136 lines
4.8 KiB
136 lines
4.8 KiB
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
;DetectHiddenWindows, On
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;SetKeyDelay, 500
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_scriptDir%\Assets\LBRY-Process-Killer.ico
;---Notes/Extra Info/#Includes------------------------------------------------------
global DiscordWebhookBotURL
PassedParameter = %1%
if(PassedParameter = "Kill")
IniRead, DiscordWebhookBotURL, %A_scriptDir%\..\Settings.ini, General, DiscordWebhookBotURL, %A_Space%
if(DiscordWebhookBotURL = ""){
; msgbox, Unable to Read Settings.ini for DiscordWebhookBotURL.`nProgram will not be able to post seed status to Discord
; ExitApp
;---MAIN SCRIPT---------------------------------------------------------------------
lbrynetlog_FP = C:\Users\%A_Username%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\lbrynet.log
Message = lbrynet.log not found in the usual location. `nPlease submit issue on gitea to add functionality for custom locations.`nClick OK to open gitea page.
msgbox % Message
run, https://git.zinchuk.xyz/yuriy/LBRY-Process-Killer
FileRead, lbrynetlogContents, C:\Users\%A_Username%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\lbrynet.log
if(lbrynetlogContents = ""){
Message = LBRYNet.log exists at normal location, but is currently empty. `nPlease submit issue on gitea about this error message `nClick OK to open gitea page and exit.
msgbox % Message
run, https://git.zinchuk.xyz/yuriy/LBRY-Process-Killer
; Msgbox % "lbrynetlogContents: " lbrynetlogContents
LogContentsArray := StrSplit(lbrynetlogContents, "`n")
OriginalArrayLenght := LogContentsArray.Length() ; Save total number of items in the array
Loop, 45 { ; 3.75 hours, if not complete by this time then exit
sleep, 300000 ; 5 minutes
; sleep, 60000
if(A_index = 6 OR A_index = 12 OR A_index = 24 OR A_index = 36 OR A_index = 48){ ; 30, 60, 120 minutes
Message = LBRY: Still waiting for Video to finish Uploading to Reflectors
FileRead, lbrynetlogContents, C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\lbrynet.log
UpdatedLogContentsArray := StrSplit(lbrynetlogContents, "`n")
ArrayLenght := UpdatedLogContentsArray.Length() ; Count number of individual rows
Loop, %ArrayLenght% {
if(A_index < %OriginalArrayLenght%)
Continue ; Skip all lines that that were present in the original .log
CurrentLineContents := UpdatedLogContentsArray[A_index]
if(InStr(CurrentLineContents, "Finished sending reflector")){ ; Upload Complete Text on lbrylog
SeedingComplete := 1 ; mark seeding as complete and go to next loop
OriginalArrayLenght := A_index ; set variable to equal this loop number. So all lines up to this one get skipped next loop round
if(InStr(CurrentLineContents, "Sent reflector blob")){ ; Means "Still Uploading" in LBRY API
SeedingComplete := 0 ; mark seeding as incomplete as there is still an upload in progress
Process, Close, LBRY.exe ; terminate LBRY if it's running
Message = LBRY: Video Finished Seeding to Reflectors. LBRY Process Killed.
; Need to transform the message into a json string:
FormatTime, CurrentTime, YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, hh:mm
; Message := "-----------" . CurrentTime . "-----------" . "`n" . Message ; add a ------- to the top of the message to help split them up visually on discord
; Escape Backslashes
Message := StrReplace(Message, "", "\/")
; Escape quotation marks
SingleQuotationmark = "
ReplacedQuote = \"
Message := StrReplace(Message, SingleQuotationmark, ReplacedQuote)
; Escape New Character
Message := StrReplace(Message, "`n", "\n")
; Convert into json string
"content": "%Message%"
try WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
try WebRequest.Open("POST", DiscordWebhookBotURL, false)
try WebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
try WebRequest.Send(JsonString)