You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
video-uploader/Freedomain Video Uploader.ahk

2069 lines
73 KiB

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
FileEncoding, UTF-8-RAW ; Needed for special symbols that are used in video descritions
if(InStr(A_ScriptFullPath, ".ahk")){
try Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\Assets\FreedomainVideo.ico
PassedParameter = %1%
; Add menus to the toolbar icon
Menu, tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, KillScript
Menu, Tray, Add, Pause, PauseScript
Menu, Tray, Add, Open New Project, ReloadScript
; Menu, Tray, Add, Restart to Last Project Upload Results, ReloadToResults ; @todo fix this as it currently just loads the last project
Menu, Tray, Add, Restart with Last Project, RetryUpload
Menu, Tray, Default, Restart with Last Project
global ScriptName
global ScriptVersion
global FullScriptName
ScriptName = Freedomain Video Uploader
ScriptVersion = 3.20
FullScriptName := ScriptName . " - " . ScriptVersion
; UStartTime := A_TickCount ; start time
; Included Files - These have to be included at the top for the Global variables to get registered early?
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\General-Functions.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Selenium-Functions.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Chrome-Functions.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Gitea-Functions.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\API-Functions.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\JSON.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\RunCMD.ahk
#include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\StdOutToVar.ahk
; @todo: Update Locals Share link grabbing
; @todo: finish show results functionality on line 430
; @todo: fix uploader saying there's been failures b/c there was no lbry audio upload
; @todo: finish telegram multi-message split functionality.
; @todo: add different icon when update is available
; @todo: fix telegram post getting cut off if too long instead of splitting into 2
; @todo: fix ping always saying that there was failures
; @todo: let user make last minute changes to text before submitting to telegram and discord
; @todo: replace all .Attribute("innerText") with js
; @todo: Fix locals not grabbing url if a post is pinned
; @todo: Add an input box for sources in the new frontend
; @todo: Fix bitchute title getting input twice
; @todo: Add login check for each website and ability to auto login
; @todo: ; add to statistics in statusbar - length of philosophy uploaded... total hours uploaded?
; @todo: add support for
; @todo: Bitchute has a 5k char limit for description as well. split description to remove reocurring bits and Add link if still not big enough
; @todo: Split long discord/telegram messages into multiple messages
; @todo: Redo Discord posting with "PostErrors" function from social media poster
; @todo: Save updates made to GUi text to .ini file on changes
; @todo: add a SaveDriverURL() next to each RETURN in the code so reusable tabs can be grouped together
;---Global Variables---
global LBRYResolveAPICommand
global LBRYPermanentURL
global VideoTitle
global VideoFilepath
global VideoThumbFilepath
global VideoTags
global VideoDescription
global SocialMediaDescription
global DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL
global DiscordVideosWebhookURL
global VideoFolderDir
global LogErrorsToMsgbox
; global LogErrorsToTextFile
global CurrentSite
global Driver
global DriverStatus
global ChromeProfile
global ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus
global ShowTooltipProgress
global ErrorLogSummary
global DiscordParlerWebhookURL
global ErrorLoggingFilePath
; global TotalTabLoops
global ErrorLogVar
ErrorLogVar :=
global ReuseTabs ; reuse tabs variable
global DevMode
global LBRYNetFilepath
LBRYNetFilepath := "C:\Program Files\LBRY\resources\static\daemon\lbrynet.exe"
global Number_of_loops_to_Check_Upload_status
Number_of_loops_to_Check_Upload_status = 720
; 720 loops, at 5 seonds each = 3600 seconds (60 mins)
; number of seconds to wait between loops when checking video upload status
global Time_Between_Loops_Upload_Status
Time_Between_Loops_Upload_Status = 5000
; loop Index number to check if video is stuck uploading
global Array_Index_Num_of_Upload_StatusChecks
Array_Index_Num_of_Upload_StatusChecks := [144,288,432, 576,720,864]
; loop number that discord message gets sent off at to track upload progress
; 144 x 5 seconds = 12 minutes
; Check if Lib folder exists and create it if not
LibFolder := A_ScriptDir . "\Lib"
ErrorLoggingFolder := A_ScriptDir . "\Lib\ErrorLogging"
FileCreateDir, %ErrorLoggingFolder%
; Set filepaths for different files and folders
global SettingsIniFilepath
SettingsIniFilepath := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings.ini"
global ChangelogIniFilepath
ChangelogIniFilepath := A_ScriptDir . "\Lib\FreedomScriptsChangelogINI"
global ScriptSettingsSection
ScriptSettingsSection := "VideoUploader"
;---Script Settings---
; Checkbox Settings
IniRead, ShowTooltipProgress, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress, 1
(ShowTooltipProgress)?(ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 1) : (ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 0)
; Message = Reading Settings from .ini files
; ToolTip, reading settings
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip")
IniRead, RootDirToStartIn, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, RootDirToStartIn
IniRead, LogErrorsToMsgbox, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LogErrorsToMsgbox, %A_Space%
IniRead, UpdateAvailable, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, UpdateAvailable, 0
; Msgbox % "SettingsIniFilepath: " SettingsIniFilepath
; Msgbox % "UpdateAvailable: " UpdateAvailable
IniRead, DevMode, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DevMode, 0
IniRead, TotalVideosUploaded, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TotalVideosUploaded, 0
; Checkbox Settings
IniRead, ShowTooltipProgress, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress, 1
(ShowTooltipProgress)?(ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 1) : (ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 0)
@todo delete later
IniRead, ReuseTabs, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ReuseTabs, 1
(ReuseTabs)?(ReuseTabsCheckStatus := 1) : (ReuseTabsCheckStatus := 0)
; ReuseTabs is permanantly on. There is never a time where you want to create new tabs for every website
ReuseTabs := 1
IniRead, AutoUpdateCheck, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoUpdateCheck, 1
(AutoUpdateCheck)?(AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 1) : (AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 0)
; AutoLogin setting
IniRead, AutoLogin, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoLogin, 1
(AutoUpdateCheck)?(AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 1) : (AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, PingOnCompletion, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, PingOnCompletion, 1
(PingOnCompletion)?(PingOnCompletionCheckStatus := 1) : (PingOnCompletionCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, DiscordUsernameID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordUsernameID, %A_space%
Message = DiscordUsernameID is blank. Will not be able to ping to notify when uploads are complete.`nPlease add user ID in settings.ini under: `n`n[General]`nDiscordUsernameID=`nOr Uncheck "Discord Ping on Completion"
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="ErrorLoggingTextFile")
IniRead, KillLBRYAfterUpload, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, KillLBRYAfterUpload, 1
(KillLBRYAfterUpload)?(=KillLBRYAfterUploadCheckStatus := 1) : (KillLBRYAfterUploadCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordWebhookBotURL, %A_space%
if(DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL = ""){
Message = DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL is blank. `nWill not be able to post error messages or upload status to discord.`nPlease add discord webhook URL in settings.ini under: `n`n[General]`DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL=
;---Auto Updater Settings---
global GitReleasesAPIURL
GitReleasesAPIURL =
global GitReleasesLBRYKillerAPIURL
GitReleasesLBRYKillerAPIURL =
;---LBRY Settings---
IniRead, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount, %A_Space%
if(LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount = ""){
LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount = 1.0
IniWrite, %LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount
IniRead, LBRYChannelID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYChannelID, %A_Space%
if(LBRYChannelID = ""){
LBRYChannelID = b89ed227c49e726fcccf913bdc9dec4c8fec99c2
IniWrite, %LBRYChannelID%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYChannelID
;---Read Info From Project Files---
; if passed argument is .exe file, then script has just been udpated and we need to move the old version
if(InStr(PassedParameter,ScriptName) and InStr(PassedParameter,".exe")){
; create backups folder if it doesn't exist
BackupsFolder = %LibFolder%\Backups\
; Msgbox % "BackupsFolder: " BackupsFolder
FileCreateDir, %BackupsFolder%
; move old version to backups folder, overwrite if name conflict
FileMove, %PassedParameter%, %BackupsFolder%\*, 1
if(ErrorLevel){ ; most likely because the old version hasn't finished exiting yet
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Moving Old Version to Backups",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar")
sleep, 2000
FileMove, %PassedParameter%, %BackupsFolder%\*, 1
MsgBox,,Update Successful, Update was successful`, but unable to move old version to the Backups folder.`nPlease move it or delete it manually.
