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12 Commits
1.2 ... main

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
;DetectHiddenWindows, On
#SingleInstance, Force
DetectHiddenWindows, ON
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;SetKeyDelay, 500
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; #NoTrayIcon
; Menu, Tray, Icon, RMScriptManager.ico
;---Notes/Extra Info/#Includes------------------------------------------------------
ScriptName = Freedomain Livestream Scheduler
AHKFilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\%ScriptName%.ahk
Exefilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\%ScriptName%.exe
icopath = %A_ScriptDir%\Assets\Icon.ico
VersionIniFP = %A_ScriptDir%\Version.ini
;---MAIN SCRIPT---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Bump the version number in the version.ini file
IniRead, VersionNumber, %VersionIniFP%, %ScriptName%, Version, 0.0 ; , Filename, Section, Key [, Default]
VersionNumber += .01
VersionNumber := SubStr(VersionNumber, 1, 4)
IniWrite, %VersionNumber%, %VersionIniFP%,%ScriptName%, Version
; Kill any active intances of the uploaders so the .exe file can be overwriten by the compilation
process, close, %ScriptName%.exe
sleep, 1000
; Delete the .exe file so it can be repalced
FileDelete, %Exefilepath%
msgbox, failed to delete Exe file. Please delete manually and re-run the compiler.
msgbox, %AHKFilepath% does not exist`nExiting
msgbox, %icopath% does not exist`nExiting
run, %comspec% /c ""C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%AHKFilepath%" /out "%exefilepath%" /icon "%icopath%""
; OldNotify(ScriptToCompile,"Compiled Successfully",5)
; sleep, 5000

@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ VersionIniFP = %A_ScriptDir%\Version.ini
;---MAIN SCRIPT--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---MAIN SCRIPT---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Bump the version number in the version.ini file ; Bump the version number in the version.ini file
IniRead, VersionNumber, %VersionIniFP%, %ScriptName%, Version, 0.0 ; , Filename, Section, Key [, Default] IniRead, VersionNumber, %VersionIniFP%, Livestream-Scheduler, Version, 0.0 ; , Filename, Section, Key [, Default]
VersionNumber += .01 VersionNumber += .01
VersionNumber := SubStr(VersionNumber, 1, 4) VersionNumber := SubStr(VersionNumber, 1, 4)
IniWrite, %VersionNumber%, %VersionIniFP%,%ScriptName%, Version IniWrite, %VersionNumber%, %VersionIniFP%,Livestream-Scheduler, Version

@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ CheckIfUpdateInstalled(PassedInArgument)
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
@ -66,10 +64,13 @@ global FullScriptName
global PostStatusesFilepath global PostStatusesFilepath
global ErrorLoggingDirectory global ErrorLoggingDirectory
global ConfirmBeforeSubmit
global DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL global DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL
global DiscordVideosWebhookURL global DiscordVideosWebhookURL
global VideoFolderDir global VideoFolderDir
global LogErrorsToMsgbox global LogErrorsToMsgbox
global ErrorLogToDiscord
; global LogErrorsToTextFile ; global LogErrorsToTextFile
global CurrentSite global CurrentSite
global Driver global Driver
@ -105,12 +106,18 @@ FileInstall, Version.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini, 1
IniRead, ScriptVersion, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Version, 0.0 IniRead, ScriptVersion, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Version, 0.0
; IniRead, ScriptName, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Name, %ScriptSettingsSection% ; IniRead, ScriptName, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Name, %ScriptSettingsSection%
global ScriptName := "Livestream Scheduler" global ScriptName
global ScriptAbbreviatedName := "FLS" ; used for error logging ScriptName := "Freedomain Livestream Scheduler"
global ScriptAbbreviatedName
ScriptAbbreviatedName := "FLS" ; used for error logging
FullScriptName := ScriptName . " - " . ScriptVersion FullScriptName := ScriptName . " - " . ScriptVersion
global GitReleasesAPIURL
GitReleasesAPIURL =
; Read Info From Files ; Read Info From Files
@ -145,99 +152,172 @@ LivestreamThumbnail := ThumbnailJPGFilepath
if(FileExist(ThumbnailJPEGFilepath)) if(FileExist(ThumbnailJPEGFilepath))
LivestreamThumbnail := ThumbnailJPEGFilepath LivestreamThumbnail := ThumbnailJPEGFilepath
} }
; Read settings.ini
; ------------------------------------------------
IniRead, ConfirmBeforeSubmit, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ConfirmBeforeSubmit, 1
IniRead, AutoUpdateCheck, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, AutoUpdateCheck, 1
IniRead, ErrorLogToDiscord, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ErrorLogToDiscord, 1
; Discord
IniRead, DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordWebhookBotURL, %A_space%
if(DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL = ""){
Message = DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL is blank. `nWill not be able to post error messages or upload status to discord.`nPlease add discord webhook URL in settings.ini under: `n`n[General]`DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL=
; GUI Variables ; GUI Variables
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
IniRead, XPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, XPosition, 0
IniRead, YPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, YPosition, 0
GuiFontSize = 15
MarginSize := 10 MarginSize := 10
MarginSizeDoubled := MarginSize * 2 MarginSizeDoubled := MarginSize * 2
ButtonHeights := 30 ButtonHeights := 30
ThumbnailPreviewWidth := 200 ThumbnailPreviewWidth := 150
GuiHeight := 500
VerticalLineHeight := GuiHeight - 100
GuiHeight := 550
; Column One ; Column One
ColumnOneWidth := 500 ColumnOneWidth := 550
ColumnOneEditBoxWidth := ColumnOneWidth - (MarginSize * 2) ColumnOneEditBoxWidth := ColumnOneWidth - (MarginSize * 2)
GuiFontSize = 15 ColumnOneEditBoxHalfWidth := (ColumnOneEditBoxWidth / 2) + 5
; Column Two ; Column Two
ColumnTwoXPosition := ColumnOneWidth + (MarginSize * 2) ColumnTwoXPosition := ColumnOneWidth + (MarginSize * 2)
ColumnTwoVerticalLineXPosition := ColumnTwoXPosition - (MarginSize * 2)
ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth := 200 ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth := 200
ColumnTwoEditBoxHalfWidth := ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth / 2 ColumnTwoEditBoxHalfWidth := ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth / 2
; Column Three
ColumnThreeXPosition := ColumnTwoXPosition + ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth + (MarginSizeDoubled * 2)
ColumnThreeVerticalLineXPosition := ColumnThreeXPosition - (MarginSize * 2)
ColumnThreeEditBoxWidth := 180
GUIWidth := ColumnThreeXPosition + ColumnThreeEditBoxWidth + MarginSize
; Results Screen ; Results Screen
