formatting updates

Yuriy 2 years ago
parent de5b8afdf0
commit 2286c13ceb

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ global CurrentTabURL
; #Include %A_ScriptDir%\ChromeAutomationFunctions.ahk
; #Include %A_ScriptDir%\RunCMD.ahk
#Include C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Freedomain\Uploaders\Lib\ChromeAutomationFunctions.ahk
#Include C:\Users\%A_username%\Syncthing\Freedomain\Uploaders\Lib\RunCMD.ahk
@ -35,8 +34,6 @@ CheckForUpdates(){
data := URLDownloadToVar(GitReleasesAPIURL)
; Msgbox % "data: " data
; [{"id":3,"tag_name":"v2.71","target_commitish":"main","name":"2.71","body":"- Fixed and expanded Parler login check\r\n- Fixed long time bug where a newly created website tab would not get connected to properly\r\n- Temporarily removed Auto Update Support until I can integrate with gitea API","url":"","html_url":"","tarball_url":"","zipball_url":"","draft":false,"prerelease":true,"created_at":"2023-01-26T23:45:25-05:00","published_at":"2023-01-26T23:45:25-05:00","author":{"id":1,"login":"yuriy","login_name":"","full_name":"Yuriy Zinchuk","email":"yuriy@noreply.localhost","avatar_url":"","language":"","is_admin":false,"last_login":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","created":"2023-01-02T16:40:09-05:00","restricted":false,"active":false,"prohibit_login":false,"location":"","website":"","description":"","visibility":"public","followers_count":0,"following_count":0,"starred_repos_count":0,"username":"yuriy"},"assets":[{"id":4,"name":"Freedomain Social Media Poster.exe","size":1708544,"download_count":0,"created_at":"2023-01-26T23:45:19-05:00","uuid":"2ee05d49-a314-4079-bcc8-b6857dc29e98","browser_download_url":""}]},{"id":2,"tag_name":"v2.70","target_commitish":"main","name":"2.70","body":"* Initial commit of V2.7 to git\r\n* Pushed codebase to personal [git instance](\r\n* Fixed Locals Posting\r\n* Fixed Gettr Posting\r\n* Fixed Flote Posting\r\n* Fixed MeWe Posting\r\n* Fixed Minds Posting\r\n* Fixed Steemit Posting\r\n* Fixed LinkedIn Image Posting\r\n* Removed Tumblr Support\r\n* Removed Pintrest support","url":"","html_url":"","tarball_url":"","zipball_url":"","draft":false,"prerelease":true,"created_at":"2023-01-25T22:38:24-05:00","published_at":"2023-01-25T22:38:24-05:00","author":{"id":1,"login":"yuriy","login_name":"","full_name":"Yuriy Zinchuk","email":"yuriy@noreply.localhost","avatar_url":"","language":"","is_admin":false,"last_login":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","created":"2023-01-02T16:40:09-05:00","restricted":false,"active":false,"prohibit_login":false,"location":"","website":"","description":"","visibility":"public","followers_count":0,"following_count":0,"starred_repos_count":0,"username":"yuriy"},"assets":[{"id":2,"name":"Freedomain Social Media Poster.exe","size":1707520,"download_count":1,"created_at":"2023-01-25T22:36:17-05:00","uuid":"d91a4ab0-b1fb-4c2f-adfa-e986e587cf0a","browser_download_url":""}]}]
parsed := JSON.Load(data)
UpdateVersionNumber :=
@ -58,8 +55,6 @@ CheckForUpdates(){
data := URLDownloadToVar(GitReleasesAPIURL)
@ -95,21 +90,22 @@ UpdateScript(){
IfMsgBox Yes, {
} Else IfMsgBox No, {
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Downloading Update",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
Else IfMsgBox No, {
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Downloading Update",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
; Msgbox, downloading to: %A_ScriptDir%\%UpdateExeName%
UrlDownloadToFile, %exeURL%, %UpdateExeFilepath%
run, "%UpdateExeFilepath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
; -------------------------------SaveOrPostProgress-------------------------------
; PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging,DiscordVideos"
; -------------------------------SaveOrPostProgress-------------------------------
; PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging,DiscordVideos"
MessageBU := Message
; Msgbox % "PostType: " PostType
@ -141,9 +137,9 @@ UpdateScript(){
; -------------------------------/SaveOrPostProgress-------------------------------
TakeScreenshotOfPage(SaveFilepath := ""){
; -------------------------------/SaveOrPostProgress-------------------------------
TakeScreenshotOfPage(SaveFilepath := ""){
@ -158,9 +154,9 @@ UpdateScript(){
; if(!FileExist(SaveFilepath))
FileCreateDir, %SaveFilepath%
/* if(!TakeScreenshotsOfErrors)
; Take a screenshot of the page and save it.
FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
@ -896,11 +892,13 @@ if(TotalTabsFound = 1){
; Msgbox % "A_index: " A_index
; DevModeMsgBox("breaking early on loop 1?")
} ; if there is only 1 tab, then break out of loop and don't bother looping through same tab
; if there is only 1 tab, then break out of loop and don't bother looping through same tab
try driver.SwitchToNextWindow ;Focuses Selenium on the newly opened/next window.
} ; end of loop
; end of loop
; Iterate from 1 to the end of the array:
Loop % DriverURLArray.Length()
@ -917,7 +915,8 @@ if(TotalTabsFound = 1){
; DevModeMsgBox(Message)
} ; /FUNC
; Msgbox % "Filepath: " Filepath
@ -1030,17 +1029,17 @@ if(TotalTabsFound = 1){
; End of Function
; -------------------------------/NavigateFromBaseURL-------------------------------
; End of Function
; -------------------------------/NavigateFromBaseURL-------------------------------
SaveDriverURL(){ ; save the url of the result page. That way if a tab is not found for a site, we can open up a tab from this tab instead of middle of nowhere. That way we can keep the tabs together
SaveDriverURL(){ ; save the url of the result page. That way if a tab is not found for a site, we can open up a tab from this tab instead of middle of nowhere. That way we can keep the tabs together
try LastWebsitePostURL := driver.URL
; -------------------------------SChrome_Get-------------------------------
SChrome_Get(URL := "", Profile := "Profile 1", IP_Port := ""){
; -------------------------------SChrome_Get-------------------------------
SChrome_Get(URL := "", Profile := "Profile 1", IP_Port := ""){
IP_Port_Nr := RegExReplace(IP_Port, ".*:(\d*)", "$1")
if WinExist("ahk_exe Chrome.exe"){
WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_exe chrome.exe
@ -1070,9 +1069,6 @@ if(TotalTabsFound = 1){
; ; yuriy's settings
; IniRead, ChromeFilepath, C:\Users\%A_username%\Documents\Autohotkey\Lib\ScriptSettings.ini, Selenium, %A_Computername%, %A_Space%
; ; Establish Variable with Filepath to be used throughout the script
; if(ChromeFilepath = ""){
if(FileExist("C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")){

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Automated posting to the following social media platforms, utilizing either the
- Open Chrome and type in `about::version` into the URL bar. The very first line will tell you what Chrome version you have
- After downloading, extract “” and move the extracted chromedriver.exe to: `C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic\chromedriver.exe`
- NOTE: The chromedriver will need to be re-downloaded whenever Chrome updates to keep up with API changes
4. [Download the latest .exe of the Poster] (
4. [Download the latest .exe of the Poster](
- When run, the poster will automatically create the folders and files it requires in the directory it's run from.
# Settings.ini
@ -57,3 +57,6 @@ TelegramBotChatID=Public Posts Bot Chat ID
Ive done my best to catch any possible errors that might pop up and write functionality to handle them. But If an error happens that i haven't written resolves for, it will pop up a message box that looks like this. Please send me a screenshot so I can write a patch for the bug.
![Alt text](Assets/Screenshots/Error_Message_Example.png "Error Message")
# Compiling .exe from source
- @todo