; Change paramter to LastPost so last post gets automatically opened instead of user having to re-select the file again
PassedParameter = LastPost
if(PassedParameter = "LastPost"){
IniRead, PassedParameter, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost, %A_Space%
if(PassedParameter = "ShowResults"){
IniRead, PassedParameter, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost, %A_Space%
PassedParameterLength := StrLen(PassedParameter)
if(PassedParameterLength < 5 and !InStr(PassedParameter, ".exe")){
FileSelectFile, BodyTextFilePath,,%RootDirToStartIn%,Please Select ANY File Within the Project Folder
else, {
SkipUpdateCheckThisRun := 1
BodyTextFilePath := PassedParameter
; @todo Do this with an array. Add all filepaths to array and then pull out the ones with the extension.
; get directory from the filepath grabbed
SplitPath, BodyTextFilePath, OutFileName, VideoFolderDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.*, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt,
if(FileNameWExt = "title.txt"){
FileRead, VideoTitle, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
LBRYURLSlug := VideoTitle
OriginalVideoTitle := VideoTitle
OriginalLBRYURLSlug := LBRYURLSlug
if(FileNameWExt = "body.txt"){
FileRead, VideoDescription, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
DescriptionCharCount := StrLen(VideoDescription)
OriginalVideoDescription := VideoDescription
if(FileNameWExt = "keywords.txt"){
FileRead, VideoTags, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
FileRead, PodcastTags, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
OriginalVideoTags := VideoTags
OriginalPodcastTags := PodcastTags
if(FileNameWExt = "keywords_podcast.txt"){
FileRead, PodcastTags, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
OriginalPodcastTags := PodcastTags
if(FileExt = "mp4"){
VideoFilepath := A_LoopFileFullPath
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath,,,, VideoFileNameNoExt
FileGetSize, VideoFileSizeInMB, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, M
if(FileExt = "png" OR FileExt = "jpg"){
VideoThumbFilepath := A_LoopFileFullPath
if(VideoDescription = ""){
; @todo: is this used anymore?
FileRead, VideoDescription, %A_scriptDir%\Lib\DescriptionTemplate.txt
; Loop through the folder again to find the correct .WAV audio file as Stef has multiple in there and we need the .mp4 file to be found first so we know what to look for file name wise.
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.WAV, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt
if(FileNameNoExt = VideoFileNameNoExt){
WavAudioFilepath := A_LoopFileFullPath
; Loop through the folder again to find the correct .WAV audio file as Stef has multiple in there and we need the .mp4 file to be found first so we know what to look for file name wise.
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.mp3, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
SplitPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, FileNameWExt, FileDir, FileExt, FileNameNoExt
if(FileNameNoExt = VideoFileNameNoExt){
MP3AudioFilepath := A_LoopFileFullPath
;---Read Info From Previous Run (If Any)---
; @todo: Figure out a way to do this with an array
VideoLinksIniFile = %VideoFolderDir%\VideoLinks.ini
; IniRead, StreamanityURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, StreamanityURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, BitChuteURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BitChuteURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, LBRYURLSlug, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, LBRYURLSlug, %A_Space%
if(LBRYURLSlug = ""){
LBRYURLSlug := OriginalLBRYURLSlug ; video title
; LBRY Video
IniRead, LBRYVideoURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LBRYVideoURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, LBRYVideoThumb, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, LBRYVideoThumb, %A_Space%
IniRead, LBRYVideoPermanentURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LBRYVideoPermanentURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeVideoURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeVideoURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeVideoThumb, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, OdyseeVideoThumb, %A_Space%
OdyseeVideoThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeVideoThumb, "Thumb:", "")
; LBRY Audio
IniRead, LBRYAudioURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LBRYAudioURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, LBRYAudioThumb, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, LBRYAudioThumb, %A_Space%
IniRead, LBRYAudioPermanentURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LBRYAudioPermanentURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeAudioURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeAudioURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeAudioThumb, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, OdyseeAudioThumb, %A_Space%
OdyseeAudioThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeAudioThumb, "Thumb:", "")
; Others
IniRead, RumbleURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, RumbleURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, BrighteonURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BrighteonURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, DailyMotionURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, DailyMotionURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, PodcastNumber, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, PodcastNumber, %A_Space%
IniRead, LocalsURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LocalsURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, FacebookURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, FacebookURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, ErrorLoggingFilePath, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, ErrorLoggingFilePath, %A_Space%
if(VideoFileSizeInMB < 50){
IniRead, Telegram, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, Telegram, %A_Space%
; Create a directory for errorlogging if this is the first time working on this project
if(ErrorLoggingFilePath = ""){
; DevModeMsgBox("generating filepath")
FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
ErrorLoggingDirectory := ErrorLoggingFolder . "\" . TodayDate . "_FVU"
FileCreateDir, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%
ErrorLoggingFilePath := ErrorLoggingFolder . "\" . TodayDate . "_FVU\ErrorLogging.txt" ; Set locaiton where error logging text will go
; Write both filepaths to .ini file
IniWrite, %ErrorLoggingFilePath%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, ErrorLoggingFilePath
if(PodcastNumber = ""){
PodcastNumber := StrSplit(VideoFileNameNoExt, "_")
PodcastNumber := PodcastNumber[2]
; Set the checkmark status of each item based on the variable status
; (StreamanityURL != "")?(StreamanityCheckStatus := 0) : (StreamanityCheckStatus := 1)
(BitChuteURL != "")?(BitChuteCheckStatus := 0) : (BitChuteCheckStatus := 1)
(OdyseeVideoURL != "")?(OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 0) : (OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 1)
(OdyseeVideoThumb != "")?(OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 0) : (OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 0)
OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 0
if(OdyseeAudioURL OR WavAudioFilepath = "")
OdyseeAudioCheckStatus := 0
if(OdyseeAudioThumb OR WavAudioFilepath = "")
OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 0
(RumbleURL != "")?(RumbleCheckStatus := 0) : (RumbleCheckStatus := 1)
; if user tried to upload to locals already and still needs to grab the url, check
(LocalsURL = "LocalsUploadStartedNeedToGrabURL")?(LocalsCheckStatus := 1) : (LocalsCheckStatus := 0)
(BrighteonURL != "")?(BrighteonCheckStatus := 0) : (BrighteonCheckStatus := 1)
if(VideoFileSizeInMB > 6144){
VideoFileSizeOver6GB := 1
BrighteonCheckStatus := 0
(DailyMotionURL != "")?(DailyMotionCheckStatus := 0) : (DailyMotionCheckStatus := 1)
FacebookCheckStatus := 0
TelegramCheckStatus := 0
;---Testing Mode Overrides---
IniRead, TestingMode, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TestingMode, 0
if(TestingMode){ ; save currently seelcted sites to ini file for next test
; IniRead, Streamanity, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Streamanity, %A_Space%
; (Streamanity)?(StreamanityCheckStatus := 1) : (StreamanityCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, BitChute, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, BitChute, %A_Space%
