GUI rework, feature expansions

main 1.0
Yuriy 5 months ago
parent 1b6c9939e5
commit f807b99ecc

@ -12,8 +12,27 @@ CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
;#NoTrayIcon ;#NoTrayIcon
; Customize the Toolbar Icon Menu
; ------------------------------------------------
Menu, tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, KillScript
Menu, Tray, Add, Pause, PauseScript
; Menu, Tray, Add, Show Results, DisplayResults
Menu, Tray, Add, Schedule New Livestream, ReloadScript
Menu, Tray, Add, Restart with Last Item, RetryUpload
Menu, Tray, Default, Restart with Last Item
; Notes/Extra Info/#Includes ; Notes/Extra Info/#Includes
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
PassedInArgument = %1%
; Check if Update was just installed and delete the old .exe if so
; Included Files and Libraries ; Included Files and Libraries
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
@ -29,7 +48,7 @@ CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
#include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\StdOutToVar.ahk #include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\StdOutToVar.ahk
#include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Zip.ahk #include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Zip.ahk
#include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\URLDownloadToVar.ahk #include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\URLDownloadToVar.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Miscellaneous-Functions.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Miscellaneous-Functions.ahk
@ -43,14 +62,9 @@ CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
global ScriptNameav global ScriptNameav
global ScriptVersion global ScriptVersion
global FullScriptName global FullScriptName
global LBRYResolveAPICommand global PostStatusesFilepath
global LBRYPermanentURL global ErrorLoggingDirectory
global VideoTitle
global VideoFilepath
global VideoThumbFilepath
global VideoTags
global VideoDescription
global SocialMediaDescription
global DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL global DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL
global DiscordVideosWebhookURL global DiscordVideosWebhookURL
global VideoFolderDir global VideoFolderDir
@ -88,37 +102,162 @@ ScriptSettingsSection := "Livestream-Scheduler"
FileInstall, Version.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini, 1 FileInstall, Version.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini, 1
IniRead, ScriptVersion, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Version, 0.0 IniRead, ScriptVersion, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Version, 0.0
IniRead, ScriptName, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Name, %ScriptSettingsSection% ; IniRead, ScriptName, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,%ScriptSettingsSection%, Name, %ScriptSettingsSection%
global ScriptName := "Livestream Scheduler"
global ScriptAbbreviatedName := "FLS" ; used for error logging
FullScriptName := ScriptName . " - " . ScriptVersion FullScriptName := ScriptName . " - " . ScriptVersion
; Read Info From Files
; ------------------------------------------------
; For Templates and re-trying a failed previous run
if(StrLen(PassedInArgument) > 5 and !InStr(PassedInArgument, ".exe")){
/*FileAppend, %LivestreamTitle%, %PostTitleFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
FileAppend, %LivestreamDescription%, %PostBodyFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
FileAppend, %LivestreamTags%, %PostTagsFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
if(LivestreamThumbnail){ ; copy thumbnail into folder
SplitPath, LivestreamThumbnail, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
FileCopy, %LivestreamThumbnail%, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%\Thumbnail.%OutExtension%
TemplateDirectory := PassedInArgument
FileRead, LivestreamTitle, %TemplateDirectory%\PostTitle.txt
FileRead, LivestreamDescription, %TemplateDirectory%\PostBody.txt
FileRead, LivestreamTags, %TemplateDirectory%\PostTags.txt
ThumbnailPNGFilepath = %TemplateDirectory%\Thumbnail.png
ThumbnailJPGFilepath = %TemplateDirectory%\Thumbnail.jpg
ThumbnailJPEGFilepath = %TemplateDirectory%\Thumbnail.jpg
LivestreamThumbnail := ThumbnailPNGFilepath
LivestreamThumbnail := ThumbnailJPGFilepath
LivestreamThumbnail := ThumbnailJPEGFilepath
; GUI Variables ; GUI Variables
; ------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------
GUIEditBoxWidths := 600 MarginSize := 10
MarginSizeDoubled := MarginSize * 2
ButtonHeights := 30
ThumbnailPreviewWidth := 200
; MAIN SCRIPT GuiHeight := 450
; Column One
ColumnOneWidth := 400
ColumnOneEditBoxWidth := ColumnOneWidth - (MarginSize * 2)
GuiFontSize = 10
; Column Two
ColumnTwoXPosition := ColumnOneWidth + (MarginSize * 2)
ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth := 200
; Results Screen
ResultButtonWidth := 150
ResultButtonEditWidth := 250
ResultButtonHeights := 30
; ------------------------------------------------
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
; Column One
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