ResultButtonWidth := 250 ResultButtonWidth := 250
ResultButtonEditWidth := 250 ResultButtonEditWidth := 350
ResultButtonHeights := 30 ResultButtonHeights := 35
ResultButtonDoubleHeights := ResultButtonHeights * 2
ResultButtonAndEditWidth := ResultButtonWidth + ResultButtonEditWidth + MarginSize
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
Gui, Margin, %MarginSize%, %MarginSize%
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize% ; Gui Color, 0193C4
; Column One ; Column One
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Title Gui, Add, Text,x%MarginSize%, Title
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% vLivestreamTitle, %LivestreamTitle% Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSize% gPasteClipboardToEditBox vPasteClipboardToFLSTitle, Paste Clipboard
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,x%MarginSize% w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% vLivestreamTitle, %LivestreamTitle%
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Description Gui, Add, Text,, Description
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% h150 vLivestreamDescription, %LivestreamDescription% Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSize% gPasteClipboardToEditBox vPasteClipboardToFLSDescription, Paste Clipboard
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,x%MarginSize% w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% h200 vLivestreamDescription, %LivestreamDescription%
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Tags (Comma Seperated) Gui, Add, Text,, Tags (Comma Seperated)
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% vLivestreamTags, %LivestreamTags%
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSize% gPasteClipboardToEditBox vPasteClipboardToFLSTags, Paste Clipboard
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Text,, Thumbnail
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSize% yp-3 gSelectThumbnail, Select Gui, Add, Edit,x%MarginSize% w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% vLivestreamTags, %LivestreamTags%
Gui, Add, Picture, x%MarginSize% w%ThumbnailPreviewWidth% h-1 vThumbnailPreview, %LivestreamThumbnail%
; Buttons at Bottom of Page
; ------------------------------------------------
; Start with Column one and go across
ScheduleButtonWidths := 250
ScheduleButtonHeight := 55
ScheduleButtonHalfHeight := ScheduleButtonHeight / 2
Gui, add, Text, x0 y+%marginsizeDoubled% w%GUIWidth% 0x10
; Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% h150 vLivestreamDescription, This livestream is happening soon! Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% yp+%marginsizeDoubled% w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% h%ScheduleButtonHalfHeight% gLoadPrevious , Load Previous
Gui, Add, Button, y+0 w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% h%ScheduleButtonHalfHeight% gShowResultsScreen , Show Results
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% yp-%ScheduleButtonHalfHeight% w%ScheduleButtonWidths% h%ScheduleButtonHeight% gSaveAsTemplate, Save As Template
Gui, Add, Button,x+%marginsize% gSchedulePost h%ScheduleButtonHeight% w%ScheduleButtonWidths% gLoadTemplate, Load Template
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% gSchedulePost h%ScheduleButtonHeight% w%ScheduleButtonWidths% gSchedulePost, Schedule
; Column Two ; Column Two
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
Gui, add, text, x%ColumnTwoVerticalLineXPosition% y%marginSize% h%VerticalLineHeight% 0x11 ;Vertical Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize% Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text, , Settings ; Gui, Add, Text, , Thumbnail
Gui, Add, Text,y0 x%ColumnTwoXPosition%, Settings Gui, Add, GroupBox, r2.5 x%ColumnTwoXPosition% y%marginSize% vImageThumbnail w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth%,Thumbnail
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Font, s8 Gui, Add, Button, xp+120 yp-3 gSelectThumbnail, Select
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vConfirmBeforeSubmit checked, Confirm Before Submit ; Gui, Font, Normal
; Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Picture, x%ColumnTwoXPosition% y+%marginsize% w%ThumbnailPreviewWidth% h-1 vThumbnailPreview, %LivestreamThumbnail%
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize% Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text, , Settings Gui, Add, Text, x%ColumnTwoXPosition% yp+100 , Date and Time
Gui, Add, Text, y+%MarginSizeDoubled% , Date and Time
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, DateTime, vLivestreamDate w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth%, MM/dd/yyyy Gui, Add, DateTime, vLivestreamDate w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth%, MM/dd/yyyy
@ -253,23 +333,67 @@ Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,y+%MarginSizeDoubled% x%ColumnTwoXPosition%, Platforms Gui, Add, Text,y+%MarginSizeDoubled% x%ColumnTwoXPosition%, Platforms
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Font, s8
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% yp+5 gUncheckAllPlatforms, Uncheck All
; Gui, Add, Checkbox,, Dlive ; Gui, Add, Checkbox,, Dlive
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Checkbox,x%ColumnTwoXPosition% y+%marginsize% checked vOdysee, Odysee
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+%marginSize% yp+0 checked vLocals, Locals
Gui, Add, Checkbox,x%ColumnTwoXPosition% y+%marginsize% checked vRumble, Rumble
Gui, Font, S8
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+10 yp+5 Checked vInputRumbleCustomRTMP, Input RTMP
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vOdysee, Odysee Gui, add, text, x%ColumnThreeVerticalLineXPosition% y%marginSize% h%VerticalLineHeight% 0x11 ;Vertical Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vLocals, Locals
Gui, Add, Checkbox,checked vRumble, Rumble
; Column Three
; ------------------------------------------------
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% gSaveAsTemplate y+50, Save as Template Gui, Add, Text,y%MarginSize% x%ColumnThreeXPosition%, Settings
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% gLoadTemplate, Load Template
Gui, Font, s15 Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% h40, Schedule
Gui, Font, Normal Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAutoUpdateCheck Checked%AutoUpdateCheck%, Auto Update Check
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vErrorLogToDiscord Checked%ErrorLogToDiscord%, Error Log to Discord
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vConfirmBeforeSubmit checked%ConfirmBeforeSubmit%, Confirm Before Submit
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text, y+%MarginSizeDoubled% x%ColumnThreeXPosition%, System
Gui, Font, S10
Gui, Add, Button, cRed w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% center vUpdateAvailable gUpdateScript, %ScriptAbbreviatedName% Update Available!