(BitChute)?(BitChuteCheckStatus := 1) : (BitChuteCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeVideo, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideo, %A_Space%
(OdyseeVideo)?(OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeVideoThumb, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideoThumb, %A_Space%
(OdyseeVideoThumb)?(OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeAudio, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudio, %A_Space%
(OdyseeAudio)?(OdyseeAudioCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeAudioCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeAudioThumb, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudioThumb, %A_Space%
(OdyseeAudioThumb)?(OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Rumble, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Rumble, %A_Space%
(Rumble)?(RumbleCheckStatus := 1) : (RumbleCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Brighteon, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Brighteon, %A_Space%
(Brighteon)?(BrighteonCheckStatus := 1) : (BrighteonCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, DailyMotion, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, DailyMotion, %A_Space%
(DailyMotion)?(DailyMotionCheckStatus := 1) : (DailyMotionCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Locals, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Locals, %A_Space%
(Locals)?(LocalsCheckStatus := 1) : (LocalsCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Telegram, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Telegram, %A_Space%
(Telegram)?(TelegramCheckStatus := 1) : (TelegramCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Facebook, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Facebook, %A_Space%
(Facebook)?(FacebookCheckStatus := 1) : (FacebookCheckStatus := 0)
; @todo: DELETE
; IniWrite, 0, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, UpdateAvailable
; UpdateAvailable := 0
; Menu, Tray, Add, Reload to Results, ReloadToResults
; Msgbox % "PassedParameter: " PassedParameter
; Msgbox % "PassedParameter: " PassedParameter
if(PassedParameter = "ShowResults"){
msgbox, we are showing results
goto, DisplayResults
;---GUI Variables---
GuiHeight = 800
GuiWidth = 1366
GuiFontSize = 10
ButtonHeights := 30
MarginSpace := 10
MarginSpaceDoubled := MarginSpace * 2
EditBoxWidths := (GuiWidth / 100) * 60
EditBoxHalfWidths := (EditBoxWidths / 2) - (MarginSpace / 2)
OdyseeURLSlugEditWidth := (EditBoxHalfWidths / 4) * 3
PodcastNumberTextXPos := EditBoxHalfWidths + OdyseeURLSlugEditWidth + (MarginSpace * 3)
PodcastNumberEditWidth := (EditBoxHalfWidths / 4) - MarginSpace
EditBoxOneFourthWidth := (EditBoxWidths / 4 )
EditBoxThreeFourthsWidth := (EditBoxWidths / 4 ) * 3
ColumnOneHalfWidthXPos := EditBoxHalfWidths + MarginSpaceDoubled
EditBoxThirdsWidths := (EditBoxWidths / 3) - (MarginSpace / 2)
OdyseeURLSlugXPos := EditBoxHalfWidths + (MarginSpace * 2)
EditBoxFourthWidths := (EditBoxWidths / 4) - (MarginSpace - 2)
VideoTagsTextXPos := EditBoxHalfWidths + (MarginSpace * 2)
; EditBoxHalfWidthsWithMargin := (EditBoxWidths / 2)
DescriptionCharCountXPos := EditBoxWidths - 40
PageTwoXStartPos := EditBoxWidths + 50
CopyButtonWidths := 150
ResultEditBoxXPos := CopyButtonWidths + MarginSpace + 5
ResultEditBoxWidths := EditBoxWidths - CopyButtonWidths
ResultEditBoxHalfWidths := (ResultEditBoxWidths / 2) - (MarginSpace /2)
ResultLBRYURLEditBoxWidthPieces := (ResultEditBoxWidths / 4)
ResultLBRYURLEditBoxWidths := ResultLBRYURLEditBoxWidthPieces * 3
ResultEditBoxThirdsWidths := (ResultEditBoxWidths / 3) - (MarginSpace /3)
ResultLBRYThumbEditBoxWidth := ResultLBRYURLEditBoxWidthPieces - 5
ErrorLogEditBoxXPos := ResultEditBoxWidths + CopyButtonWidths + 30
ErrorLogEditBoxHeight := GuiHeight - (MarginSpace * 20) - (ButtonHeights * 2)
ErrorLogEditBoxWidth := GuiWidth - ErrorLogEditBoxXPos - (MarginSpace * 12)
ButtonWidths := 150
ButtonXPos := GuiWidth - ButtonWidths - 15
SubmitButtonYLocation := GuiHeight - 50
SubmitButtonXLocation := GuiWidth - 90
CancelButtonXLocation := GuiWidth - 180
EditBoxHeight := 25
ThumbnailPreviewWidth := 300
PageTwoGroupBoxWidth := ThumbnailPreviewWidth + 20
; Size of Description Edit Box and the location of the checkboxes underneath them
VideoDescriptionEditBoxHeight = 100
CheckboxesStartYPos := 630
FilePathEditBoxWidths := EditBoxWidths - MarginSpace - 70
SelectFileButtonWidths := 30
ButtonStartYPos := CheckboxesStartYPos + 10
MarginSquared := MarginSpace * 2
MainButtonHeight := 30
SecondaryButtonHeights := 30
else, {
MainButtonHeight := 30
SecondaryButtonHeights := 35
;---Check for Update---
if(AutoUpdateCheck AND !UpdateAvailable){
; DevModeMsgBox("checking for updates")
; msgbox, checkin for update
; DevModeMsgBox(GitReleasesAPIURL)
UpdateAvailable := CheckForUpdates(GitReleasesAPIURL)
; DevModeMsgBox(AutoUpdateCheck)
; DevModeMsgBox(UpdateAvailable)
; -------------------------------GUI-------------------------------
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Margin, %MarginSpace%, %MarginSpace%
; Video Title
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,, Show Title
Gui, Add, Text, x%ColumnOneHalfWidthXPos% yp+0,Odysee URL Slug
Gui, Add, Text, x%PodcastNumberTextXPos% yp+0,Podcast #
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, y+5 x%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxHalfWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vVideoTitle, %VideoTitle%
Gui, Add, Edit, yp+0 x+%Marginspace% w%OdyseeURLSlugEditWidth% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vLBRYURLSlug, %LBRYURLSlug%
Gui, Add, Edit, yp+0 x+%Marginspace% w%PodcastNumberEditWidth% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vPodcastNumber, %PodcastNumber%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text, x%Marginspace%,Video Tags
Gui, Add, Text,x%ColumnOneHalfWidthXPos% yp+0,Podcast Tags
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x%Marginspace% Y+5 w%EditBoxHalfWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vVideoTags, %VideoTags%
Gui, Add, Edit, yp+0 x+%Marginspace% w%EditBoxHalfWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vPodcastTags, %PodcastTags%
/*; Podcast Number & Tags
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,x%MarginSpace% y+%Marginspace%,Podcast Number
Gui, Font, Normal
; Video Description
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,cRed y+%Marginspace% x%Marginspace%,Video Description
Gui, Add, Text,y+%Marginspace% x%Marginspace%,Video Description:
Gui, Add, Text,cRed yp+0 xp+150 ,TESTING MODE
Gui, Add, Text,cRed yp+0 xp+150 ,DEV MODE
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit,x%Marginspace% y+2 w%EditBoxWidths% h%VideoDescriptionEditBoxHeight% vVideoDescription gSubmitDescription,%VideoDescription%
gui, font, s8
Gui, font, Bold
if(DescriptionCharCount > 3000){
Gui, Add, Edit,cRed w50 h20 x%DescriptionCharCountXPos% y+1 vDescriptionCharCount, %DescriptionCharCount%
Gui, Add, Edit, w50 h20 x%DescriptionCharCountXPos% y+1 vDescriptionCharCount, %DescriptionCharCount%
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add,Text, yp+3 xp-310, (Platform Char. Limits: DM+Bitchute = 3K, Odysee,Brighteon = 5K)
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, font, Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox,r8.5 x%MarginSpace% yp+10 w%EditBoxWidths% Center, Filepaths
; Video Filepath
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text,xp+5 yp+15,Video Filepath
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x%MarginSquared% y+2 w%FilePathEditBoxWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vVideoFilepath,%VideoFilepath%
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0 h%EditBoxHeight% gSelectVideoFilepath, Select
; Video Thumbnail Filepath
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Text, x%MarginSquared% CRed y+15,Video Thumbnail Filepath
Gui, Add, Text,y+15 x%MarginSquared% ,Video Thumbnail Filepath
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x%MarginSquared% y+2 w%FilePathEditBoxWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vVideoThumbFilepath,%VideoThumbFilepath%
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0 h%EditBoxHeight% gSelectVideoThumbFilepath, Select
; WAV Audio File Filepath
Gui, Font, Bold
if(WavAudioFilepath = "")
Gui, Add, Text,cRed x%MarginSquared% y+15,WAV Filepath
Gui, Add, Text,x%MarginSquared% y+15,WAV Filepath
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x%MarginSquared% y+2 w%FilePathEditBoxWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vWavAudioFilepath,%WavAudioFilepath%
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0 h%EditBoxHeight% gSelectWAVFilepath, Select
Gui, Font, Bold
if(MP3AudioFilepath = "")
