fixed LBRY Killer sometimes killing LBRY before URL has been grabbed

Yuriy 9 months ago
parent 8b1a8d407c
commit 58d80bd084

.gitignore vendored

@ -18,4 +18,6 @@ Compile Scripts to EXE.ahk
Freedomain Video Uploader.exe
Lib/LBRY Process Killer.exe

@ -15,7 +15,13 @@ if(InStr(A_ScriptFullPath, ".ahk")){
; Parameter passed in to script
; ------------------------------------------------
PassedParameter = %1%
PassedInArgument1_Filepath = %1% ; Filepath of one of the files in the directory of the video project
PassedInArgument2_Action = %2% ; "Scheduled", "ShowResults", "Delete"
PassedInArgument3_Details = %3% ; Details of Argument2, eg list of Sites to Upload to
; Msgbox % "PassedInArgument1_Filepath: " PassedInArgument1_Filepath
; Msgbox % "PassedInArgument2: " PassedInArgument2
; Msgbox % "PassedInArgument3: " PassedInArgument3
; Customize the Toolbar Icon Menu
@ -52,9 +58,7 @@ UStartTime := A_TickCount ; start time
;---Global Variables---
global ScriptNameav
global ScriptVersion
global FullScriptName
global LBRYResolveAPICommand
global LBRYPermanentURL
global VideoTitle
@ -72,7 +76,6 @@ global CurrentSite
global Driver
global DriverStatus
global ChromeProfile
global ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus
global ShowTooltipProgress
global ErrorLogSummary
global DiscordParlerWebhookURL
@ -113,20 +116,25 @@ SettingsIniFilepath := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings.ini"
global ScriptSettingsSection
ScriptSettingsSection := "VideoUploader"
global ScriptNameAcronym
ScriptNameAcronym := "FVU"
FileInstall, Version.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini, 1
IniRead, ScriptVersion, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,Video-Uploader, Version, 0.0
IniRead, ScriptName, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version.ini,Video-Uploader, Name, "Video Uploader"
global ScriptName
global ScriptVersion
global FullScriptName
VersionIniFilepath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Version-%ScriptNameAcronym%.ini
; Install the Version.ini file in lib folder (Used by .exe file)
FileInstall, Version.ini, %VersionIniFilepath%, 1
IniRead, ScriptVersion, %VersionIniFilepath%,Video-Uploader, Version, 0.0
IniRead, ScriptName, %VersionIniFilepath%,Video-Uploader, Name,
FullScriptName := ScriptName . " - " . ScriptVersion
;---Script Settings---
; Checkbox Settings
IniRead, ShowTooltipProgress, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress, 1
(ShowTooltipProgress)?(ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 1) : (ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, XPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, XPosition, 0
IniRead, YPosition, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, YPosition, 0
@ -137,22 +145,26 @@ IniRead, DevMode, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DevMode, 0
IniRead, TotalVideosUploaded, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TotalVideosUploaded, 0
IniRead, MouseClicksSaved, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, MouseClicksSaved, 0
; Checkbox Settings
IniRead, ShowTooltipProgress, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress, 1
(ShowTooltipProgress)?(ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 1) : (ShowTooltipProgressCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, AutoUpdateCheck, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoUpdateCheck, 1
(AutoUpdateCheck)?(AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 1) : (AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 0)
; AutoLogin setting
IniRead, AutoLogin, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoLogin, 1
(AutoUpdateCheck)?(AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 1) : (AutoUpdateCheckCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, PingOnCompletion, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, PingOnCompletion, 1
(PingOnCompletion)?(PingOnCompletionCheckStatus := 1) : (PingOnCompletionCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, KillLBRYAfterUpload, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, KillLBRYAfterUpload, 1
IniRead, ConfirmBeforeSubmit, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ConfirmBeforeSubmit, 0
; Discord Error Logging
; ------------------------------------------------
IniRead, ErrorLogToDiscord, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ErrorLogToDiscord, 1
IniRead, DiscordPingOnCompletion, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, DiscordPingOnCompletion, 1
if(ErrorLogToDiscord || DiscordPingOnCompletion){
IniRead, DiscordUsernameID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordUsernameID, %A_space%
