Automated New Releases Process

Yuriy 8 months ago
parent dbdefc5a95
commit 8b43ddc8be


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@ -13,38 +13,51 @@ CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; Menu, Tray, Icon, RMScriptManager.ico
;---Notes/Extra Info/#Includes------------------------------------------------------
; [IniFile]
; FileNameOfAHKScripttoCompile=
; ICOFileName=
#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\WindowCredentialManager.ahk
ProgramName = Freedomain Video Uploader
ExeProgramName = %ProgramName%.exe
AHKFilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\%ProgramName%.ahk
Exefilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\%ProgramName%.exe
icopath = %A_ScriptDir%\Assets\Icon.ico
VersionIniFP = %A_ScriptDir%\Version.ini
; Generate a new errorlog text file each run
FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
ErrorLogTextFile = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\ErrorLogging\Compiler_%TodayDate%.txt
; Read Credential token from Windows Credential Manager using WindowCredentialManager.ahk
cred := CredRead("FDR-Gitea-Token")
GiteaToken := Cred.Password
; Info for Creating the Release with Gitea-CreateRelease.ps1
CreateReleasePS1Filepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Gitea-CreateRelease.ps1
CreateReleaseAPIURL =
;---MAIN SCRIPT---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Info for Attaching exe file to release using Gitea-AttachAssetToRelease.ps1
AttachAssetToReleasePS1Filepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Gitea-AttachAssetToRelease.ps1
AttachAssetToReleaseAPIURL =
AHKFilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Freedomain Video Uploader.ahk
Exefilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Freedomain Video Uploader.exe
icopath = %A_ScriptDir%\Assets\FreedomainVideo.ico
VersionIniFP = %A_ScriptDir%\Version.ini
; Compile to .exe
; ------------------------------------------------
; Bump the version number in the version.ini file
IniRead, VersionNumber, %VersionIniFP%, Video-Uploader, Version, 0.0 ; , Filename, Section, Key [, Default]
VersionNumber += .01
VersionNumber := SubStr(VersionNumber, 1, 4)
; Msgbox % "VersionNumber: " VersionNumber
IniWrite, %VersionNumber%, %VersionIniFP%,Video-Uploader, Version
; Kill any active intances of the uploaders so the .exe file can be overwriten by the compilation
process, close, Freedomain Video Uploader.exe
process, close, %ExeProgramName%
sleep, 1000
sleep, 500
; Delete the .exe file so it can be repalced
@ -55,57 +68,69 @@ if(FileExist(Exefilepath)){
; check if file exists and if not, give user error and stop
msgbox, %AHKFilepath% does not exist`nExiting
; check if file exists and if not, give user error and stop
msgbox, %icopath% does not exist`nExiting
; run, %comspec% /c ""C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%AHKFilepath%" /out "%exefilepath%" /icon "%icopath%""
Command = "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%AHKFilepath%" /out "%exefilepath%" /icon "%icopath%"
Results := RunCMD(Command)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogTextFile)
run, %comspec% /c ""C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%AHKFilepath%" /out "%exefilepath%" /icon "%icopath%""
if(!InStr(Results, "Successfully")){
Msgbox, Error, Compilation failed with the following error:`n`n%Results%
InputBox, ReleaseBody, Release Body, Please Input Release Body,
cred := CredRead("FDR-Gitea-Token")
GiteaToken := Cred.Password
; Create new Release on Gitea using Gitea-CreateRelease.ps1
; ------------------------------------------------
InputBox, ReleaseBody, Release Body, Please Input Text to be used in the Release Body
; Info for Creating the Release with Gitea-CreateRelease.ps1
PS1Filepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Gitea-CreateRelease.ps1
ReleaseName := VersionNumber
ReleaseTag := VersionNumber
; ReleaseBody := "-Fixed Item 1--Fixed Item 2--Fixed Item 3"
Command = Powershell "%PS1Filepath%" "%APIURL%" "%ReleaseName%" "%ReleaseTag%" "%ReleaseBody%"
Clipboard := Command
Msgbox % "Command: " Command
Returned := RunCMD(Command)
Clipboard := Returned
Msgbox % "Returned: " Returned
; Strings with spaces in them need to be surrounted by a single quote and double quote, eg: "'spaced string'"
Command = Powershell "%CreateReleasePS1Filepath%" "%CreateReleaseAPIURL%" "%ReleaseName%" "%ReleaseTag%" "'%ReleaseBody%'"
Message = PowerShell Command to Create Release:`n%Command%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogTextFile)
Results := RunCMD(Command)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogTextFile)
; Pull out the relead ID Number, used for uploading attachmenets
; Pull out the release ID Number, needed for attaching a file to the release
SplitText = @{id=
SplitText2 = `;
ReleaseID := StrSplit(Returned, SplitText)[2]
ReleaseID := StrSplit(Results, SplitText)[2]
ReleaseID := StrSplit(ReleaseID, SplitText2)[1]
Clipboard := ReleaseID
Msgbox % "ReleaseID: " ReleaseID
Message = ReleaseID: %ReleaseID%
LogToErrorLogFile(Message, ErrorLogTextFile)
; runcmd()
; Attach .exe File to Release using Gitea-AttachAssetToRelease.ps1
; ------------------------------------------------
; Strings with spaces in them need to be surrounted by a single quote and double quote, eg: "'spaced string'"
Command = Powershell "%AttachAssetToReleasePS1Filepath%" "%AttachAssetToReleaseAPIURL%" "%GiteaToken%" "'%ExeProgramName%'" "'%Exefilepath%'"
LogToErrorLogFile(Command, ErrorLogTextFile)
Results := RunCMD(Command)
LogToErrorLogFile(Results, ErrorLogTextFile)
@ -123,3 +148,6 @@ ExitApp
LogToErrorLogFile(Text, TextFileFilepath){
FileAppend, %Text%`n, %TextFileFilepath%

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ DetectHiddenWindows, ON ; used for finding Running .ahk scripts
; Only Set tool tray icon if this is the source .ahk script.
; The .exe has the icon compiled into it
if(InStr(A_ScriptFullPath, ".ahk")){
try Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\Assets\FreedomainVideo.ico
try Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\Assets\Icon.ico
; Parameter passed in to script

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Name=Freedomain Video Uploader