Gui, Add, Text,cRed x%MarginSquared% y+15,Podcast MP3 Filepath
Gui, Add, Text,x%MarginSquared% y+15,Podcast MP3 Filepath
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x%MarginSquared% y+2 w%FilePathEditBoxWidths% h%EditBoxHeight% gUpdateVars vMP3AudioFilepath,%MP3AudioFilepath%
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0 h%EditBoxHeight% gSelectMP3Filepath, Select
; Submit Button
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
gui, Font, Bold
; if(DevMode)
; Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxHalfWidths% y+25 h%MainButtonHeight% gCancelPost hwndIcon, Close
; else,
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxHalfWidths% y+25 h%MainButtonHeight% gCancelPost hwndIcon, Exit
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "imageres.dll",208, "s20 a1 r2")
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxHalfWidths% h%MainButtonHeight% gStartScript hwndIcon, Upload
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll", 136, "s20 a1 r2")
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxFourthWidths% y+%Marginspace% h%SecondaryButtonHeights% gDisplayResults hwndIcon, View Results
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxFourthWidths% y+%Marginspace% h%SecondaryButtonHeights% gDisplayResults hwndIcon, View Results
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll", 210, "s20 a1 r2")
Gui, Add, Button, w%EditBoxFourthWidths% x+%Marginspace% h%SecondaryButtonHeights% gOpenProjectFolder hwndIcon, Open Project Folder
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll", 267, "s20 a1 r2")
Gui, Add, Button, w%EditBoxHalfWidths% x+%Marginspace% gUpdateScript vUpdateAvailable h%SecondaryButtonHeights% hwndIcon, Update Available - Click to Install
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll", 278, "s20 a1 r2")
else, {
Gui, Add, Button, w%EditBoxHalfWidths% x+%Marginspace% gUpdateScript vUpdateAvailable h%SecondaryButtonHeights% hwndIcon, Up-to-Date
; Gui, Add, Button, w%EditBoxHalfWidths% x+%Marginspace% vUpdateAvailable hwndIcon, Script is Up-to-Date
GuiButtonIcon(Icon, "shell32.dll", 239, "s20 a1 r2")
Gui, Add, Button, x%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxFourthWidths% h30 y+5 h%SecondaryButtonHeights% gOpenErrorLog, Open ErrorLog
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSpace% w%EditBoxFourthWidths% h30 h%SecondaryButtonHeights% gClearVideoLinks, Clear VideoLinks
; -------------------------------Page 2 Side of Main GUI Window-------------------------------
LineSplitXPosition := PageTwoXStartPos - ( MarginSpace * 2)
gui, add, text, x%LineSplitXPosition% y20 h500 0x11 ; 0x11 is a "line" ; refer to here:
; Thumbnail Preview
Gui, Font, Normal
gui, Font, s4
; Miscellaneous Settings
DevModToggleButton := PageTwoXStartPos + 160
Gui, Add, Button, x%DevModToggleButton% y5 w50 h10 gToggleDevMode,DevMode
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 y5 w50 h10 gToggleTestingMode, Testing Mode
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 y5 w50 h10 gOpenGiteaPage, Gitea
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox,r5 y+0 x%PageTwoXStartPos% w%PageTwoGroupBoxWidth%,Settings
; Gui, Add, Text, y%CheckboxesStartYPos% x+80, Miscellaneous Settings:
; Gui, Font, Normal
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, vIncludeDescriptionWhenPostingToVideos %IncludeDescriptionWhenPostingToVideos%, Include Description in #videos Posts
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, vReuseTabs Checked%ReuseTabsCheckStatus% gUpdateVars, Try to Re-Use Tabs
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+10 yp+20 vAutoUpdateCheck gUpdateVars Checked%AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus%, Auto Update Check
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vShowTooltipProgress Checked%ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus% gUpdateVars,Show Tooltip Progress
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vKillLBRYAfterUpload Checked%KillLBRYAfterUploadCheckStatus%, Kill LBRY After Uploading
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAutoLogin gUpdateVars Checked%AutoLoginCheckStatus%, Try to Login Automatically
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vPingOnCompletion gUpdateVars Checked%PingOnCompletionCheckStatus%, Discord Ping Upon Completion
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, vAutoUploadErrorLog gUpdateVars Checked%AutoUploadErrorLog%, Auto-Upload Large Errors
GroupBoxCheckboxPos := PageTwoXStartPos + MarginSpace
; -------------------------------PLATFORMS-------------------------------
Gui, Add, GroupBox,r8 y+15 x%PageTwoXStartPos% w%PageTwoGroupBoxWidth%, Platforms
; Gui, Add, Text,y+25 x%PageTwoXStartPos%, ---Platforms----
; Gui, Font, Bold
; Msgbox % "LocalsURL: " LocalsURL
if(LocalsURL = "LocalsUploadStartedNeedToGrabURL"){
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+10 yp+25 vLocalsGrabURL Checked%LocalsCheckStatus%, Locals (Grab URL)
else, {
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+10 yp+25 vLocals Checked%LocalsCheckStatus%, Locals
; if(VideoFileSizeInMB < 1792)
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+%MarginSpaceDoubled% vFacebook Checked%FacebookCheckStatus%, Facebook
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x%GroupBoxCheckboxPos% y+%MarginSpace% vBitChute Checked%BitChuteCheckStatus%, BitChute
if(VideoFileSizeInMB < 50)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vTelegram x+%MarginSpaceDoubled% Checked%TelegramCheckStatus%, Telegram
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x%GroupBoxCheckboxPos% y+%MarginSpace% vOdyseeVideo Checked%OdyseeVideoCheckStatus%, Odysee Video
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+%MarginSpace% vOdyseeVideoThumb Checked%OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus%,Thumbnail
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x%GroupBoxCheckboxPos% y+%MarginSpace% vOdyseeAudio Checked%OdyseeAudioCheckStatus%, Odysee Audio
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+%MarginSpace% vOdyseeAudioThumb Checked%OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus%, Thumbnail
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x%GroupBoxCheckboxPos% y+%MarginSpace% vRumble Checked%RumbleCheckStatus%, Rumble
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vBrighteon y+%MarginSpace% Checked%BrighteonCheckStatus%, Brighteon
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vDailyMotion y+%MarginSpace% Checked%DailyMotionCheckStatus%, DailyMotion
; Gui, Add, Checkbox, vStreamanity Checked%StreamanityCheckStatus%, Streamanity
; Gui, Font, s12
gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, r6.5 y+15 vImageThumbnail x%PageTwoXStartPos% w%PageTwoGroupBoxWidth%,Thumbnail
gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Picture, xp+10 yp+20 w%ThumbnailPreviewWidth% h-1, %VideoThumbFilepath%
gui, Font, Normal
gui, font, s7
Gui, Add, StatusBar,Center, Total Videos Uploaded: %TotalVideosUploaded%
; SB_SetText("There are " . RowCount . " rows selected.")
; Show GUI to the user
Gui, +Resize +MaximizeBox
Gui, Show,, %FullScriptName% - Upload Settings - %BodyTextFilePath%
ControlFocus, Edit1, %FullScriptName%
; Gui, Maximize
; Gui, Show, w%GuiWidth% h%GuiHeight%, %ScriptName%
gui, submit
goto, DisplayResults
; Write current project to ini file for easy reloading
IniWrite, %BodyTextFilePath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost
; calculate run time and convert to seconds
; URunTime := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2)
; Msgbox % "URunTime: " URunTime
; -------------------------------GUI GoSubs-------------------------------
; Kill the script if user clicks on cancel button
; GuiClose:
; ExitApp
Gui, Submit,
; Gets activated each time that text gets input into any of the text boxes
; updates the variables with the new text
Gui, Submit, NoHide
Gui, Submit, NoHide
DescriptionCharCount := StrLen(VideoDescription)
GuiControl,, DescriptionCharCount, %DescriptionCharCount%
; Open folder of the project
run, %VideoFolderDir%
FileDelete, %VideoLinksIniFile%
run, %ErrorLoggingFilePath%
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "LastPost"
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "LastPost"
FileSelectFile, VideoFilepath,, %FileDir%, Select Video File
GuiControl,, VideoFilepath, %VideoFilepath%
FileSelectFile, WavAudioFilepath,, %FileDir%, Select WAV File
GuiControl,, WavAudioFilepath, %WavAudioFilepath%
GuiControl,, OdyseeAudio, 1
GuiControl,, OdyseeAudioThumb, 1
FileSelectFile, MP3AudioFilepath,, %FileDir%, Select MP3 File
if(!InStr(MP3AudioFilepath, ".mp3")){
msgbox, 4096, Error, Selected File is not an .mp3 file. `nPlease try again.