Gui, Add, Button, w%ColumnThreeEditBoxWidth% center vUpdateAvailable gUpdateScript, %ScriptAbbreviatedName% Up-to-Date
Gui, Add, Button, cRed w%ColumnThreeEditBoxWidth% center vChromeUpdateAvailable gUpdateChrome,Chrome Update Available!
Gui, Add, Button, w%ColumnThreeEditBoxWidth% center vChromeUpdateAvailable gUpdateChrome, Chrome Up-to-Date
Gui, Add, Button, x%ColumnThreeXPosition% y+%MarginSize% w%ColumnThreeEditBoxWidth% center gOpenGiteaPage, Report Bug
Gui, Show, h%GuiHeight% w%GUIWidth% x%XPosition% y%YPosition%, %FullScriptName%
;---Check for Updates---
if(AutoUpdateCheck AND !UpdateAvailable){
SetTimer, CheckForUpdates, -1000
Gui, Show, h%GuiHeight%
Return Return
@ -283,12 +407,22 @@ Return
; Functions ; Functions
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
Gui, Submit, NoHide
SaveAsTemplate: SaveAsTemplate:
Gui, submit, NoHide ; Update variables for all modified fields Gui, submit, NoHide ; Update variables for all modified fields
@ -318,13 +452,20 @@ if(LivestreamThumbnail){ ; copy thumbnail into folder
Return Return
LoadTemplate: LoadTemplate:
Message = Loading Template
if(A_GuiControl = "Load Previous"){
ErrorLoggingDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\ErrorLogging
Message = Loading Previous Post
if(A_GuiControl = "Load Template"){
ErrorLoggingDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Templates-%ScriptAbbreviatedName%\
Message = Loading Template
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,DiscordErrorLogging")
ErrorLoggingDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Templates-%ScriptAbbreviatedName%\ ; ErrorLoggingDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Templates-%ScriptAbbreviatedName%\
FileSelectFolder, ErrorLoggingDirectory, %ErrorLoggingDirectory% FileSelectFolder, ErrorLoggingDirectory, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%
if(ErrorLevel){ if(ErrorLevel){
Tooltip Tooltip
@ -338,8 +479,8 @@ ExitApp
SelectThumbnail: SelectThumbnail:
FileSelectFile, LivestreamThumbnail, FileSelectFile, LivestreamThumbnail,
; Msgbox % "ThumbnailPreviewWidth: " ThumbnailPreviewWidth
GuiControl, , ThumbnailPreview, *w%ThumbnailPreviewWidth% *h-1 %LivestreamThumbnail% GuiControl, , ThumbnailPreview, *h130 *w-1 %LivestreamThumbnail%
Return Return
@ -349,6 +490,15 @@ Return
SchedulePost: SchedulePost:
Gui, submit, NoHide Gui, submit, NoHide
WinGetPos, XPosition, YPosition, , , A
; Save Settings.ini
; ------------------------------------------------
IniWrite, %ConfirmBeforeSubmit%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ConfirmBeforeSubmit
IniWrite, %AutoUpdateCheck%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, AutoUpdateCheck
IniWrite, %ErrorLogToDiscord%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ErrorLogToDiscord
IniWrite, %XPosition%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, XPosition
IniWrite, %YPosition%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, YPosition
; Re-use an existing errorlog or create new directory ; Re-use an existing errorlog or create new directory
@ -387,10 +537,16 @@ if(Rumble)
gosub, RumbleSchedule gosub, RumbleSchedule
gosub, RumbleSetRTMP
; msgbox, done! ; msgbox, done!