Message = DiscordUsernameID is blank. Will not be able to ping to notify when uploads are complete.`nPlease add user ID in settings.ini under: `n`n[General]`nDiscordUsernameID=`nOr Uncheck "Discord Ping on Completion"
@ -161,10 +173,6 @@ if(PingOnCompletion){
IniRead, KillLBRYAfterUpload, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, KillLBRYAfterUpload, 1
(KillLBRYAfterUpload)?(=KillLBRYAfterUploadCheckStatus := 1) : (KillLBRYAfterUploadCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, DiscordWebhookBotURL, %A_space%
if(DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL = ""){
Message = DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL is blank. `nWill not be able to post error messages or upload status to discord.`nPlease add discord webhook URL in settings.ini under: `n`n[General]`DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL=
@ -172,7 +180,6 @@ if(DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL = ""){
;---Auto Updater Settings---
global GitReleasesAPIURL
@ -181,11 +188,7 @@ GitReleasesAPIURL =
;---LBRY Settings---
IniRead, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount, %A_Space%
if(LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount = ""){
LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount = 1.0
IniWrite, %LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount
IniRead, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYNewVideoStakeAmount, 1.0
IniRead, LBRYChannelID, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, LBRYChannelID, %A_Space%
if(LBRYChannelID = ""){
@ -194,12 +197,10 @@ if(LBRYChannelID = ""){
;---Read Info From Project Files---
; if passed argument is .exe file, then script has just been udpated and we need to move the old version
if(InStr(PassedParameter,ScriptName) and InStr(PassedParameter,".exe")){
; Set Settings based on Passed in Arguments
; ------------------------------------------------
; if passed argument is .exe file, then script has just been updated and we need to move the old version
if(InStr(PassedInArgument1_Filepath,ScriptName) and InStr(PassedInArgument1_Filepath,".exe")){
; create backups folder if it doesn't exist
BackupsFolder = %LibFolder%\Backups\
@ -210,44 +211,51 @@ if(InStr(PassedParameter,ScriptName) and InStr(PassedParameter,".exe")){
; move old version to backups folder, overwrite if name conflict
FileMove, %PassedParameter%, %BackupsFolder%\*, 1
FileDelete, %PassedInArgument1_Filepath%
if(ErrorLevel){ ; most likely because the old version hasn't finished exiting yet
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Moving Old Version to Backups",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,ErrorSummaryVar")
sleep, 2000
FileMove, %PassedParameter%, %BackupsFolder%\*, 1
FileDelete, %PassedInArgument1_Filepath%
MsgBox,,Update Successful, Update was successful`, but unable to move old version to the Backups folder.`nPlease move it or delete it manually.
MsgBox,,Update Successful, Update was successful`, but failed to delete the old version, most likely due to it running.`nPlease delete it manually.
; Change paramter to LastPost so last post gets automatically opened instead of user having to re-select the file again
PassedParameter = LastPost
; Change parameter to "LastPost" so last post now gets automatically opened instead of user having to re-select the file again
PassedInArgument1_Filepath = LastPost
if(PassedParameter = "LastPost"){
IniRead, PassedParameter, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost, %A_Space%
if(PassedInArgument1_Filepath = "LastPost"){
IniRead, PassedInArgument1_Filepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost, %A_Space%
if(PassedParameter = "ShowResults"){
IniRead, PassedParameter, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost, %A_Space%
if(PassedInArgument2_Action = "ShowResults"){
IniRead, PassedInArgument1_Filepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost, %A_Space%
PassedParameterLength := StrLen(PassedParameter)
if(PassedParameterLength < 5 and !InStr(PassedParameter, ".exe")){
; Show File Selection Dialogue
; ------------------------------------------------
PassedInArgument1_FilepathLength := StrLen(PassedInArgument1_Filepath)
if(PassedInArgument1_FilepathLength < 5 and !InStr(PassedInArgument1_Filepath, ".exe")){
FileSelectFile, BodyTextFilePath,,%RootDirToStartIn%,Please Select ANY File Within the Project Folder
else, {
SkipUpdateCheckThisRun := 1
BodyTextFilePath := PassedParameter
BodyTextFilePath := PassedInArgument1_Filepath
; @todo Do this with an array. Add all filepaths to array and then pull out the ones with the extension.
