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3 Commits
3.48 ... main

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ VersionIniFP = %A_ScriptDir%\Version.ini
; Generate a new errorlog text file each run
FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
ErrorLogTextFile = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\ErrorLogging\Compiler_%TodayDate%.txt
ErrorLogFilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\ErrorLogging\Compiler_%TodayDate%.txt
; Read Credential token from Windows Credential Manager using WindowCredentialManager.ahk
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ if(!FileExist(icopath)){
; run, %comspec% /c ""C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%AHKFilepath%" /out "%exefilepath%" /icon "%icopath%""
Command = "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%AHKFilepath%" /out "%exefilepath%" /icon "%icopath%"
Results := RunCMD(Command)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogTextFile)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogFilepath)
if(!InStr(Results, "Successfully")){
Msgbox, Error, Compilation failed with the following error:`n`n%Results%
@ -104,10 +104,11 @@ ReleaseTag := VersionNumber
Command = Powershell "%CreateReleasePS1Filepath%" "%CreateReleaseAPIURL%" "%ReleaseName%" "%ReleaseTag%" "'%ReleaseBody%'"
Message = PowerShell Command to Create Release:`n%Command%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogTextFile)
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogFilepath)
Results := RunCMD(Command)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogTextFile)
Message = API Returned:`n%Results%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogFilepath)
; Pull out the release ID Number, needed for attaching a file to the release
@ -116,8 +117,15 @@ SplitText2 = `;
ReleaseID := StrSplit(Results, SplitText)[2]
ReleaseID := StrSplit(ReleaseID, SplitText2)[1]
if(ReleaseID = ""){
Message = Failed to Grab Release ID`nPlease See Errorlog for Details:`n%ErrorLogFilepath%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogFilepath)
Msgbox, %Message%
Message = ReleaseID: %ReleaseID%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogTextFile)
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogFilepath)
@ -129,10 +137,11 @@ AttachAssetToReleaseAPIURL = %AttachAssetToReleaseAPIURL%/%ReleaseID%/assets
; Strings with spaces in them need to be surrounted by a single quote and double quote, eg: "'spaced string'"
Command = Powershell "%AttachAssetToReleasePS1Filepath%" "%AttachAssetToReleaseAPIURL%" "%GiteaToken%" "'%ExeProgramName%'" "'%Exefilepath%'"
LogToErrorLogFile(Command, ErrorLogTextFile)
LogToErrorLogFile(Command, ErrorLogFilepath)
Results := RunCMD(Command)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogTextFile)
Message = API Returned: %Results%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogFilepath)
@ -151,5 +160,5 @@ ExitApp
LogToErrorLogFile(Text, TextFileFilepath){
FileAppend, %Text%`n, %TextFileFilepath%
FileAppend, `n%Text%`n, %TextFileFilepath%

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ if(InStr(PassedInArgument1_Filepath,ScriptName) and InStr(PassedInArgument1_File
; move old version to backups folder, overwrite if name conflict
FileDelete, %PassedInArgument1_Filepath%
if(ErrorLevel){ ; most likely because the old version hasn't finished exiting yet
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Moving Old Version to Backups",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar")
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Failed to Delete Old Program Version",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar")
sleep, 2000
FileDelete, %PassedInArgument1_Filepath%
@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ if(FileExist(VideoLinksIniFile)){
; Misc Info
; ------------------------------------------------
IniRead, ErrorLoggingFilePath, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, ErrorLoggingFilePath, %A_Space%
; Double check that the file/directory exists and create if not
SplitPath, ErrorLoggingFilePath,, ErrorLogDir
FileCreateDir, %ErrorLogDir%
; Double check that the file still exists on the system. if set var to blank so new file can be generated
ErrorLoggingFilePath :=

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 670b97d6b130bf09b8c032e2f6fdb940a099b36a
Subproject commit 95bda715cb2bf2d9dd062e37e61d2dd0a281fcc3

@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ if(DiscordVideosWebhookURL = ""){
; clear out variables in case the button is clicked twice
VideoLinks :=
Message :=
DiscordVideoDescription :=
TooltipMessage = Checking Bitchute and Brighteon URL for Processing Status
@ -75,12 +76,6 @@ VideoLinks .= "[Video Transcript](<" . PodcastTranscriptURL . ">) \| "
if(PodcastNumber != "")
VideoLinks .= "[FDRPodcasts](<" . "" . PodcastNumber . ">) \| "
Clipboard := VideoLinks
Msgbox % "VideoLinks: " VideoLinks
; StrLenOfDiscordMessage :=
; trim the video description if Title + Body + Links is longer than 2000 chars
if((StrLen(VideoTitle) + StrLen(VideoDescription) + StrLen(VideoLinks)) > 2000){
@ -91,7 +86,9 @@ if((StrLen(VideoTitle) + StrLen(VideoDescription) + StrLen(VideoLinks)) > 2000){
DiscordVideoDescription := VideoDescription
Message := "**" . VideoTitle . "**" . "`n" . VideoLinks . "`n" . DiscordVideoDescription
Message = VideoLinks variable contents:
Message := "**" . VideoTitle . "**" . "`n" . DiscordVideoDescription . "`n`n" . VideoLinks
Status := UploadImageToDiscord(DiscordVideosWebhookURL, Message, VideoThumbFilepath)
Message = API Response:`n%Status%

@ -124,51 +124,32 @@ Loop, 5 { ; Attempt to input video description a couple of times
Xpath = (//input[@placeholder='- Primary category -'])[1]
try, driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).SendKeys("Podcasts").SendKeys(driver.Keys.ENTER)
; Skip the channel selection for now
; Rumble now has a "Set this channel as default" checkbox
Message = Selecting Channel
; Get list of channels and select the second one in the list
; First is the user profile
; Second is the Normal Channel
; @todo replace with regex
js = return document.querySelector("#channelId").innerHTML;
try, ChannelIDNumber := driver.executeScript(js)
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
ChannelIDNumber := StrSplit(ChannelIDNumber, "option value=")
Xpath = (//fieldset[@id='channelId'])[1]
Try Channels := driver.findelementbyxpath(Xpath).Attribute("innerText") ;XPATH Inner Text
UploadChannelName := StrSplit(Channels, "`n")[2]
ChannelIDNumber := ChannelIDNumber[3]
SingleQuote = "
ChannelIDNumber := StrSplit(ChannelIDNumber, "data-private")
ChannelIDNumber := ChannelIDNumber[1]
ChannelIDNumber := StrReplace(ChannelIDNumber, SingleQuote, "")
ChannelIDNumber := StrReplace(ChannelIDNumber, " ", "")
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
; js = return document.querySelector("#channelId").value;
; try, ChannelIDNumber := driver.executeScript(js)
; Msgbox % "ChannelIDNumber: " ChannelIDNumber
if(ChannelIDNumber = ""){
Message = ChannelIDNumber is blank. Unable to select Upload Channel
Message = Failed to Grab Upload Channel Name
; //option[@value='762377'] ; freedomain
Xpath = //option[@value='%ChannelIDNumber%']
try driver.FindElementByXPath(Xpath).click()
catch e {
Message = Failed to click on Channel using %ChannelIDNumber%.
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar,DiscordErrorLogging")
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
Xpath = (//label[normalize-space()='%UploadChannelName%'])[1]
Status := Selenium_LoopToClickXpath(Xpath:=Xpath,NumOfLoops:=2,SleepLength:=1000)
; Input Tags
Message = Inputting Tags

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
Name=Freedomain Video Uploader
