Change SubscribeStar social media posting format #29

opened 1 year ago by jamesapyrich · 1 comments

The automation currently creates identical posts for all social media, but subscribestar is different. We include promotional text which directs the user to subscribe to Locals, but this really isn't appropriate for SubscribeStar. Additionally, we are building transcripts for donors on, so being able to build the supporter-specific body for SubscribeStar is possible!

This issue crosses boundaries between this project and the social media poster, because this project doesn't currently have a concept of promotional text.

I propose:

  • new file, promo.txt. this can be blank/missing
  • new URL, TranscriptURL
    • Currently not saved with the podcast. Used to build the Supporter social media post
  • Public Social Media Post Content

<contents of body.txt>

<contents of promo.txt>

<FDRPodcasts URL>

<BitChute URL>
  • Supporter Social Media Post Content (currently only SubscribeStar)
<contents of body.txt>


<FDRPodcasts URL>

<BitChute URL>
The automation currently creates identical posts for all social media, but subscribestar is different. We include promotional text which directs the user to subscribe to Locals, but this really isn't appropriate for SubscribeStar. Additionally, we are building transcripts for donors on ``, so being able to build the supporter-specific body for SubscribeStar is possible! This issue crosses boundaries between this project and the social media poster, because this project doesn't currently have a concept of promotional text. I propose: * new file, `promo.txt`. this can be blank/missing * new URL, `TranscriptURL` * Currently not saved with the podcast. Used to build the Supporter social media post * Public Social Media Post Content ``` <Title> <contents of body.txt> <contents of promo.txt> <FDRPodcasts URL> <BitChute URL> ``` * Supporter Social Media Post Content (currently only SubscribeStar) ``` <contents of body.txt> <TranscriptURL> <FDRPodcasts URL> <BitChute URL> ```
yuriy added the
label 10 months ago

@jamesapyrich What would you like to do about discord #videos posts?

@jamesapyrich What would you like to do about discord #videos posts?
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Reference: yuriy/video-uploader#29
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