GuiControl,, MP3AudioFilepath, %MP3AudioFilepath%
FileSelectFile, VideoThumbFilepath,, %FileDir%, Select Thumbnail File
if(!InStr(VideoThumbFilepath, FileDir)){
; ToolTip, Thumbnail Copied to Project Folder, 850, 0
TimedToolTip("Thumbnail Copied to Project Folder",,,1000)
SplitPath, VideoThumbFilepath, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
FileCopy, %VideoThumbFilepath%, %FileDir%\*,1
VideoThumbFilepath = %FileDir%\%OutFileName%
; Msgbox % "VideoThumbFilepath: " VideoThumbFilepath
GuiControl,, VideoThumbFilepath, %VideoThumbFilepath%
; GuiControl,, ImageThumbnail,%VideoThumbFilepath%
; Download updates from google drive and save it to the location of the script and then reload the script
; @todo: Save any changes made to the script before installing update
; now defunt, safe to remove
; msgbox, here
Gui, VideoDescriptionTrimmer:New,
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Text,, Discord and Telegram have a maximum API post length of 2000 Characters `nwhich the curent description exceeds.`nPlease Trim down the description and then click submit.
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Edit, w800 h500 gUpdateVars vVideoDescriptionForVideosChannel, %VideoDescription%
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmitDescriptionForVideosChannel, Submit
gui, Show,w820, Video Description Trimmer
; msgbox
Gui, Submit
; msgbox, submitted
if(CurrentSocialMediaPosting = "Discord")
Goto, SubmitDescriptionForDiscordVideosChannel
if(CurrentSocialMediaPosting = "Telegram")
Goto, SubmitDescriptionForTelegramVideosChannel
if(CurrentSocialMediaPosting = "Telegram Video")
goto, SubmitDescriptionForTelegramVideoUpload
SplitText = Free Documentaries:
SocialMediaDescription := StrSplit(VideoDescription, SplitText)
SocialMediaDescription := SocialMediaDescription[1]
if(strlen(SocialMediaDescription) > 1400){
SocialMediaDescription := SubStr(SocialMediaDescription, 1, 1400)
SocialMediaDescription .= "..."
; -------------------------------Upload Video Functionality-------------------------------
WinGetPos, XPosition, YPosition, , , A
; Msgbox % "XPosition: " XPosition
; Msgbox % "YPosition: " YPosition
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy
;---Save Testing Mode Info---
if(TestingMode){ ; save currently seelcted sites to ini file for next test
; IniWrite, %Streamanity%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Streamanity
IniWrite, %BitChute%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, BitChute
IniWrite, %OdyseeVideo%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideo
IniWrite, %OdyseeVideoThumb%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideoThumb
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudio%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudio
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudioThumb%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudioThumb
IniWrite, %Rumble%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Rumble
IniWrite, %Brighteon%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Brighteon
IniWrite, %DailyMotion%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, DailyMotion
IniWrite, %Locals%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Locals
IniWrite, %Telegram%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Telegram
IniWrite, %Facebook%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Facebook
;---\Save Testing Mode Info---
; -------------------------------Save All Info .txt Files-------------------------------
/*; Msgbox % "NOOriginalVideoTitle: " NOOriginalVideoTitle
; msgbox, appending title.
FileAppend, %VideoTitle%, %VideoFolderDir%\title.txt
; msgbox, appending description
FileAppend, %VideoDescription%, %VideoFolderDir%\body.txt
; msgbox, appending vieo tags
FileAppend, %VideoTags%, %VideoFolderDir%\keywords.txt
; msgbox, appending vieo tags
FileAppend, %VideoTags%, %VideoFolderDir%\keywords.txt
; -------------------------------Save Video Info-------------------------------
; if changes made, delete the original file and save the new content to it
if(VideoTitle != OriginalVideoTitle){
VideoTitleFilepath = %VideoFolderDir%\title.txt
FileDelete, %VideoTitleFilepath%
FileAppend, %VideoTitle%, %VideoTitleFilepath%
if(VideoTags != OriginalVideoTags){
VideoTagsFilepath = %VideoFolderDir%\keywords.txt
FileDelete, %VideoTagsFilepath%
FileAppend, %VideoTags%, %VideoTagsFilepath%
if(PodcastTags != OriginalPodcastTags){
PodcastTagsFilepath = %VideoFolderDir%\keywords_podcast.txt
FileDelete, %PodcastTagsFilepath%
FileAppend, %PodcastTags%, %PodcastTagsFilepath%
if(VideoDescription != OriginalVideoDescription){
VideoBodyFilepath = %VideoFolderDir%\body.txt
FileDelete, %VideoBodyFilepath%
FileAppend, %VideoDescription%, %VideoBodyFilepath%
; -------------------------------/Save Video Info-------------------------------
; Save settings to config file
IniWrite, %ReuseTabs%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ReuseTabs
IniWrite, %ShowTooltipProgress%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress
IniWrite, %AutoUpdateCheck%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoUpdateCheck
IniWrite, %AutoLogin%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoLogin
IniWrite, %PingOnCompletion%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, PingOnCompletion
IniWrite, %KillLBRYAfterUpload%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, KillLBRYAfterUpload
if(VideoFilepath = ""){
Msgbox,4096,Error,No Video Filepath Found.`nPlease Input Video Filepath to Upload a Video.
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "LastPost"
; -------------------------------/Save All Info .txt Files-------------------------------
; Format the LBRYURLSlug to be API Compatible
if(LBRYURLSlug = "") ; if slug spot is blank, then set it to video title
LBRYURLSlug := VideoTitle
LBRYURLSlug := LBRYCMDTextReplacement(LBRYURLSlug)
; Msgbox % "LBRYURLSlug: " LBRYURLSlug
; Save the LBRY URL Slug to .ini file in case it's needed later
IniWrite, %LBRYURLSlug%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, LBRYUrlSlug
IniWrite, %VideoThumbFilepath%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, VideoThumbFilepath
IniWrite, %PodcastNumber%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, PodcastNumber
; -------------------------------Log Info To Text-------------------------------
(Facebook = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Facebook|") : ()
(Bitchute = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Bitchute|") : ()
(Locals = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Locals|") : ()
(Rumble = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Rumble|") : ()
(Brighteon = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Brighteon|") : ()
; (Streamanity = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Streamanity|") : ()
(Telegram = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Telegram|") : ()
(DailyMotion = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "DailyMotion|") : ()
(OdyseeVideo = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "OdyseeVideo|") : ()
(OdyseeAudio = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "OdyseeAudio|") : ()
; Log Basic info to the errorlogging file
Message = %ScriptName% v%ScriptVersion%: Starting Upload `nFor: **%VideoTitle%**`nTo: %PostedWebsites%
Message := "VideoTitle: " VideoTitle
Message := "VideoDescription: `n" VideoDescription
Message := "VideoTags: " VideoTags
Message := "VideoFilepath: " VideoFilepath
Message := "VideoThumbFilepath: " VideoThumbFilepath
Message := "TotalVideosUploaded: " TotalVideosUploaded
; Convert Video Description into javascript text format for sending to selenium
JSVideoDescription := FormatTextToJSText(VideoDescription)
JSVideoTitle := FormatTextToJSText(VideoTitle)
; Save json description to errorlogging file
; Message = JSVideoDescription: `n" %JSVideoDescription%
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:=",ErrorLoggingTextFile")
; -------------------------------/Log Info To Text-------------------------------
; Create an array out of the keywords to be used in different places
VideoTags := StrReplace(VideoTags, ", ",",")
VideoTags := StrReplace(VideoTags, " ,",",")
VideoTags := StrReplace(VideoTags, " ",",")
KeywordsArray := StrSplit(VideoTags,",")
; Initiate Chrome Filepath Variable
; @todo: find a better location for this?
