;---ENVIRONMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. ;DetectHiddenWindows, On #SingleInstance, Force SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;SetKeyDelay, 500 CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ;#NoTrayIcon ;Menu, Tray, Icon, ..\Icons\ICONNAMEHERE ;---Notes/Extra Info/#Includes------------------------------------------------------ #include %A_ScriptDir%/Lib/Schrome.ahk ; used for chrome debugging mode connection ;---VARIABLES----------------------------------------------------------------------- IniRead, ChromeProfile, Settings.ini, General, ChromeProfile ;---MAIN SCRIPT--------------------------------------------------------------------- driver:= ComObjCreate("Selenium.CHROMEDriver") ;Select and Create Chrome driver instance driver.AddArgument("disable-infobars") ;Hides 'Chrome is being controlled by automated test software' message driver.AddArgument("--start-maximized") ; Maximize Chrome Browser driver.AddArgument("--disable-gpu") ;driver.AddArgument("--headless") try driver.Get("https://duckduckgo.com/") ;Open selected URL /*catch e { Msgbox,4096,Error, Unable to connect to Chrome COM Object. `nMost likely issue is that .Net framework 3.5 is not installed.`nMake sure it is installed by navigating to Start > Turn Windows features on and Off > .NET Framekwork 3.5 > TRUE`n`nAnother possibility is that you don't have chromedriver.exe in: C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic\chromedriver.exe ExitApp } */ try driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete") ; wait until page loads completely before proceeding msgbox,4096,Success,If you installed Selenium correctly, A chrome window should have opened up and navigated to duckdcukgo.com. `nClick OK to close and to do a chrome profile test ; Msgbox % "ChromeProfile: " ChromeProfile Driver := SChrome_Get("https://www.bitchute.com/", ChromeProfile) ; open new tab page with with specified profile Msgbox,4096,Success?, If everything worked correctly you should have received a prompt to reopen chrome in debugging mode and then opened up chrome with the profile you have set in settings.ini and opened up BitChute.com`n`nClick OK to exit this script ExitApp ;---FUNCTIONS-----------------------------------------------------------------------