2. Install [SeleniumBasic](https://github.com/florentbr/SeleniumBasic/releases/tag/v2.0.9.0) to control Chrome
- Make sure to “Run as Administrator” on the file when installing so that it gets installed to `C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic`. Otherwise it will get installed to `\AppData\` and the Poster will not be able to connect to Selenium and to Chrome.
3. [Download latest ChromeDriver](https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads) for your Chrome version so Selenium can connect to Chrome for automation
- Open Chrome and type in `about::version` into the URL bar. The very first line will tell you what Chrome version you have
- After downloading, extract “chromedriver_win32.zip” and move the extracted chromedriver.exe to: `C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic\chromedriver.exe`
- NOTE: The chromedriver will need to be re-downloaded whenever Chrome updates to keep up with API changes
1. To use a portable version of Chrome, download the latest version Chrome version that has a chromedriver from [Chrome-for-Testing](https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/latest-versions-per-milestone-with-downloads.json), extract the `chrome-win64.zip` file and move the extracted folder to the `\Lib\` directory:
The resulting chrome filepath should be `..\Freedomain-Video-Uploader-Folder\Lib\chrome-win64\chrome.exe`
When you start the Uploader, it will ask you to select a project folder that contains the files that will be used for the upload. <br>
The program will then loop through that project folder and look for the following files and automatically select them.<br>
You can select a different file in the main window if the auto selection does not select the correct file.<br>
`title.txt` which should contain the Title of your video/podcast<br>
`body.txt` which should contain the body text of your video/podcast<br>
`keywords.txt` which contains the tags/keywords that will be used in the video uploads<br>
`keywords_podcast.txt` (Optional) which contains the tags/keywords that will be used in the podcast upload. `keywords.txt` will be used for podcast tags if this does not exist.<br>
`*.mp4` an mp4 file which is the video file that you are going to upload<br>
`*.jpg` or `*.png` file which will be the thumbnail for your video/podcast<br>
Due to LBRY being discontinued, the default daemon_settings that come with the LBRY Desktop application might no longer work for you due to the servers being offline.
To fix this, add the Odysee server to the top of the list of `lbryum_servers` in the following file: `C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEHERE\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\daemon_settings.yml`
I have done my best to catch any possible errors that might pop up and write functionality to handle them. But If an error happens that i haven't written resolves for, it will pop up a message box that looks like this. Please send me a screenshot so I can write a patch for the bug.
2.`git clone` the project and then either run the `Compile Uploader to EXE.ahk` autohotkey script to automatically compile, or start up the AHK compiler that comes installed with Autohotkey and select the `Freedomain Video Uploader.ahk` and `\Assets\FreedomainVideo.ico` icon.
# Extra Tools
## LBRY-Process-Killer
Autohotkey script that continuously reads the lbrynet.log for when your videos are fully uploaded/seeded to lbry and then kills the LBRY process.