; Gui, Add, ; Gui, Add,
ToolTip ; hide any existing tooltips ToolTip ; hide any existing tooltips
Gui, Destroy Gui, Destroy
@ -413,35 +569,74 @@ IniRead, LocalsRTMPKey, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey, %A_Spa
IniRead, LocalsLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsLivestreamURL, %A_Space% IniRead, LocalsLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsLivestreamURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeLivestreamURL, %A_Space% IniRead, OdyseeLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeLivestreamURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeRTMPKey, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPKey, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeRTMPURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, RumbleLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleLivestreamURL, %A_Space% IniRead, RumbleLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleLivestreamURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, RumbleCustomRTMPs, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleCustomRTMPs, %A_Space%
Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize% Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button,x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Locals RTMP URL Gui, Add, Button,x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Copy Title
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% center gResultsGUIAction, Copy Description
Gui, add, text, x%MarginSize% y+%marginsize% w%ResultButtonAndEditWidth% 0x10 ;Horizontal Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Add, Button,x%MarginSize% yp+%marginsizeDoubled% h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Locals RTMP URL
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsRTMPURL center, %LocalsRTMPURL% Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsRTMPURL center, %LocalsRTMPURL%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Locals RTMP Key Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Locals RTMP Key
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsRTMPKey center, %LocalsRTMPKey% Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsRTMPKey gGUIUpdateVars center, %LocalsRTMPKey%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Locals URL Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Locals URL
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsLivestreamURL center, %LocalsLivestreamURL% Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsLivestreamURL gGUIUpdateVars center, %LocalsLivestreamURL%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Odysee RTMP URL
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vOdyseeRTMPURL gGUIUpdateVars center, %OdyseeRTMPURL%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Odysee RTMP Key
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vOdyseeRTMPKey gGUIUpdateVars center, %OdyseeRTMPKey%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Odysee URL Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Odysee URL
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vOdyseeLivestreamURL center, %OdyseeLivestreamURL% Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vOdyseeLivestreamURL gGUIUpdateVars center, %OdyseeLivestreamURL%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Rumble URL Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, Rumble URL
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vRumbleLivestreamURL center, %RumbleLivestreamURL% Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vRumbleLivestreamURL gGUIUpdateVars center, %RumbleLivestreamURL%
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gResultsGUIAction, RTMPs Updated on Rumble
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vRumbleCustomRTMPs gGUIUpdateVars center, %RumbleCustomRTMPs%
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth%
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% gResultsGUIAction ,Save Changes
Gui, add, text, x%MarginSize% y+%marginsize% w%ResultButtonAndEditWidth% 0x10 ;Horizontal Line > Etched Gray
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% yp+%marginsize% h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth% gStartSMP, Start SMP
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% gUpdateRedirects, Update M.M. Redirects
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth%
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% gRetryUpload ,Try Failed Again
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button, y%MarginSize% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% Center, Error Log
Gui, Font, s8
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, y+5 h450 w%ResultButtonEditWidth%, %ErrorLogVar%
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% gResultsGUIAction h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth%,Copy Title
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% gResultsGUIAction h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth%,Copy Description
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth%,
Gui, Add, Button, x+%marginsize% gRetryUpload h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth%,Try Failed Again
; Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% gRetryUpload h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth%,Try Failed Again ; Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSize% gRetryUpload h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth%,Try Failed Again
Gui, Show Gui, Show, x%XPosition% y%YPosition% w%GUIWidth%, %FullScriptName% - Results
Return Return
@ -449,9 +644,75 @@ Return
; GoSubs ; GoSubs
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
; IniWrite, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Filepaths, SMPFilepath
IniRead, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Filepaths, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %A_Space%
if(SocialMediaPosterFilepath = "" or !FileExist(SocialMediaPosterFilepath)){
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxSocialMediaPoster")
MsgBox 0x21, Filepath Not Found, Unable to find filepath for Social Media Poster`nWould you like to add it?
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox OK, {
FileSelectFile, SocialMediaPosterFilepath,,, Please Select Social Media Poster Filepath
if(!InStr(SocialMediaPosterFilepath, ".exe"))
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
IniWrite, %SocialMediaPosterFilepath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Filepaths, SocialMediaPosterFilepath
run, %SocialMediaPosterFilepath% %StatusFileFilePath%
gosub, MediaManagerUpdate
ResultsGUIAction: ResultsGUIAction:
; Msgbox % "A_GuiControl: " A_GuiControl ; Msgbox % "A_GuiControl: " A_GuiControl
if(A_GuiControl = "Open Post Folder"){
run, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%
if(A_GuiControl = "Save Changes"){
Message = Changes Saved Successfully
IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPURL
IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPKey%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey
IniWrite, %LocalsLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsLivestreamURL
IniWrite, %RumbleLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleLivestreamURL
IniWrite, %RumbleCustomRTMPs%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleCustomRTMPs
IniWrite, %OdyseeLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeLivestreamURL
IniWrite, %OdyseeRTMPURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPURL
IniWrite, %OdyseeRTMPKey%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPKey
sleep, 1000
Message = Copying %A_GuiControl% to Clipboard Message = Copying %A_GuiControl% to Clipboard
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip")
@ -470,6 +731,13 @@ if(A_GuiControl = "Rumble URL"){
if(A_GuiControl = "Odysee URL"){ if(A_GuiControl = "Odysee URL"){
Clipboard := OdyseeLivestreamURL Clipboard := OdyseeLivestreamURL
} }
if(A_GuiControl = "Odysee RTMP URL "){
Clipboard := OdyseeRTMPURL
if(A_GuiControl = "Odysee RTMP Key "){
Clipboard := OdyseeRTMPKey
if(A_GuiControl = "Locals URL"){ if(A_GuiControl = "Locals URL"){
Clipboard := LocalsLivestreamURL Clipboard := LocalsLivestreamURL
@ -483,6 +751,8 @@ if(A_GuiControl = "Locals RTMP Key"){
Clipboard := LocalsRTMPKey Clipboard := LocalsRTMPKey
} }
sleep, 1000 sleep, 1000
ToolTip ToolTip
Return Return
@ -506,6 +776,12 @@ Return
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Odysee-Schedule.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Odysee-Schedule.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Odysee-Grab-URL.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Odysee-Grab-URL.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Rumble-Schedule.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Rumble-Schedule.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Rumble-Set-RTMP.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Media-Manager-Update-Redirects.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Shared-GoTos.ahk
; Misc ; Misc

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 124a26c3b03e5f1292691909c20a116f64957955 Subproject commit cf56ae8136def874793895733d595349b20d9c19

@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ CheckForAlerts()
; Input Title and Description into Create a Livestream - First Screen ; Input Title and Description into Create a Livestream - First Screen
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
Xpath = //input[@id='title'] Xpath = //input[@id='title']
; try, driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).SendKeys("TEST STRINGHERE")
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=LivestreamTitle) Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=LivestreamTitle)
if(Status){ if(Status){
@ -96,6 +95,39 @@ try, driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).SendKeys(driver.Keys.BackSpace).SendKeys(d
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=LocalsLivestreamTime) Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=LocalsLivestreamTime)
; Upload Custom Thumbnail
; ------------------------------------------------
Message = Uploading Thumbnail
; this `label` element is a child of the thumbnail input element.
xpath = (//label[@id='photo-upload-btn'])[2]
; the element ID for input elements seems to change/be generated each time the page is generated
XpathIDForUploads := GetHTMLValueFromXpathOuterHTML(XPATH, "label for")
if(XpathIDForUploads = "Failed"){
Message = Failed to grab element needed for uploading thumbnail. Please attach thumbnail manually.