; get directory from the filepath grabbed
; Read Info From Project Files
; get project directory from the "BodyTextFilePath"
; BodyTextFilePath will be any file from within the update directory
SplitPath, BodyTextFilePath, OutFileName, VideoFolderDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.*, F ; loop through the files in the directory
@ -277,7 +285,7 @@ Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.*, F ; loop through the files in the director
FileRead, VideoTags, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
FileRead, PodcastTags, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
OriginalVideoTags := VideoTags
OriginalPodcastTags := PodcastTags
OriginalPodcastTags := PodcastTags ; set in case there is no keywords_podcast file
if(FileNameWExt = "keywords_podcast.txt"){
@ -301,11 +309,6 @@ Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.*, F ; loop through the files in the director
if(VideoDescription = ""){
; @todo: is this used anymore?
FileRead, VideoDescription, %A_scriptDir%\Lib\DescriptionTemplate.txt
; Loop through the folder again to find the correct .WAV audio file as Stef has multiple in there and we need the .mp4 file to be found first so we know what to look for file name wise.
Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.flac, F ; loop through the files in the directory
{ ; D = Directories, F = Files, R = Recursive
@ -341,8 +344,6 @@ Loop, files, %VideoFolderDir%\*.mp3, F ; loop through the files in the direct
;---Read Info From Previous Run And Set Upload Options---
VideoLinksIniFile = %VideoFolderDir%\VideoLinks.ini
@ -396,13 +397,12 @@ if(FileExist(VideoLinksIniFile)){
; Create a directory for errorlogging if this is the first time working on this project
if(ErrorLoggingFilePath = ""){
; DevModeMsgBox("generating filepath")
FormatTime, TodayDate , YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
ErrorLoggingDirectory := ErrorLoggingFolder . "\" . TodayDate . "_FVU"
ErrorLoggingDirectory := ErrorLoggingFolder . "\" . TodayDate . "_" . ScriptNameAcronym
FileCreateDir, %ErrorLoggingDirectory%
ErrorLoggingFilePath := ErrorLoggingFolder . "\" . TodayDate . "_FVU\ErrorLogging.txt" ; Set locaiton where error logging text will go
ErrorLoggingFilePath := ErrorLoggingFolder . "\" . TodayDate . "_" . ScriptNameAcronym . "\ErrorLogging.txt" ; Set locaiton where error logging text will go
; Write both filepaths to .ini file
; Save ErrorLoggingFilePath to project settings file so it can be reused if doing multiple runs
IniWrite, %ErrorLoggingFilePath%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, ErrorLoggingFilePath
@ -411,113 +411,68 @@ if(PodcastNumber = ""){
PodcastNumber := PodcastNumber[2]
; Set Websites to Upload to
; ------------------------------------------------
; Set the checkmark status of each item based on the variable status
; (StreamanityURL != "")?(StreamanityCheckStatus := 0) : (StreamanityCheckStatus := 1)
(BitChuteURL != "")?(BitChuteCheckStatus := 0) : (BitChuteCheckStatus := 1)
(OdyseeVideoURL != "")?(OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 0) : (OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 1)
(OdyseeVideoThumb != "")?(OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 0) : (OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 0)
OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 0
if(OdyseeAudioURL OR WavAudioFilepath = "")
OdyseeAudioCheckStatus := 0
if(OdyseeAudioThumb OR WavAudioFilepath = "")
OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 0
(BitChuteURL)?(BitChute := 0) : (BitChute := 1)
(RumbleURL)?(Rumble := 0) : (Rumble := 1)
(DailyMotionURL)?(DailyMotion := 0) : (DailyMotion := 1)
(RumbleURL != "")?(RumbleCheckStatus := 0) : (RumbleCheckStatus := 1)
; if user tried to upload to locals already and still needs to grab the url, check
(LocalsURL = "LocalsUploadStartedNeedToGrabURL")?(LocalsCheckStatus := 1) : (LocalsCheckStatus := 0)
(BrighteonURL != "")?(BrighteonCheckStatus := 0) : (BrighteonCheckStatus := 1)
if(VideoFileSizeInMB > 6144){
VideoFileSizeOver6GB := 1
BrighteonCheckStatus := 0
; if user tried to upload to locals already and still needs to grab the url
if(LocalsURL = "" OR LocalsURL = "LocalsUploadStartedNeedToGrabURL"){
Locals := 1
Locals := 0
(DailyMotionURL != "")?(DailyMotionCheckStatus := 0) : (DailyMotionCheckStatus := 1)
FacebookCheckStatus := 0
TelegramCheckStatus := 0
;---/Read Info From Previous Run And Set Upload Options---