UploadedToSites .= "Facebook,"
; gosub, FacebookUpload
UploadedToSites .= "Telegram,"
gosub, TelegramVideoUpload
; Call each sub one by one, if errors occur then an upload will be stopped and the next upload will then proceed
UploadedToSites .= "Locals,"
gosub, LocalsUpload
UploadedToSites .= "Bitchute,"
Gosub, BitChuteUpload
UploadedToSites .= "LBRYVideo,"
LBRYUploadType := "Video"
Gosub, LBRYVideoUpload
UploadedToSites .= "LBRYAudio,"
LBRYUploadType := "Audio"
Gosub, LBRYAudioUpload
UploadedToSites .= "Rumble,"
Gosub, RumbleUpload
UploadedToSites .= "Brighteon,"
Gosub, BrighteonUpload
UploadedToSites .= "DailyMotion,"
Gosub, DailyMotionUpload
; grab the LBRY Video/Audio URLs
LBRYUploadType := "Video"
LBRYUploadType := "Audio"
/* if(OdyseeVideoThumb){
OdyseeUploadType := "Video"
Gosub, OdyseeVideoThumbUpload
/* if(OdyseeAudioThumb){
OdyseeUploadType := "Audio"
Gosub, OdyseeAudioThumbUpload
if(LocalsGrabURL OR LocalsURL = "LocalsUploadStartedNeedToGrabURL"){
Gosub, LocalsGrabURL
if(URLOfLastErrorPage != ""){
Message = Activating Tab of last failed post.
; @todo: replaceme with working funciton to activate tab
; FindAndActivateTab(URLOfLastErrorPage)
CurrentSite := ""
; if(StreamanityURL AND StreamanityCheckStatus)
; this feels soooooooooooooo ineficient, but i'm not sure how else to do this
; if(StreamanityCheckStatus AND !InStr(StreamanityURL, "streamanity")) ; if checked and URL is blank, report error
; Status := "Failures"
Status := "Failures"
else, {
Status := "Success"
if(OdyseeVideoCheckStatus and !InStr(OdyseeVideoURL, "odysee"))
Status := "Failures"
else if(OdyseeAudioCheckStatus AND !InStr(OdyseeAudioURL, "odysee"))
Status := "Failures"
else if(BitChuteCheckStatus AND !InStr(BitChuteURL, "bitchute"))
Status := "Failures"
else if(RumbleCheckStatus AND !InStr(RumbleURL, "rumble"))
Status := "Failures"
else if(DailyMotionCheckStatus AND !InStr(DailyMotionURL, "dailymotion"))
Status := "Failures"
else if(BrighteonCheckStatus AND !InStr(BrighteonURL, "brighteon"))
Status := "Failures"
; DevModeMsgBox(status)
; Msgbox % "status: " status
Message = Video Uploading Finished WITH Some Failures
Message = All Videos Uploaded Successfully
if(StreamanityURL != "" AND OdyseeVideoURL != "" AND OdyseeAudioURL != "" and BitChuteURL != "" AND RumbleURL != "" and DailyMotionURL != "" and BrighteonURL != "")
Message = All Videos Uploaded Successfully
Message = Video Uploading Finished WITH Some Failures
Message = <@%DiscordUsernameID%>: %Message%
Message = %Message%
Gui, Destroy
; @todo: Add a way to check if uploads finished with or without errors
Tooltip ; Remove all tooltips
IniRead, TotalVideosUploaded, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TotalVideosUploaded, %A_Space%
; IniRead, StreamanityURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, StreamanityURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, BitChuteURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BitChuteURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeVideoURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeVideoURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeVideoThumb, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, OdyseeVideoThumb, %A_Space%
OdyseeVideoThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeVideoThumb, "Thumb:", "")
IniRead, OdyseeAudioURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeAudioURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeAudioThumb, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, OdyseeAudioThumb, %A_Space%
OdyseeAudioThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeAudioThumb, "Thumb:", "")
IniRead, LocalsURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LocalsURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, RumbleURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, RumbleURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, FacebookURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, FacebookURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, BrighteonURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BrighteonURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, DailyMotionURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, DailyMotionURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, PodcastNumber, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, PodcastNumber, %A_Space%
if(PodcastNumber = "") {
SplitPath, VideoFilepath,,,, VideoNameNoExt
; Remove the FDR_#### from video title for LBRY URL
if(InStr(VideoNameNoExt, "FDR_")){
FoundPos := InStr(VideoNameNoExt, "_",,,2) ; get position of second instance of an "_"
if(FoundPos < 11){
; FoundPos += 1
; Msgbox % "FoundPos: " FoundPos
PodcastNumber := SubStr(VideoNameNoExt,1, FoundPos)
PodcastNumber := StrReplace(PodcastNumber, "FDR", "")
PodcastNumber := StrReplace(PodcastNumber, "_", "")
; Msgbox % "PodcastNumber: " PodcastNumber
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Text,x10 y+10, Podcast #:
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+%Marginspace% h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyPodcastNumber, Podcast #
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars vPodcastNumber, %PodcastNumber%
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 h200 w200, This is some text that goes here!
; Gui, Add, Text,x10 y+20, Title:
; Gui, Font, Bold
; Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+%Marginspace% h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyVideoTitle, Title
; Gui, Font, Normal
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars vVideoTitle, %VideoTitle%
; Gui, Add, Button, x+1 w20, Copy Title
; Gui, Add, Text,x10 y+20, Bitchute:
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+%Marginspace% h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyBitChuteURL, Bitchute
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vBitChuteURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %BitChuteURL%
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 w%ResultLBRYThumbEditBoxWidth% gUpdateVars, Facebook: %FacebookURL%
; Gui, Add, Button, x+1 w20, Copy BitChute
; Gui, Add, Text,x10 y+20, Brighteon:
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+%Marginspace% h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyBrighteonURL, Brighteon
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vBrighteonURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %BrighteonURL%
; Gui, Add, Text,x10 y+20, DailyMotion:
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyDailyMotionURL, DailyMotion
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vDailyMotionURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %DailyMotionURL%
; Gui, Add, Text,x10 y+20, Odysee:
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyOdyseeVideoURL, Odysee Video
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vOdyseeVideoURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars, %OdyseeVideoURL%
; Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0, Thumb
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vOdyseeVideoThumb w%ResultLBRYThumbEditBoxWidth% gUpdateVars, Thumb: %OdyseeVideoThumb%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyOdyseeAudioURL, Odysee Audio
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vOdyseeAudioURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %OdyseeAudioURL%
; Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp+0, Thumb
; Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 vOdyseeAudioThumb w%ResultLBRYThumbEditBoxWidth% gUpdateVars, Thumb: %OdyseeAudioThumb%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyRumbleURL, Rumble
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vRumbleURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %RumbleURL%
/*Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyStreamanityURL, Streamanity
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vStreamanityURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %StreamanityURL%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths%, Locals
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vLocalsURL w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars, %LocalsURL%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyVideoTags, Video Tags
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vVideoTags w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %VideoTags%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyPodcastTags, Podcast Tags
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h%ButtonHeights% vPodcasttags w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %Podcasttags%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x%Marginspace% y+10 h%ButtonHeights% w%CopyButtonWidths% gCopyVideoDescription, Description
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp+0 h50 vVideoDescription w%ResultEditBoxWidths% gUpdateVars , %VideoDescription%
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Button, y+%MarginSpace% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths%gSendErrorLoggingThroughTelegram, Send Errorlog Through Telegram
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSpace% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths% gRetryUpload, Try Failed Again
Gui, Add, Button, x%ResultEditBoxXPos% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths% gUpdateINI, Update Project Files with Changes
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSpace% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths% gUploadPodcast, Upload Podcast
Gui, Add, Button, x%ResultEditBoxXPos% y+%MarginSpace% w%ResultEditBoxThirdsWidths% gPostToDiscord vPostToDiscordButton, Post to Discord
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 w%ResultEditBoxThirdsWidths% gPostToTelegram vPostToTelegramButton, Post to Telegram
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 w%ResultEditBoxThirdsWidths% gStartSocialMediaPoster, Start Social Media Poster
Gui, Add, Button, x%ResultEditBoxXPos% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths% gOpenLBRYBlobFilesFolder %ButtonWidths% , Open LBRY Blob Files Folder
Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSpace% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths% gCancelPost %ButtonWidths% , Close
; Gui, Add, Button, x+%MarginSpace% w%ResultEditBoxHalfWidths% gKillScript %ButtonWidths% , Close
; gui, Add, Text, y+10
Gui, Font, s%GuiFontSize%
Gui, Add, Button, x%ErrorLogEditBoxXPos% w%ErrorLogEditBoxWidth% y%MarginSpace% h%ButtonHeights%, Error Log
Gui, Add, Edit,x%ErrorLogEditBoxXPos% h%ErrorLogEditBoxHeight% w%ErrorLogEditBoxWidth% y+10, %ErrorLogVar%
gui, font, Normal
gui, font, s7
Gui, Add, StatusBar,, Total Videos Uploaded: %TotalVideosUploaded%
Gui, +Resize +MaximizeBox
OriginalVideoDescription := VideoDescription
OriginalPodcastTags := PodcastTags
Gui, Show,,%FullScriptName% - Upload Results
run, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\blobfiles
; IniRead, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, FDRRadioUN, %A_Space%
IniRead, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %A_Space%
if(SocialMediaPosterFilepath = "" or !FileExist(SocialMediaPosterFilepath)){
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxSocialMediaPoster")
MsgBox 0x21, No Filepath Found, Unable to find filepath for Social Media Poster`nWould you like to add it?