ThubmnailInputXpath = (//input[@id='%XpathIDForUploads%'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=ThubmnailInputXpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=Livestreamthumbnail)
Message = Failed to upload livestream thumbnail
Sleep, 2000
if(ConfirmBeforeSubmit){ if(ConfirmBeforeSubmit){
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxUserConfirmation") OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxUserConfirmation")
MsgBox 0x21, User Confirmation, Please check that all data was input correctly and fix any mistakes and then click PROCEED to finalize the Upload.`n`nClick STOP to cancel the rest of this Upload and move on to the next website. MsgBox 0x21, User Confirmation, Please check that all data was input correctly and fix any mistakes and then click PROCEED to finalize the Upload.`n`nClick STOP to cancel the rest of this Upload and move on to the next website.
@ -120,18 +152,23 @@ if(Status){
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
} }
LivestreamURL := GrabLocalsPostURLUsingTitle(LivestreamTitle) LocalsLivestreamURL := GrabLocalsPostURLUsingTitle(LivestreamTitle)
if(!InStr(LivestreamURL, "https")){ if(!InStr(LocalsLivestreamURL, "https")){
; If url was not grabbed. wait 1 minute, reload page and then try grabbing URL again ; If url was not grabbed. wait 1 minute, reload page and then try grabbing URL again
; @todo ; @todo
} }
; Navigate to the post
; Navigate to the Post and Grab the URL
; ------------------------------------------------
Message = Navigating to Livestream Page to grab RTMP Settings Message = Navigating to Livestream Page to grab RTMP Settings
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
try, driver.Get(LivestreamURL) ;Open selected URL try, driver.Get(LocalsLivestreamURL) ;Open selected URL
driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
@ -182,7 +219,7 @@ LocalsRTMPKey := GetHTMLValueFromXpathOuterHTML(XPATH, "value")
IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPURL IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPURL
IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPKey%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPKey%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey
IniWrite, %LivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LivestreamURL IniWrite, %LocalsLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsLivestreamURL
ToolTip ToolTip
Return Return

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
; ------------------------------------------------
CurrentSite := "Media Manager"
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Navigating to Website",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
IniRead, FDRRadioURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, FDRRadioURL, %A_Space%
if(FDRRadioURL = ""){
Message = FDRRadioURL is blank in Settings.ini. Please add it to the following location: [General]`nFDRRadioURL=
FDRRadioBaseURL := "https://" . ExtractBaseURL(FDRRadioURL)
FDRRadioURL := FDRRadioBaseURL . "/manage/"
Status := NavigateFromBaseURLTo(FDRRadioURL)
Message = Checking Login Status
Try, PageURL := driver.Url
if(InStr(PageURL, "/NotLoggedIn")){
Message = Logged out. Trying to log back in.
Xpath = (//span[contains(text(),'Login')])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
sleep, 1000
Try, PageURL := driver.Url
if(InStr(PageURL, "/NotLoggedIn")){
Message = Failed to log back in automatically. Please login and try again.
Message = Updating Redirect URLs
; URL for each redirect
LocalsLiveRedirectURL := FDRRadioBaseURL . "/manage/#/Redirects/Modify?redirectID=738"
RumbleLiveRedirectURL := FDRRadioBaseURL . "/manage/#/Redirects/Modify?redirectID=739"
OdyseeLiveRedirectURL := FDRRadioBaseURL . "/manage/#/Redirects/Modify?redirectID=742"
; read the url's from the status file
IniRead, LocalsLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsLivestreamURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, RumbleLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleLivestreamURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeLivestreamURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeLivestreamURL, %A_Space%
UpdateMediaManagerRedirect(LocalsLiveRedirectURL, LocalsLivestreamURL)
else, {
Message = LocalsLivestreamURL is blank. Skipping
UpdateMediaManagerRedirect(RumbleLiveRedirectURL, RumbleLivestreamURL)
else, {
Message = RumbleLivestreamURL is blank. Skipping
UpdateMediaManagerRedirect(OdyseeLiveRedirectURL, OdyseeLivestreamURL)
else, {
Message = OdyseeLivestreamURL is blank. Skipping
UpdateMediaManagerRedirect(MediaManagerRedirectPageURL, RedirectURL){
try, driver.Get(MediaManagerRedirectPageURL) ;Open selected URL
try, driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
Xpath = (//input[@id='destinationURL'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=RedirectURL, ClearElement := 1)
; Snippet to for check:
if (ConfirmBeforeSubmit && ConfirmBeforeSubmitMsgboxFunc() != true) {
Message = User Selected STOP button when asked for confirmation. Cancelling Rest of Site Upload.