Gui, Font, S15
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Title Gui, Add, Text,, Title
Gui, Add, Edit,w%GUIEditBoxWidths% vLivestreamTitle, We are going to have a livestream! Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% vLivestreamTitle, %LivestreamTitle%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Description Gui, Add, Text,, Description
Gui, Add, Edit,w%GUIEditBoxWidths% h200 vLivestreamDescription, This livestream is happening soon! Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% h150 vLivestreamDescription, %LivestreamDescription%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Tags
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% vLivestreamTags, %LivestreamTags%
Gui, Add, Text,, Date and Time of Livestream
Gui, Add, DateTime, vLivestreamDate, MM/dd/yyyy
Gui, Add, DateTime, vLivestreamTime, HH:mm
Gui, Add, Text,, Websites
Gui, Add, Checkbox,, Dlive Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Checkbox,, Locals Gui, Add, Text,, Thumbnail
Gui, Add, Checkbox,, Odysee Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost, Schedule Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSize% yp-3 gSelectThumbnail, Select
Gui, Add, Picture, x%MarginSize% w%ThumbnailPreviewWidth% h-1 vThumbnailPreview, %LivestreamThumbnail%
Gui, Show
; Gui, Add, Edit,w%ColumnOneEditBoxWidth% h150 vLivestreamDescription, This livestream is happening soon!
; Column Two
; ------------------------------------------------
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text, , Settings
Gui, Add, Text,y0 x%ColumnTwoXPosition%, Settings
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vConfirmBeforeSubmit checked, Confirm Before Submit
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text, , Settings
Gui, Add, Text, y+%MarginSizeDoubled%, Date and Time of Livestream
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, DateTime, vLivestreamDate w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth%, MM/dd/yyyy
Gui, Add, DateTime, vLivestreamTime w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth%, HH:mm
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,y+%MarginSizeDoubled%, Platform to Schedule On
Gui, Font, Normal
; Gui, Add, Checkbox,, Dlive
Gui, Add, Checkbox, checked vLocals, Locals
; Gui, Add, Checkbox,checked vOdysee, Odysee
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% y+100 gSaveAsTemplate, Save as Template
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% gLoadTemplate, Load Template
Gui, Font, s15
Gui, Add, Button,gSchedulePost w%ColumnTwoEditBoxWidth% h40 y+50, Schedule
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Show, h%GuiHeight%
Return Return
@ -130,27 +269,159 @@ Return
; Functions ; Functions
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
Gui, submit, NoHide ; Update variables for all modified fields
TemplateDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Templates
FileCreateDir, %TemplateDirectory%
InputBox, TemplateName, Input Name, Please Input Name for the Template:
TemplateDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Templates\%TemplateName%
ErrorLoggingDirectory := TemplateDirectory
; FileCreateDir, %TemplateDirectory%
; Save all the post settings to the Error Logging Directory
FileAppend, %LivestreamTitle%, %PostTitleFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
FileAppend, %LivestreamDescription%, %PostBodyFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
FileAppend, %LivestreamTags%, %PostTagsFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
if(LivestreamThumbnail){ ; copy thumbnail into folder
SplitPath, LivestreamThumbnail, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
FileCopy, %LivestreamThumbnail%, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%\Thumbnail.%OutExtension%
Message = Loading Template
ErrorLoggingDirectory = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Templates\
FileSelectFolder, ErrorLoggingDirectory, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "%ErrorLoggingDirectory%"
FileSelectFile, LivestreamThumbnail,
GuiControl, , ThumbnailPreview, *w%ThumbnailPreviewWidth% *h-1 %LivestreamThumbnail%
SchedulePost: SchedulePost:
Gui, submit, NoHide Gui, submit, NoHide
; Re-use an existing errorlog or create new directory
if(InStr(PassedInArgument, "\ErrorLogging\"))
else, {
; Save all the post settings to the Error Logging Directory
FileAppend, %LivestreamTitle%, %PostTitleFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
FileAppend, %LivestreamDescription%, %PostBodyFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
FileAppend, %LivestreamTags%, %PostTagsFilePath% ; save post content to txt file
if(LivestreamThumbnail){ ; copy thumbnail into folder
SplitPath, LivestreamThumbnail, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
FileCopy, %LivestreamThumbnail%, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%\Thumbnail.%OutExtension%
; #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Rumble-Schedule.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Locals-Schedule.ahk if(Odysee){
Gosub, OdyseeSchedule
Gosub, LocalsSchedule
; msgbox, done!