;---Testing Mode Overrides---
IniRead, TestingMode, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TestingMode, 0
if(TestingMode OR DevMode){ ; save currently seelcted sites to ini file for next test
; IniRead, Streamanity, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Streamanity, %A_Space%
; (Streamanity)?(StreamanityCheckStatus := 1) : (StreamanityCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, BitChute, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, BitChute, %A_Space%
(BitChute)?(BitChuteCheckStatus := 1) : (BitChuteCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeVideo, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideo, %A_Space%
(OdyseeVideo)?(OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeVideoCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeVideoThumb, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideoThumb, %A_Space%
(OdyseeVideoThumb)?(OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeVideoThumbCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeAudio, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudio, %A_Space%
(OdyseeAudio)?(OdyseeAudioCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeAudioCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, OdyseeAudioThumb, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudioThumb, %A_Space%
(OdyseeAudioThumb)?(OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 1) : (OdyseeAudioThumbCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Rumble, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Rumble, %A_Space%
(Rumble)?(RumbleCheckStatus := 1) : (RumbleCheckStatus := 0)
(OdyseeVideoURL)?(OdyseeVideo := 0) : (OdyseeVideo := 1)
(OdyseeAudioURL || WavAudioFilepath = "")?(OdyseeAudio := 0) : (OdyseeAudio := 1)
IniRead, Brighteon, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Brighteon, %A_Space%
(Brighteon)?(BrighteonCheckStatus := 1) : (BrighteonCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, DailyMotion, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, DailyMotion, %A_Space%
(DailyMotion)?(DailyMotionCheckStatus := 1) : (DailyMotionCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Locals, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Locals, %A_Space%
(Locals)?(LocalsCheckStatus := 1) : (LocalsCheckStatus := 0)
; Brighteon has 6GB video file size limit
(BrighteonURL)?(Brighteon := 0) : (Brighteon := 1)
if(VideoFileSizeInMB > 6144){
VideoFileSizeOver6GB := 1
Brighteon := 0
IniRead, Telegram, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Telegram, %A_Space%
(Telegram)?(TelegramCheckStatus := 1) : (TelegramCheckStatus := 0)
IniRead, Facebook, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Facebook, %A_Space%
(Facebook)?(FacebookCheckStatus := 1) : (FacebookCheckStatus := 0)
; Override Website statuses if this is a schedule post based on Argument3
; ------------------------------------------------
if(PassedInArgument2_Action = "Scheduled"){
; if(PassedInArgument3_Details){
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "Locals"))?(Locals := 1) : (Locals := 0)
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "Bitchute"))?(Bitchute := 1) : (Bitchute := 0)
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "OdyseeVideo"))?(OdyseeVideo := 1) : (OdyseeVideo := 0)
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "OdyseeAudio"))?(OdyseeAudio := 1) : (OdyseeAudio := 0)
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "Rumble"))?(Rumble := 1) : (Rumble := 0)
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "Brighteon"))?(Brighteon := 1) : (Brighteon := 0)
(InStr(PassedInArgument3_Details, "DailyMotion"))?(DailyMotion := 1) : (DailyMotion := 0)
; }
goto, StartScheduledPost
if(PassedParameter = "ShowResults"){
;---/Read Info From Previous Run And Set Upload Options---
if(PassedInArgument2_Action = "ShowResults"){
goto, DisplayResults
; Main GUI Window
; ------------------------------------------------
#include %A_scriptDir%\Modules\GUI-Main-Window.ahk
gosub, SetAndShowMainGUI
; Write current project to ini file for easy reloading
IniWrite, %BodyTextFilePath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, LastPost
URunTime1 := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2)
;---Check for Updates---
if(AutoUpdateCheck AND !UpdateAvailable){
Message = Checking for Updates
GuiControl,,UpdateAvailable, Uploader Update Available!
