diff --git a/Modules/Post-To-Discord.ahk b/Modules/Post-To-Discord.ahk index a0c0d2a..bf4fb22 100644 --- a/Modules/Post-To-Discord.ahk +++ b/Modules/Post-To-Discord.ahk @@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ if(DiscordVideosWebhookURL = ""){ } ; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63160401/how-to-create-hyperlink-in-discord-in-an-embed-in-general - +; clear out variables in case the button is clicked twice VideoLinks := - +Message := +DiscordVideoDescription := TooltipMessage = Checking Bitchute and Brighteon URL for Processing Status SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") @@ -75,12 +76,6 @@ VideoLinks .= "[Video Transcript](<" . PodcastTranscriptURL . ">) \| " if(PodcastNumber != "") VideoLinks .= "[FDRPodcasts](<" . "https://fdrpodcasts.com/" . PodcastNumber . ">) \| " -Clipboard := VideoLinks -Msgbox % "VideoLinks: " VideoLinks - - -; StrLenOfDiscordMessage := - ; trim the video description if Title + Body + Links is longer than 2000 chars if((StrLen(VideoTitle) + StrLen(VideoDescription) + StrLen(VideoLinks)) > 2000){