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message, PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
; Save button
Xpath = (//span[contains(text(),'Save')])[1]
Status := Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click Save button
Sleep, 1000
Return "Success"

@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ OdyseeLivestreamSlug := "livestream-" . OdyseeLivestreamDate
OdyseeURLSLUG := LBRYCMDTextReplacement(OdyseeLivestreamSlug) OdyseeURLSLUG := LBRYCMDTextReplacement(OdyseeLivestreamSlug)
IniWrite, %OdyseeURLSLUG%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeURLSLUG IniWrite, %OdyseeURLSLUG%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeURLSLUG
Xpath = (//div[@class='form-field__prefix'])[1] /*Xpath = (//div[@class='form-field__prefix'])[1]
try OdyseeChannelURL := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text try OdyseeChannelURL := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
Message = Inputting Livestream Information Message = Inputting Livestream Information
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
@ -231,18 +232,85 @@ if(LivestreamThumbnail != ""){
Message = Submitting Livestream Message = Submitting Livestream
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
; Click Create Button in the confirmation popup ; Click Create Button at bottom of the screen
Xpath = //span[contains(text(),'Create')] Xpath = //span[contains(text(),'Create')]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=5,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=5,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click "Create" button at the bottom of page
sleep, 1000
; Click confirm button in the popup ; Click confirm button in the popup
Xpath = //button[@aria-label='Confirm']//span[@class='button__content'] Xpath = //span[contains(text(),'Confirm')]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=5,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=5,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click "Confirm" button in confirmation popup
OdyseeLivestreamURL := "https://" . OdyseeChannelURL . OdyseeURLSLUG IniRead, OdyseeChannelURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, OdyseeChannelURL, %A_Space%
; OdyseeURL := "https://" . OdyseeURL if(!OdyseeChannelURL){
OdyseeChannelURL := ""
IniWrite, %OdyseeChannelURL%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, OdyseeChannelURL
OdyseeLivestreamURL := OdyseeChannelURL . OdyseeURLSLUG
IniWrite, %OdyseeLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeLivestreamURL IniWrite, %OdyseeLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeLivestreamURL
; Grab RTMP Settings
Message = Waiting for Confirmation Screen to grab RTMP Settings
Xpath = (//span[contains(text(),'View Livestream Settings')])[1]
loop, 60 {
try, InnerText := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
if(InnerText = "View Livestream Settings"){
sleep, 1000
; click on the "View livestream Settings" button
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=5,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click on -View Livestream Settings- Button
; Grab the Stream URL and Key
Xpath = (//input[@name='stream-server'])[1]
loop, 5 {
Try OdyseeRTMPURL := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("value") ;Xpath Value
sleep, 1000
Xpath = (//input[@name='livestream-key'])[1]
Try OdyseeRTMPKey := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("value") ;Xpath Value
if(OdyseeRTMPKey = ""){
Message = Failed to grab Odysee RTMP Key. Page did not load?
IniWrite, %OdyseeRTMPURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPURL
IniWrite, %OdyseeRTMPKey%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPKey
Return Return

@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ Status := NavigateFromBaseURLTo("")
if(Status) if(Status)
Return Return
try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
CheckForAlerts() CheckForAlerts()
Message = Checking Login Status Message = Checking Login Status
@ -43,11 +40,14 @@ if(InStr(CurrentURL, "/sso/auth/consent")){
Message = Scheduling new stream and inputting information Message = Scheduling new stream and inputting information
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
; Schedule new stream
; Schedule a stream button ; Schedule a stream button
Xpath = //div[normalize-space()='Schedule a stream'] Xpath = //div[normalize-space()='Schedule a stream']
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click "Schedule a Stream" button. Livestream Already exists?
Xpath = (//h2[normalize-space()='Select a template (optional)']) Xpath = (//h2[normalize-space()='Select a template (optional)'])
try ElementInnerText := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text try ElementInnerText := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
@ -174,11 +174,37 @@ if(Status){
; Select each Secondary Platform checkbox ; Select each Secondary Platform checkbox
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
IniRead, RumbleSecondaryPlatformsList, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, RumbleSecondaryPlatformsList, %A_Space%
if(RumbleSecondaryPlatformsList = ""){
; if variable is empty, get all items in the list and write them to .ini file
Loop, 10 {
IndexPlusOne := A_index + 1
Xpath = (//div[@class='flex shrink-0 items-center gap-x-4'])[%A_index%]
XpathCheckbox = (//div[@class='relative shrink-0'])[%IndexPlusOne%]
try SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
if(SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName = "Add new destination" OR SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName = ""){
RumbleSecondaryPlatformsList .= SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName . "--"
IniWrite, %RumbleSecondaryPlatformsList%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, RumbleSecondaryPlatformsList
MsgBox 0x40, Rumble Secondary Platforms List Generated, Rumble Secondary Platforms List was genearted and all the available options were added to it.`n`nPlease edit the settings.ini file and remove any platforms you do not need selected from the follwoing KEY:`n`n[%ScriptSettingsSection%]`nRumbleSecondaryPlatformsList=
Loop, 10 { Loop, 10 {
IndexPlusOne := A_index + 1 IndexPlusOne := A_index + 1
Xpath = (//div[@class='flex shrink-0 items-center gap-x-4'])[%A_index%] Xpath = (//div[@class='flex shrink-0 items-center gap-x-4'])[%A_index%]
XpathCheckbox = (//div[@class='relative shrink-0'])[%IndexPlusOne%] XpathCheckbox = (//div[@class='relative shrink-0'])[%A_index%]
try SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text try SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
@ -187,6 +213,9 @@ Loop, 10 {
Break Break
} }
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=XpathCheckbox,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=XpathCheckbox,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
if(Status){ if(Status){
Message = Failed to check off the checkbox for: %SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName% Message = Failed to check off the checkbox for: %SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName%
