PostToDiscord: ;------------------------------------------------ CurrentSocialMediaPosting := "Discord" Message = Posting Video Links to Discord SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") IniRead, DiscordVideosWebhookURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordVideosWebhookURL, %A_Space% if(DiscordVideosWebhookURL = ""){ Message = Unable to Grab DiscordVideosWebhookURL from %SettingsIniFilepath%.`nPlease input the URL and then try again. SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") Msgbox, Unable to Grab DiscordVideosWebhookURL from %SettingsIniFilepath%.`nPlease input the URL and then try again. Return } ; Message := if(BitChuteURL != "") Message .= "[BitChute](<" . BitChuteURL . ">) \| " if(BrighteonURL != "") Message .= "[Brighteon](<" . BrighteonURL . ">) \| " if(OdyseeVideoURL != "") Message .= "[Odysee](<" . OdyseeVideoURL . ">) \| " if(OdyseeAudioURL != "") Message .= "[Odysee (Audio)](<" . OdyseeAudioURL . ">) \| " if(RumbleURL != "") Message .= "[Rumble](<" . RumbleURL . ">) \| " if(DailyMotionURL != "") Message .= "[DailyMotion](<" . DailyMotionURL . ">) \| " if(PodcastTranscriptURL != "") Message .= "[Video Transcript](<" . PodcastTranscriptURL . ">) \| " if(PodcastNumber != "") Message .= "[FDRPodcasts](<" . "" . PodcastNumber . ">) \| " ; StrLenOfDiscordMessage := ; trim the video description if Title + Body + Links is longer than 2000 chars if((StrLen(VideoTitle) + StrLen(VideoDescription) + StrLen(Message)) > 2000){ DiscordAPICharsLeft := 2000 - StrLen(VideoTitle) - StrLen(Message) - 15 DiscordVideoDescription := SubStr(VideoDescription, 1, DiscordAPICharsLeft) . "..." } else, DiscordVideoDescription := VideoDescription Message := "**" . VideoTitle . "**" . "`n" . DiscordVideoDescription . "`n" . Message Status := UploadImageToDiscord(DiscordVideosWebhookURL, Message, VideoThumbFilepath) Message = API Response:`n%Status% SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="ErrorLoggingTextFile") SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Video Links posted to #Videos Successfully.",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile") GuiControl,, PostToDiscordButton, Discord - Posted Successfully sleep, 2000 ToolTip ; Msgbox,,Success,Video Links posted to #Videos Successfully. ; ToolTip Return ; -------------------------------/Discord-------------------------------