; Information ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This script can be used to connect to your currently active Chrome tab and for quick debugging purposes ;---ENVIRONMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #SingleInstance, Force SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen CoordMode, Mouse, Screen FileEncoding, UTF-8-RAW ; Needed for special symbols that are used in video descritions ;---VARIABLES----------------------------------------------------------------------- global driver global DevMode DevMode := 1 ; Get Title of current chrome window so Selenium can find and connect to it WinActivate, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 WinGetTitle, Chrome_Window_Title, A Chrome_Window_Title := StrSplit(Chrome_Window_Title, " - Chromium") Chrome_Window_Title := Chrome_Window_Title[1] Driver := ConnectToChromeTab("", ConnectActiveTab := 1, ActiveTabTitle := Chrome_Window_Title) ; open new tab page with with specified profile ;---MAIN SCRIPT--------------------------------------------------------------------- ExitApp Escape::ExitApp ; Libraries - All are included because they call on functions from each other ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\StdOutToVar.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\General-Functions.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Chrome-Functions.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Selenium-Functions.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Gitea-Functions.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\API-Functions.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\JSON.ahk #Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\RunCMD.ahk ConnectToChromeTab(URL := "", ConnectActiveTab := 0, WinGetActiveChromeTabTitle := ""){ ; Msgbox % "WinGetActiveChromeTabTitle: " WinGetActiveChromeTabTitle IP_Port := "" IP_Port_Nr := RegExReplace(IP_Port, ".*:(\d*)", "$1") if WinExist("ahk_exe Chrome.exe"){ WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_exe chrome.exe for item in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId='" pid "'"){ if RegExMatch(item.CommandLine, "i)--remote-debugging-port=\K\d+", port){ break } } if (Port=""){ MsgBox, 36, ,Chrome Needs to be started in debugging mode in order for Autohotkey to connect to it.`nIs it ok to restart Chrome in debugmode to enable a connection? IfMsgBox, Yes { Message = Restarting Chrome in Debug Mode SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip") While(WinExist("ahk_exe chrome.exe")) { WinClose, ahk_exe chrome.exe } Process, WaitClose, chrome.exe } Else{ Msgbox, 4096, Error, Cannot connect to Chrome profile if it is Not running in debug mode. Script Terminating ExitApp ; @todo: Make this error out to the script result screen } } } ; Establish Variable with Filepath to be used throughout the script if(ChromeFilepath = ""){ if(FileExist("C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")){ ChromeFilepath = C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe } else if (FileExist("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")){ ChromeFilepath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe } } if(ChromeFilepath = ""){ Message = Failed to find chrome.exe in the usual locations. SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip") MsgBox 0x30, Error!, Unable to find Chrome.exe in the usual locations. `nScript Exiting. ExitApp } if(!winExist("ahk_exe chrome.exe")){ run, %ChromeFilepath% --remote-debugging-port=%IP_Port_Nr% %URL% } Driver := ComObjCreate("Selenium.ChromeDriver") Driver.SetCapability("debuggerAddress", IP_Port) try Driver.Start() catch e { ShowSeleniumErrorMsgbox() } ; end of catch if(ConnectActiveTab){ try TotalTabsFound := Driver.Windows.Count loop, %TotalTabsFound% { try SeleniumActiveTabTitle := Driver.Title ; Msgbox % "Title: " Title if(InStr(WinGetActiveChromeTabTitle, SeleniumActiveTabTitle)){ ; msgbox, window match found break } try driver.SwitchToNextWindow ;Focuses Selenium on the newly opened/next window. } } ; Save current chrome version to ini file return Driver } ; -------------------------------/SChrome_Get-------------------------------