@ -215,358 +244,77 @@ if(ConfirmBeforeSubmit){
*/ */
; click the "next" button to finalize the upload ; click the "next" button to finalize the upload
Xpath = (//button[@class='rounded-full px-6 py-2 bg-primary hover:brightness-[0.92] cursor-pointer'])[1] Xpath = (//span[normalize-space()='Next'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
if(Status){ if(Status){
Message = Failed to click "Next" to finalize the upload Message = Failed to click "Next" to finalize the upload
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
try, driver.get("")
Xpath = (//a[normalize-space()='Livestream Coming Soonish!'])[1]
; Try ElementOuterHTML := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("outerHTML") ;XPATH-ID & Tag
RumbleURLSlug := GetHTMLValueFromXpathOuterHTML(XPATH, "href")
if(RumbleURLSlug = "" or RumbleURLSlug = "Failed"){
Message = Failed to grab Rumble URL Slug from Livestreams Page
RumbleLivestreamURL := "" . RumbleURLSlug
IniWrite, %RumbleLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleLivestreamURL
try CurrentURL := driver.URL
if(InStr(CurrentURL, "/login.php")){
Message = Logging in Automatically by clicking into the UN+PW fields for info to register
; have to click into username and password field for page to register that there's input
; clicking with JS doesn't make it register, but with xpath selenium it does
Xpath = //input[@id='login-username']
Xpath = //input[@id='login-password']
js = document.querySelector("button[type='submit']").click();
; Do a double check to make sure that login worked
Message = Checking Login Status
try CurrentURL := driver.URL
if(!InStr(CurrentURL, "/upload")){
Message = Failed to log back in. Please Log Back In Manually
else, { ; notify user and return
Message = Login Expired. Please Log Back in
Message = Waiting 5 seconds for page to fully load
sleep, 5000
; CheckForAlerts()
Message = Uploading Video File
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
Xpath = //input[@id='Filedata']
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=VideoFilepath)
try, CurrentURL := GetCurrentTabURlBase()
Message = Failed to Upload Video File`nCurrent Tab URL: %CurrentURL%
Return Return
} }
; Input Title Message = Waiting 15 seconds before Navigating to Rumble and Grabbing Livestream URL
try driver.findElementsByName("title").item[1].SendKeys(VideoTitle) ;selects element based on Name and sends variable to it. SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
catch e { sleep, 15000
Message = Video Upload Failed, Please Check Login Status
; Input Description
Loop, 5 { ; Attempt to input video description a couple of times
TooltipThis("Inputting Description `nAttempt Number: " A_index)
status := js_SendAndCheckWithID(Element:="description",ValueToCheck:="value",SleepLength:=3000,JSStringText:=JSVideoDescription)
/* if(A_index = 5){
Clipboard := VideoDescription
Message = Unable to Input Video Description`nDescription copied to clipboard, please paste it in at your earliest convenience.
js = document.getElementsByName('description')[1].value = "%JSVideoDescription%"; ; Send content through javascript (Great for getting around emoji chrome limitaitons)
try driver.executeScript(js) ;Executes a Javascript on the webpage, mostly used for buttons.
try Description := driver.findElementsByName("description").item[2].Attribute("value") ;XPath: ID=site-title & span tag
if(Description != "")
sleep, 2000
; sleep, 5000
Message = Selecting Channel
; try driver.findElementsByID("channelId").item[1].click()
; @todo replace with regex
js = return document.querySelector("#channelId").innerHTML;
try, ChannelIDNumber := driver.executeScript(js)
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
ChannelIDNumber := StrSplit(ChannelIDNumber, "option value=")
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
ChannelIDNumber := ChannelIDNumber[3]
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
SingleQuote = "
ChannelIDNumber := StrSplit(ChannelIDNumber, "data-private")
ChannelIDNumber := ChannelIDNumber[1]
ChannelIDNumber := StrReplace(ChannelIDNumber, SingleQuote, "")
ChannelIDNumber := StrReplace(ChannelIDNumber, " ", "")
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
; js = return document.querySelector("#channelId").value;
; try, ChannelIDNumber := driver.executeScript(js)
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
if(ChannelIDNumber = ""){
Message = ChannelIDNumber is blank. Unable to select Upload Channel
ChannelIDNumber = 6070526 ; freedomain
; ChannelIDNumber = 762377 ; personal
Xpath = //option[@value='%ChannelIDNumber%'] try, driver.get("")
try driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).click()
catch e { catch e {
Message = Failed to click on Channel using %ChannelIDNumber%. Message = Failed to Navigate to
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
Return Return
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
} }
try, driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
; Input Tags Xpath = (//span[@class='video-info-status recorder'])[1]
Message = Inputting Tags
try driver.findElementsByName("tags").item[1].SendKeys(VideoTags) ;selects element based on Name and sends variable to it.
; Custom Thumbnail Loop, 5 {
if(VideoThumbFilepath != "") { if(A_index = 5){
TooltipThis("Uploading Thumbnail") Message = Failed to grab livestream URL. `nAfter 5 checks the top livestream is still not in -Waiting for Stream- status.
Xpath = //input[@name='customThumb']
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=VideoThumbFilepath)
Message = Failed to Upload Thumbanil
; @todo: Add a check to see if progress gets stuck
; Check Upload Percentage
TooltipThis("Waiting for Video to Finish Uploading")
Loop, %Number_of_loops_to_Check_Upload_status% {
sleep, %Time_Between_Loops_Upload_Status%
jscheck = return document.getElementsByClassName('num_percent')[0].textContent;
try RumbleUploadPercent := driver.executeScript(jsCheck)
; try RumbleUploadPercent := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("textContent")
RumbleUploadPercent := StrSplit(RumbleUploadPercent, " ")
RumbleUploadPercent := RumbleUploadPercent[1]
if(InStr(RumbleUploadPercent, "100%")) ; once variable contains 100%, then we can break out of loop and continue
Status := Check_For_Stuck_Video_Upload(A_index, RumbleUploadPercent)
if(Status = "Failed")
; if(HasVal(Array_Index_Num_of_Upload_StatusChecks, A_index)) { ; 30 minutes and 60 minutes - send a notification message
; Message = Upload Progress: %RumbleUploadPercent%
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
; }
; Msgbox % "RumbleUploadPercent: " RumbleUploadPercent
; Click on one of the video thumbnail options first
; Seems to be a bug on rumble, in order to be able to select a custom thumb through js, gotta select on of the generated ones first.
; Xpath = /html/body/main/div/div/div/section/form[1]/div/div[2]/div[3]/a[2] ; thumbnail option #3
; try driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).click() ;Clicks on Xpath based on variable.
js = document.getElementById('customThumb').click();
driver.executeScript(js) ;Executes a Javascript on the webpage, mostly used for buttons.