GuiControl,,ChromeUpdateAvailable, Chrome Update Available!
ChromeUpdateAvailable := 1
; calculate run time and convert to seconds
URunTime2 := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2)
RunTimeToShowGui := round(((A_TickCount - UStartTime) / 1000), 2)
@ -584,6 +539,17 @@ OpenGiteaPage:
GuiControl,,Bitchute, 0
GuiControl,,Locals, 0
GuiControl,,OdyseeVideo, 0
GuiControl,,OdyseeAudio, 0
GuiControl,,Rumble, 0
GuiControl,,DailyMotion, 0
GuiControl,,Brighteon, 0
@ -632,36 +598,10 @@ UpdateScript()
; @todo: Save any changes made to the script before installing update
if(CheckForChromeUpdates = "")
Status := CheckForChromeUpdates(ChromeFilepath)
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxConfirmChromiumOverwrite")
MsgBox 0x41, Already Up-to-Date, Yor current Chromium version is already up to date. `nDo you want to download and overwrite it?
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox OK, {
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
Status := DownloadLatestChromium()
GuiControl,,ChromeUpdateAvailable, Chrome Up-to-Date
SplitText = Free Documentaries:
@ -681,29 +621,16 @@ WinGetPos, XPosition, YPosition, , , A
IniWrite, %XPosition%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, XPosition
IniWrite, %YPosition%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, YPosition
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Save Testing Mode Info
if(TestingMode){ ; save currently seelcted sites to ini file for next test
; IniWrite, %Streamanity%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Streamanity
IniWrite, %BitChute%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, BitChute
IniWrite, %OdyseeVideo%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideo
IniWrite, %OdyseeVideoThumb%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeVideoThumb
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudio%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudio
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudioThumb%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, OdyseeAudioThumb
IniWrite, %Rumble%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Rumble
IniWrite, %Brighteon%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Brighteon
IniWrite, %DailyMotion%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, DailyMotion
IniWrite, %Locals%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Locals
IniWrite, %Telegram%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Telegram
IniWrite, %Facebook%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Testing, Facebook
if(VideoFilepath = ""){
Msgbox,4096,Error,No Video Filepath Found.`nPlease Input Video Filepath to Upload a Video.
; Destroy GUI after checking everything is working
Gui, Destroy
; Save Video Info
; if changes made, delete the original file and save the new content to it
@ -739,22 +666,21 @@ if(VideoDescription != OriginalVideoDescription){
; -------------------------------/Save Video Info-------------------------------
; Save Script Settings to File
; ------------------------------------------------
; Save settings to config file
IniWrite, %ShowTooltipProgress%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, ShowTooltipProgress
IniWrite, %AutoUpdateCheck%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoUpdateCheck
IniWrite, %AutoLogin%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, AutoLogin
IniWrite, %PingOnCompletion%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, PingOnCompletion
IniWrite, %ErrorLogToDiscord%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ErrorLogToDiscord
IniWrite, %DiscordPingOnCompletion%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, DiscordPingOnCompletion
IniWrite, %KillLBRYAfterUpload%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, KillLBRYAfterUpload
IniWrite, %ConfirmBeforeSubmit%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, %ScriptSettingsSection%, ConfirmBeforeSubmit
; Used by Post Scheduler, filepath changes between script updates
IniWrite, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Filepaths, VideoUploaderFilepath
if(VideoFilepath = ""){
Msgbox,4096,Error,No Video Filepath Found.`nPlease Input Video Filepath to Upload a Video.
run, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "LastPost"
; Format the LBRYURLSlug to be API Compatible
if(LBRYURLSlug = "") ; if slug spot is blank, then set it to video title
@ -769,18 +695,14 @@ IniWrite, %VideoThumbFilepath%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, VideoThumbFilepath
; -------------------------------Log Info To Text-------------------------------
(Facebook = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Facebook|") : ()
(Bitchute = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Bitchute|") : ()
(Locals = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Locals|") : ()
(Rumble = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Rumble|") : ()
(Brighteon = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Brighteon|") : ()
; (Streamanity = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Streamanity|") : ()
(Telegram = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "Telegram|") : ()
(DailyMotion = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "DailyMotion|") : ()
(OdyseeVideo = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "OdyseeVideo|") : ()
(OdyseeAudio = 1)?(PostedWebsites .= "OdyseeAudio|") : ()
; -------------------------------Log Info To Text-------------------------------s
(Bitchute)?(PostedWebsites .= "Bitchute|") : ()
(Locals)?(PostedWebsites .= "Locals|") : ()
(Rumble)?(PostedWebsites .= "Rumble|") : ()
(Brighteon)?(PostedWebsites .= "Brighteon|") : ()
(DailyMotion)?(PostedWebsites .= "DailyMotion|") : ()
(OdyseeVideo)?(PostedWebsites .= "OdyseeVideo|") : ()
(OdyseeAudio)?(PostedWebsites .= "OdyseeAudio|") : ()
; Log Basic info to the errorlogging file
@ -903,9 +825,7 @@ if(LocalsGrabURL){
; ------------------------------------------------
if(URLOfLastErrorPage != ""){
Message = Activating Tab of last failed post.
@ -921,7 +841,7 @@ else,
Message = All Videos Uploaded Successfully
Message = <@%DiscordUsernameID%>: %Message%
Message = %Message%
@ -940,7 +860,6 @@ Gui, Destroy ; destroy GUI in case we're going from the main screen to results w
IniRead, MouseClicksSaved, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, MouseClicksSaved, %A_Space%
IniRead, TotalVideosUploaded, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, TotalVideosUploaded, %A_Space%
; IniRead, StreamanityURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, StreamanityURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, BitChuteURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BitChuteURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, OdyseeVideoURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeVideoURL, %A_Space%
@ -955,7 +874,6 @@ OdyseeAudioThumb := StrReplace(OdyseeAudioThumb, "Thumb:", "")
IniRead, LocalsURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, LocalsURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, RumbleURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, RumbleURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, FacebookURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, FacebookURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, BrighteonURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, BrighteonURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, DailyMotionURL, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, DailyMotionURL, %A_Space%
IniRead, PodcastNumber, %VideoLinksIniFile%, Misc, PodcastNumber, %A_Space%
@ -978,12 +896,56 @@ if(PodcastNumber = "") {
; Show Results GUI Window
; ------------------------------------------------
#include %A_scriptDir%\Modules\GUI-Results-Window.ahk
gosub, SetGUIVariables
gosub, SetAndShowResultsGUI
; #include %A_scriptDir%\Modules\GUI-Results-Window.ahk
; GoTo's
; ------------------------------------------------
Gui, Submit
; format and combine date and time
FormatTime, ScheduledDateOnly , %ScheduledDate%, yyyyMMdd
FormatTime, ScheduledTimeOnly , %ScheduledTime%, HHmmss
TimeStamp := ScheduledDateOnly . ScheduledTimeOnly
; create schedule post ini file
ScheduleFileFilepath = %A_scriptDir%/Scheduled-Posts
FileCreateDir, %ScheduleFileFilepath%
ScheduleFileFilepath = %ScheduleFileFilepath%\%TimeStamp%.ini
IniWrite, %TimeStamp%, %ScheduleFileFilepath%, Schedule-Info, Timestamp
IniWrite, %BodyTextFilePath%, %ScheduleFileFilepath%, Schedule-Info, ProjectFilepath
IniWrite, Video, %ScheduleFileFilepath%, Schedule-Info, PostType
IniWrite, %VideoTitle%, %ScheduleFileFilepath%, Schedule-Info, Title
; Generate variable with each of the checked ON sites
(BitChute)?(VideoSites .= "Bitchute" . "|"):()
(Locals)?(VideoSites .= "Locals" . "|"):()
(OdyseeVideo)?(VideoSites .= "OdyseeVideo" . "|"):()
(OdyseeAudio)?(VideoSites .= "OdyseeAudio" . "|"):()
(Brighteon)?(VideoSites .= "Brighteon" . "|"):()
(DailyMotion)?(VideoSites .= "DailyMotion" . "|"):()
(Rumble)?(VideoSites .= "Rumble" . "|"):()
IniWrite, %VideoSites%, %ScheduleFileFilepath%, Schedule-Info, Sites
IniRead, OutputVar, Filename, Section, Key [, Default]
run, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\blobfiles
@ -996,7 +958,7 @@ StartSocialMediaPoster:
; IniRead, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, General, FDRRadioUN, %A_Space%
IniRead, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, SocialMediaPosterFilepath, %A_Space%
if(SocialMediaPosterFilepath = "" or !FileExist(SocialMediaPosterFilepath)){
if(!SocialMediaPosterFilepath or !FileExist(SocialMediaPosterFilepath)){
OnMessage(0x44, "OnMsgBoxSocialMediaPoster")
MsgBox 0x21, Filepath Not Found, Unable to find filepath for Social Media Poster`nWould you like to add it?