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox OK, {
FileSelectFile, SocialMediaPosterFilepath,,, Please Select Social Media Poster
; Msgbox % "SocialMediaPosterFilepath: " SocialMediaPosterFilepath
; if(!InStr(SocialMediaPosterFilepath, ".ahk") OR !InStr(SocialMediaPosterFilepath, ".exe"))
; Return
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
; IniRead, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %A_Space%
IniWrite, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, SocialMediaPosterFilepath
; Return
; msgbox %SocialMediaPosterFilepath%
run, %SocialMediaPosterFilepath% "%VideoLinksIniFile%"
; -------------------------------Telegram-------------------------------
CurrentSocialMediaPosting := "Telegram"
Message = Posting Video Links to Telegram
IniRead, TelegramBotToken, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, TelegramBotToken, %A_Space%
IniRead, TelegramBotChatID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, TelegramBotChatID, %A_Space%
LineBreakChar = `%0A ; Used for Telegram API
if(TelegramBotToken = "" Or TelegramBotChatID =""){
Message = TelegramBotToken or TelegramBotChatID is missing from %SettingsIniFilepath%. `nPlease input them and click the button again.
msgbox, 4096, Error!, %Message%
; Msgbox, 4096, Error!, TelegramBotToken or TelegramBotChatID is missing from %SettingsIniFilepath%. `nPlease input them and rerun the script.
; If description is longer than 2k chars, then API will error out. goto section that will allow user to edit video description to shorten it for posting
if(StrLen(SocialMediaDescription) > 2000 AND VideoDescriptionForVideosChannel = ""){
goto, CreateDescriptionForVideosPosting
if(SocialMediaDescription = ""){
if(SocialMediaDescription > 1000){ ; Telegram has a 1024 char media caption capacity
SocialMediaDescription := SubStr(SocialMediaDescription, 1, 500)
; @todo: split telegram message into multiple posts
TelegramVideoTitle := ASCIISTRReplace(VideoTitle)
TelegramVideoTitle := "*" . TelegramVideoTitle . "*"
TelegramBodymessage := ASCIISTRReplace(VideoDescription)
LineBreakChar = `%0A ; Used for API
if(BitChuteURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[BitChute](" . BitChuteURL . ") \| "
if(BrighteonURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[Brighteon](" . BrighteonURL . ") \| "
if(OdyseeVideoURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[Odysee](" . OdyseeVideoURL . ") \| "
if(OdyseeAudioURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[Odysee \(Audio\)](" . OdyseeAudioURL . ") \| "
if(OdyseeVideoURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[Odysee](" . OdyseeVideoURL . ") \| "
if(OdyseeAudioURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[Odysee Audio](" . OdyseeAudioURL . ") \| "
if(RumbleURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[Rumble](" . RumbleURL . ") \| "
if(InStr(StreamanityURL, ""))
VideoLinks .= "[Streamanity](" . StreamanityURL . ") \| "
if(DailyMotionURL != "")
VideoLinks .= "[DailyMotion](" . DailyMotionURL . ") \| "
TelegramMessage := TelegramVideoTitle . "`n" . TelegramBodymessage . "`n" . VideoLinks
StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks := StrLen(TelegramVideoTitle) + StrLen(TelegramBodymessage) + StrLen(VideoLinks)
; DevModeMsgBox(StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks)
if(StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks > 1024){
; Telegram SendMessage is limited to 4096 characters
if(StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks < 4096){ ; split into sendphoto and 1 sendmessage
; DevModeMsgBox("Less than 4096 chars")
; Photo and Video Title go into SendPhoto
TelegramVideoTitle := TelegramVideoTitle . "`n" . VideoLinks
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
; Video Description goes into TelegramMessage
Status2 := SendTelegramMessage(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, text := TelegramBodymessage)
} ; split into 2 SendMessages
else if (StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks > 4096 AND StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks < 8192){ ; Split into 2 parts
TelegramVideoTitle := TelegramVideoTitle . "`n" . VideoLinks
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
TelegramBodymessagePiece := SubStr(TelegramBodymessage, 1, 4096)
Status2 := SendTelegramMessage(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, text := TelegramBodymessagePiece)
TelegramBodymessagePiece := SubStr(TelegramBodymessage, 4097, 8192)
Status3 := SendTelegramMessage(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, text := TelegramBodymessagePiece)
} ; split into 3 sendMessages
else if (StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks > 8192 AND StrLenOfMessageAndVideoLinks < 12288){ ; Split into 3 parts
TelegramVideoTitle := TelegramVideoTitle . "`n" . VideoLinks
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramVideoTitle ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
TelegramBodymessagePiece := SubStr(TelegramBodymessage, 1, 4096)
msgbox % StrLen(TelegramBodymessagePiece)
Status2 := SendTelegramMessage(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, text := TelegramBodymessagePiece)
TelegramBodymessagePiece := SubStr(TelegramBodymessage, 4097, 8192)
msgbox % StrLen(TelegramBodymessagePiece)
Status3 := SendTelegramMessage(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, text := TelegramBodymessagePiece)
; TelegramBodymessagePiece := SubStr(TelegramBodymessage, 8193, 12288)
; Status3 := SendTelegramMessage(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, text := TelegramBodymessagePiece)
} else, { ; if less than 1024 characters, send normally
Status := SendTelegramPhoto(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoThumbFilepath, caption := TelegramMessage ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
if(InStr(Status, "error_code")){
Message = Telegram Post Failed due to an API Issue. Error was saved to ErrorLogging file. Please send it to Yuriy.
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Status,PostType:=",ErrorLoggingTextFile")
Message = Telegram Error: %Status%
; Msgbox % "SizeOfCaption: " SizeOfCaption
; SizeOfCaption := SizeOfCaption +
; Message .= VideoLinks
; msgbox % StrLen(VideoLinks)
; Message := StrReplace(Message, "`n", LineBreakChar) ; replace all new line characters with the global charater
; msgbox % StrLen(Message)
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordVideos")
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Video Links posted to #Videos Successfully.",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
Message = Video Links Posted to Telegram Successfully
GuiControl,, PostToTelegramButton, Telegram - Posted Successfully
; sleep, 2000
CurrentSite :=
; -------------------------------/Telegram-------------------------------
; -------------------------------Discord-------------------------------
CurrentSocialMediaPosting := "Discord"
Message = Posting Video Links to Discord
IniRead, DiscordVideosWebhookURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordVideosWebhookURL, %A_Space%
if(DiscordVideosWebhookURL = ""){
Message = Unable to Grab DiscordVideosWebhookURL from %SettingsIniFilepath%.`nPlease input the URL and then try again.
Msgbox, Unable to Grab DiscordVideosWebhookURL from %SettingsIniFilepath%.`nPlease input the URL and then try again.
