; Written by AHK_User 2019-10-11 ; Special thanks to tmplinshi, CH HAN and Joe Glines ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=32323&p=296136&hilit=schrome_get#p296136 ;Driver := SChrome_Get("https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37088589/selenium-wont-open-a-new-url-in-a-new-tab-python-chrome/39353910#39353910",,"Tab") ; Written by AHK_User 2019-10-11 ; Special thanks to tmplinshi, CH HAN and Joe Glines SChrome_Get(URL := "", Profile := "Profile 1", IP_Port := ""){ IP_Port_Nr := RegExReplace(IP_Port, ".*:(\d*)", "$1") if WinExist("ahk_exe Chrome.exe"){ WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_exe chrome.exe for item in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId='" pid "'"){ if RegExMatch(item.CommandLine, "i)--remote-debugging-port=\K\d+", port){ break } } if (Port=""){ MsgBox, 36, ,Chrome Needs to be started in debugging mode in order for Autohotkey to connect to it.`nIs it ok to restart Chrome in debugmode to enable a connection? IfMsgBox, Yes { While(WinExist("ahk_exe chrome.exe")) { WinClose, ahk_exe chrome.exe } Process, WaitClose, chrome.exe } Else{ Exit } } } if(URL!="" or !winExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1")){ ; run % "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=" IP_Port_Nr ( winExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1") ? " --new-window " : " " ) URL if(A_ComputerName = "WLatitude") { run, C:\Software\Chromium\chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=%IP_Port_Nr% --profile-directory="%Profile%" ; %URL% ; sleep, 1000 ; run, C:\Software\Chromium\chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=%IP_Port_Nr% --profile-directory="%Profile%" --new-window %URL% } else, { run, chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=%IP_Port_Nr% --profile-directory="%Profile%" %URL% ; sleep, 1000 ; run, chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=%IP_Port_Nr% --profile-directory="%Profile%" --new-window %URL% } } Driver := ComObjCreate("Selenium.ChromeDriver") Driver.SetCapability("debuggerAddress", IP_Port) Driver.Start() return Driver }