Status := InputFilePathIntoOpenWindow(VideoThumbFilepath)
Message = Upload Failed:`nUnable to Find "Open File" window to input filepath into
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
Return Return
} }
*/ try StreamStatus := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
if(StreamStatus != "Waiting for Stream"){
Message = First Livestream on the list is not in -Waiting for Stream- status.`nWaiting 30 seconds and checking again.
sleep, 30000
try, driver.executeScript("history.go(0)") ;refresh page
try, driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
} }
if(ConfirmBeforeSubmit) Xpath = (//h2[@class='video-title'])[1]
msgbox, Please check that all data was input correctly and then click OK to Publish Video
try UploadPageURL := driver.URL
; Submit Button RumbleURLSlug := GetHTMLValueFromXpathOuterHTML(XPATH, "href")
js = document.getElementById('submitForm').click(); if(RumbleURLSlug = "" or RumbleURLSlug = "Failed"){
try driver.executeScript(js) ; Message = Failed to grab Rumble URL Slug from Livestreams Page
try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding }
RumbleLivestreamURL := "" . RumbleURLSlug
; Select Rumble Only Licensing IniWrite, %RumbleLivestreamURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleLivestreamURL
js = document.getElementsByClassName('greenLink mRight last')[0].click(); ; Send content through javascript (Great for getting around emoji chrome limitaitons)
try driver.executeScript(js) ;Executes a Javascript on the webpage, mostly used for buttons.
; Check off condition 1
js = document.getElementById("crights").click()
try driver.executeScript(js)
; Check off condition 2 return
js = document.getElementById("cterms").click()
try driver.executeScript(js)
; Click the Submit Button
js = document.getElementById("submitForm2").click()
try driver.executeScript(js)
; Loop until able to grab the direct link from the result page.
Loop, 24 {
TooltipThis("Waiting for Result Page to load to grab Video URL")
Sleep, 5000
js = return document.getElementById("error_files_2").textContent;
RumbleError := driver.executeScript(js) ;Executes a Javascript on the webpage, mostly used for buttons.
if(RumbleError != "") {
Message = Rumble Upload Failed due to:`n%RumbleError%
js = return document.getElementById('direct').value;
try RumbleURL := driver.executeScript(js) ;Executes a Javascript on the webpage, mostly used for buttons.
/* try RumbleURL := driver.findElementsByID("direct").item[1].Attribute("value") ;grab Direct Link from the result page
catch e { ; if not able to grab it, then sleep for 5 seconds and then loop again
if(RumbleURL != ""){ ; If URL is grabbed from result page, then kick out of loop
if(A_Index = 10) ; if looped for 5 minutes and still no URL grabbed
{ ; @todo: add error check if submit button clicked and error appears
Xpath = /html/body/main/div/div/div/section/form[2]/div/div[9] ; grab inner content of where error usually appears.
try RumbleUploadError := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ; Grabb innertext
; Msgbox % "UseThumbUploadToolTextExist: " UseThumbUploadToolTextExist
Message = Upload Error (E#1341)`nVideo Uploaded but not able to be finalized.`nPlease fix the issue and click the final submit button. `nError: %RumbleUploadError%
IniWrite, %RumbleURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, RumbleURL
Message = Upload Complete: %RumbleURL%

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
CurrentSite := "Rumble Studio"
Status := NavigateFromBaseURLTo("")
try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
Message = Inputting Custom RTMP Settings into Rumble Studio
IniRead, LocalsRTMPURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, LocalsRTMPKey, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeRTMPKey, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPKey, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeRTMPURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,OdyseeRTMPURL, %A_Space%
if(LocalsRTMPURL = ""){
Message = Skipping. No LocalsRTMPURL in Status.ini file
if(OdyseeRTMPURL = ""){
Message = Skipping. No OdyseeRTMPURL in Status.ini file
Loop, 10 {
; IndexPlusOne := A_index + 1
IndexMinusOne := A_index - 1
Xpath = (//div[@class='flex shrink-0 items-center gap-x-4'])[%A_index%]
XpathCheckbox = (//img[@alt='More options'])[%IndexMinusOne%]
try SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
if(SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName = "LOCALS RTMP USE" OR SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName = "ODYSEE RTMP"){
if(SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName = "LOCALS RTMP USE"){
SiteRTMPKey := LocalsRTMPKey
if(SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName = "ODYSEE RTMP"){
SiteRTMPKey := OdyseeRTMPKey
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=XpathCheckbox,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click into 3 dot menu for %SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName%
; click Edit RTMP in the popup menu
Xpath = (//span[normalize-space()='Edit RTMP'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to click into 3 dot menu for %SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName%
; Input New RTMP Info
XpathRTMP = (//input[@placeholder='Enter the RTMP URL'])[1]
XpathStreamkey = (//input[@placeholder='Enter the stream key'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=XpathRTMP,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=SiteRTMPURL,ClearElement:=1)
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=XpathStreamkey,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=SiteRTMPKey,ClearElement:=1)
; click save button
Xpath = (//button[@class='rounded-full block px-6 py-2 bg-primary hover:brightness-[0.92] cursor-pointer'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed to Click Save Button for %SecondaryPlatformCheckboxName% modified RMTP Settings
RumbleCustomRTMPs := "Success"
IniWrite, %RumbleCustomRTMPs%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,RumbleCustomRTMPs

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
# Freedomain-Livestream-Scheduler # Freedomain-Livestream-Scheduler
Livestream Scheduler written for the [Freedomain Philosophy Show]( Livestream Scheduler written for the [Freedomain Philosophy Show](
![Alt text](Assets/Preview.png "Screenshot of Main Window")
## Features
Automated scheduling of livestreams on the following platforms using Selenium Chrome automation.
* Odysee
* Locals
* Rumble
- The RTMP information from each platform will be grabbed at the end of the schedule and then input into Rumble Studio for Livestreaming.

Binary file not shown.