; Gui, Add,
Gui, Destroy
msgbox, done!
; Results Screen
; ------------------------------------------------
IniRead, LocalsRTMPURL, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, LocalsRTMPKey, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey, %A_Space%
; IniRead, OutputVar, Filename, Section, Key [, Default]
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth%, Locals RTMP Key
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsRTMPKey center, %LocalsRTMPKey%
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonWidth%, Locals RTMP URL
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ResultButtonHeights% w%ResultButtonEditWidth% vLocalsRTMPURL center, %LocalsRTMPURL%
Gui, Add, Button, gRetryUpload,Try Failed Again
Gui, Show
Return Return
; GoSubs
; ------------------------------------------------
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Locals-Schedule.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Odysee-Schedule.ahk
; Misc ; Misc
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5671242faff9800cf19672c738f6adf58b9af06b Subproject commit b8ffb10db187c70219c594ddfe7cdebc6885d552

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
LocalsSchedule: LocalsSchedule:
;------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------
CurrentSite := "Locals" CurrentSite := "Locals"
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Scheduling Post in Locals",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Scheduling Post",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
IniRead, LocalsPostPageURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LocalsPostPageURL, %A_Space% IniRead, LocalsPostPageURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LocalsPostPageURL, %A_Space%
if(LocalsPostPageURL = ""){ if(LocalsPostPageURL = ""){
@ -21,7 +23,6 @@ Status := NavigateFromBaseURLTo(LocalsPostPageURL)
if(Status) if(Status)
Return Return
try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
CheckForAlerts() CheckForAlerts()
@ -89,6 +90,10 @@ try, driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).SendKeys(driver.Keys.BackSpace).SendKeys(d
Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=LocalsLivestreamTime) Status := Selenium_LoopToSendValueToXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000,StringTextContent:=LocalsLivestreamTime)
msgbox, Please check that all data was input correctly and then click OK to Finalize Schedule and grab RTMP Settings
; click schedule button ; click schedule button
Xpath = //span[normalize-space()='Schedule'] Xpath = //span[normalize-space()='Schedule']
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
@ -118,13 +123,26 @@ Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000
if(Status){ if(Status){
Message = Failed to switch Livestream to RTMP mode Message = Failed to switch Livestream to RTMP mode
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
} }
Message = Waiting 5 seconds for Page to catch up
sleep, 5000
; Open Stream Settings Popup Window ; Open Stream Settings Popup Window
Xpath = //button[normalize-space()='Stream Settings'] Xpath = //button[normalize-space()='Stream Settings']
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000) Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=5,SleepLength:=1000)
Message = Failed grab RTMP Settings. Unable to click the Stream Settings button.
Message = Waiting 5 seconds for Page to catch up
sleep, 5000
; Get RTMP Values from the popup ; Get RTMP Values from the popup
@ -137,27 +155,14 @@ try, LocalsRTMPKey := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("value")
Xpath = //div[@class='modal-wrapper modal-wrapper_stream']//div[5] Xpath = //div[@class='modal-wrapper modal-wrapper_stream']//div[5]
; Try ElementOuterHTML := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("outerHTML") ;XPATH-ID & Tag
; Pull Out the RTMPKey from the OuterHTML using RegEx ; Pull Out the RTMPKey from the OuterHTML using RegEx
RTMPKey := GetHTMLValueFromXpathOuterHTML(XPATH, "value") LocalsRTMPKey := GetHTMLValueFromXpathOuterHTML(XPATH, "value")
Msgbox % "RTMPKey: " RTMPKey
regexMatch := RegExMatch(ElementOuterHTML, "value=""([^""]+)""", match)
if (regexMatch)
LocalsRTMPKey := match1
else {
Message = Failed to Pull out RTMPKey from OuterHTML of RTMPKey Element
; Msgbox % "LocalsRTMPURL: " LocalsRTMPURL
; Msgbox % "LocalsRTMPKey: " LocalsRTMPKey
; Msgbox % "PostStatusesFilepath: " PostStatusesFilepath
IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPURL%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPURL
IniWrite, %LocalsRTMPKey%, %PostStatusesFilepath%, Livestream,LocalsRTMPKey
Return Return

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
CurrentSite := "Odysee"
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Scheduling Post",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
Status := NavigateFromBaseURLTo("$/livestream")
try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding
; Check Login Status
Try, PageURL := driver.Url
if(InStr(PageURL, "/signup")){
Message = Website is logged out. Please log back in.