%
; IniRead, Flote, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Flote, %A_Space%
IniRead, PocketNet, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, PocketNet, %A_Space%
; IniRead, Pintrest, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Pintrest, %A_Space%
; IniRead, Tumblr, %StatusFileFilePath%, Status, Tumblr, %A_Space%