; If description is longer than 2k chars, then API will error out. goto section that will allow user to edit video description to shorten it for posting
if(StrLen(SocialMediaDescription) > 2000 AND VideoDescriptionForVideosChannel = ""){
Goto, CreateDescriptionForVideosPosting
if(SocialMediaDescription = ""){
; Msgbox % "SocialMediaDescription: " SocialMediaDescription
Message := "**" . VideoTitle . "**" . "`n" . SocialMediaDescription . "`n"
; Do this with an array!!
if(BitChuteURL != "")
Message .= "[BitChute](<" . BitChuteURL . ">) \| "
if(BrighteonURL != "")
Message .= "[Brighteon](<" . BrighteonURL . ">) \| "
if(OdyseeVideoURL != "")
Message .= "[Odysee](<" . OdyseeVideoURL . ">) \| "
if(OdyseeAudioURL != "")
Message .= "[Odysee (Audio)](<" . OdyseeAudioURL . ">) \| "
if(OdyseeVideoURL != "")
Message .= "[Odysee](<" . OdyseeVideoURL . ") \| "
if(OdyseeAudioURL != "")
Message .= "[Odysee Audio](<" . OdyseeAudioURL . ") \| "
if(RumbleURL != "")
Message .= "[Rumble](<" . RumbleURL . ">) \| "
/*if(StreamanityURL != "" AND InStr(StreamanityURL, ""))
Message .= "[Streamanity](<" . StreamanityURL . ">) \| "
if(DailyMotionURL != "")
Message .= "[DailyMotion](<" . DailyMotionURL . ">)"
UploadImageToDiscord(DiscordVideosWebhookURL, Message, VideoThumbFilepath)
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Video Links posted to #Videos Successfully.",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
GuiControl,, PostToDiscordButton, Discord - Posted Successfully
sleep, 2000
; Msgbox,,Success,Video Links posted to #Videos Successfully.
; ToolTip
; -------------------------------/Discord-------------------------------
; -------------------------------CopyThis-------------------------------
Clipboard := PodcastNumber
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=PodcastNumber "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := VideoTitle
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=VideoTitle "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := BitChuteURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=BitChuteURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := BrighteonURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=BrighteonURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := DailyMotionURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=DailyMotionURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := OdyseeVideoURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=OdyseeVideoURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := OdyseeAudioURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=OdyseeAudioURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := RumbleURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=RumbleURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := StreamanityURL
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=StreamanityURL "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := VideoTags
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=VideoTags "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := PodcastTags
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=PodcastTags "`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
Clipboard := VideoDescription
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Video Description`nCopied to Clipboard",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
sleep, 1000
; @todo: Add thumbnail status to this
; @todo: add podcast tags to this
IniWrite, %PodcastNumber%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, PodcastNumber
IniWrite, %VideoTitle%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, VideoTitle
IniWrite, %LBRYVideoURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LBRYVideoURL
IniWrite, %LBRYAudioURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LBRYAudioURL
IniWrite, %OdyseeVideoURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeVideoURL
OdyseeVideoThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeVideoThumb, "Thumb:", "")
IniWrite, %OdyseeVideoThumb%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, OdyseeVideoThumb
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudioURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeAudioURL
OdyseeAudioThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeAudioThumb, "Thumb:", "")
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudioThumb%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, OdyseeAudioThumb
IniWrite, %LocalsURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LocalsURL
IniWrite, %RumbleURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, RumbleURL
; IniWrite, %StreamanityURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, StreamanityURL
IniWrite, %DailyMotionURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, DailyMotionURL
IniWrite, %BrighteonURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BrighteonURL
IniWrite, %BitChuteURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BitChuteURL
if(VideoDescription != OriginalVideoDescription){
VideoBodyFilepath = %VideoFolderDir%\body.txt
FileDelete, %VideoBodyFilepath%
FileAppend, %VideoDescription%, %VideoBodyFilepath%
if(PodcastTags != OriginalPodcastTags){
PodcastTagsFilepath = %VideoFolderDir%\keywords_podcast.txt
FileDelete, %PodcastTagsFilepath%
FileAppend, %PodcastTags%, %PodcastTagsFilepath%
msgbox,4096, Updated!, VideoLinks.ini file updated with any edits that you've made.`n`n%VideoLinksIniFile%
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "LastPost"
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "ShowResults"
Message = Uploading Errorlog to FDRBotTesting Telegram Server.
; Credentials to FDRBotTesting Channel
IniRead, TelegramErrorLogBotToken, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TelegramErrorLogBotToken, %A_Space%
IniRead, TelegramErrorLogBotChatID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TelegramErrorLogBotChatID, %A_Space%
if(TelegramErrorLogBotToken = "" or TelegramErrorLogBotChatID = ""){
Message = TelegramErrorLogBotToken and/or TelegramErrorLogBotChatID are blank. Please add them to Settings.ini under: `n`n[General]`nTelegramErrorLogBotToken=`nTelegramErrorLogBotChatID=
Status := SendTelegramFile(TelegramErrorLogBotToken, TelegramErrorLogBotChatID, ErrorLoggingFilePath, caption := "" )
if(InStr(Status, "error_code")){
Message = Telegram Post Failed due to an API Issue. Error was saved to ErrorLogging file. Please send it manually.
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Status,PostType:=",ErrorLoggingTextFile")
Message = Telegram Error: %Status%
; msgbox, 4096, Error!, %Message%
Message = ErrorLog was successfully uploaded to the FDRBotTesting Telegram Server.`nThank You!
sleep, 5000
; msgbox, 4096, Success!, %Message%
; Clipboard := ErrorLoggingFilePath
; Message = %ErrorLoggingFilePath% `n`nwas copied to the clipboard for easy attachment
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
; msgbox, 4096, Filepath Copied to Clipboard, %ErrorLoggingFilePath%`n`nwas copied to the clipboard for easy attachment.
if(VideoFileSizeInMB > 50){
Message = Telegram Upload Skipped. Video is larger than 50MB
CurrentSocialMediaPosting := "Telegram Video"
Message = Uploading Video to Telegram
IniRead, TelegramBotToken, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, TelegramBotToken, %A_Space%
IniRead, TelegramBotChatID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, TelegramBotChatID, %A_Space%
LineBreakChar = `%0A ; Used for Telegram API
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Posting to Telegram",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile")
if(TelegramBotToken = "" Or TelegramBotChatID =""){
Message = TelegramBotToken or TelegramBotChatID is missing from %SettingsIniFilepath%. `nPlease input them and click the button again.
msgbox, 4096, Error!, %Message%
; Msgbox, 4096, Error!, TelegramBotToken or TelegramBotChatID is missing from %SettingsIniFilepath%. `nPlease input them and rerun the script.
; If description is longer than 2k chars, then API will error out. goto section that will allow user to edit video description to shorten it for posting
if(StrLen(SocialMediaDescription) > 2000){
TelegramVideoUploadDescription := SubStr(SocialMediaDescription, 1, 990)
TelegramVideoUploadDescription .= "...."
; msgbox, here goes
; Goto, CreateDescriptionForVideosPosting
TelegramVideoTitle := ASCIISTRReplace(VideoTitle)
TelegramBodymessage := ASCIISTRReplace(TelegramVideoUploadDescription)
LineBreakChar = `%0A ; Used for API
Message := "*" . TelegramVideoTitle . "*" . LineBreakChar . TelegramBodymessage . LineBreakChar
Message := StrReplace(Message, "`n", LineBreakChar) ; replace all new line characters with the global charater
; Msgbox % "Message: " Message
Status := SendTelegramVideo(TelegramBotToken, TelegramBotChatID, VideoFilepath, caption := Message ) ; you could add more options; compare the Telegram API docs
if(InStr(Status, "error_code")){
Message = Telegram Post Failed due to an API Issue. Error was saved to ErrorLogging file. Please send it to Yuriy.
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Status,PostType:=",ErrorLoggingTextFile")
Message = Telegram Error: %Status%
; msgbox
Message = Upload Complete to Telegram
IniWrite, Successful, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, Telegram
; SaveDriverURL()
; BitChute
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Bitchute-Upload.ahk
; Brighteon
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Brighteon-Upload.ahk
; DailyMotion
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\DailyMotion-Upload.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\LBRY-Upload.ahk
; Rumble
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Rumble-Upload.ahk
; Locals
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Locals-Upload.ahk
; Podcast
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Podcast-Upload.ahk
; Miscellaneous-Functions
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Miscellaneous-Functions.ahk