OnMessage(0x44, "")
@ -1013,7 +975,7 @@ if(SocialMediaPosterFilepath = "" or !FileExist(SocialMediaPosterFilepath)){
IniWrite, %SocialMediaPosterFilepath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, SocialMediaPoster, SocialMediaPosterFilepath
IniWrite, %SocialMediaPosterFilepath%, %SettingsIniFilepath%, Filepaths, SocialMediaPosterFilepath
run, %SocialMediaPosterFilepath% "%VideoLinksIniFile%"
@ -1205,7 +1167,10 @@ Return
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Podcast-Upload.ahk
; Update Functionality
; ------------------------------------------------
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Update-Functions.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Freedomain-Posters-Shared-Functions\Shared-GoTos.ahk
; GUI Windows
; ------------------------------------------------
#include C:\Users\%A_Username%\Syncthing\Git\Freedomain-Video-Uploader\Modules\GUI-Main-Window.ahk

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8395c5c367aedac8b50f069fe62368144860166f
Subproject commit cf56ae8136def874793895733d595349b20d9c19

@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ else, {
MainButtonHeight := 30
SecondaryButtonHeights := 35

Binary file not shown.

@ -21,31 +21,6 @@ CheckLBRYProcess() ; double check lbry process
SaveOrPostProgress(Message:="Starting Upload",PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
; If LBRY Killer not found, then download it
; @todo: Add LBRY kill download functionality from gitea
LBRYKillerPath := LibFolder . "\LBRY Process Killer.exe"
; Msgbox % "LBRYKillerPath: " LBRYKillerPath
; Msgbox % "LBRYProcessKillerURL: " LBRYProcessKillerURL
LBRYKillerPath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\LBRY Process Killer.exe
LBRYKillerUpdateURL =
Message = LBRY Process Killer Not Found. Automatically Downloading.
UrlDownloadToFile, %LBRYKillerUpdateURL%, %LBRYKillerPath%
Message = Failed to download the the LBRY-Killer.exe from %LBRYKillerUpdateURL%
TooltipThis("Uploading Video through API")
; Variables of items that need to be replaced before argument is passed to API
Apostrophe = '
@ -201,13 +176,6 @@ if(!InStr(UploadResult, "permanent_url")){ ; if no permanent_url is generated th
try run, %LBRYKillerPath%
catch e {
Message = LBRYKiller not found. Unable to find File.
; Transform the Upload Result json into the link
; PermanentURL := GetPermanentLBRYURL(UploadResult) ; get permanentURL from the upload result json
@ -360,7 +328,40 @@ if(LBRYUploadType = "Audio"){
IniWrite, %OdyseeAudioURL%, %VideoLinksIniFile%, URLs, OdyseeAudioURL
; If LBRY Killer not found, then download it
; @todo: Add LBRY kill download functionality from gitea
LBRYKillerPath := LibFolder . "\LBRY Process Killer.exe"
; Msgbox % "LBRYKillerPath: " LBRYKillerPath
; Msgbox % "LBRYProcessKillerURL: " LBRYProcessKillerURL
LBRYKillerPath = %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\LBRY Process Killer.exe
LBRYKillerUpdateURL =
Message = LBRY Process Killer Not Found. Automatically Downloading.
UrlDownloadToFile, %LBRYKillerUpdateURL%, %LBRYKillerPath%
Message = Failed to download the the LBRY-Killer.exe from %LBRYKillerUpdateURL%
try run, %LBRYKillerPath%
catch e {
Message = LBRYKiller not found. Unable to find File.
LBRYKillerStarted := 1
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
; SaveDriverURL()

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Name=Freedomain Video Uploader
