# Freedomain Social Media Poster Social Media Poster created for the [Freedomain Philosophy Show](https://freedomain.com/) ![Alt text](Assets/Screenshots/Screenshot_Main_Results.png "Screenshot of Main and Results Windows") ## Features Automated posting to the following social media platforms, utilizing either the platform's API, or automated input through Chrome utilizing Selenium Webdriver for platforms with no available APIs. - Discord [API] - Telegram [API] - Subscribestar [Selenium] - Minds [Selenium] - Gab [Selenium] - Locals [Selenium] - Twetch [Selenium] - MeWe [Selenium] - Linkedin [Selenium] - Thinkspot [Selenium] - Flote [Selenium] - Parler [Selenium] - Steemit [Selenium] - Bastyon [Selenium] - Gettr [Selenium] # Installation 1. Install .Net Framework 3.5 - This can be installed directly through Windows by going to Start > Turn Windows Features On or Off > check the checkbox next to “.NET Framework 3.5” > Click OK 2. Install [SeleniumBasic](https://github.com/florentbr/SeleniumBasic/releases/tag/v2.0.9.0) to control Chrome - Make sure to “Run as Administrator” on the file when installing so that it gets installed to `C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic`. Otherwise it will get installed to `\AppData\` and the Poster will not be able to connect to Selenium and to Chrome. 3. [Download latest ChromeDriver](https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads) for your Chrome version so Selenium can connect to Chrome for automation - Open Chrome and type in `about::version` into the URL bar. The very first line will tell you what Chrome version you have - After downloading, extract “chromedriver_win32.zip” and move the extracted chromedriver.exe to: `C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic\chromedriver.exe` - NOTE: The chromedriver will need to be re-downloaded whenever Chrome updates to keep up with API changes 4. [Download the latest .exe of the Poster](/yuriy/social-media-poster/releases) - When run, the poster will automatically create the folders and files it requires in the directory it's run from. # Settings.ini The Poster reads & saves its settings to a `settings.ini` file located in the same directory the the Poster. All customization, including custom profile URLs are stored here. The required fields are: ```` [SocialMediaPoster] LocalsURL=Your Locals Community Page URL SubscribeStarProfileURL=Your Subscribestar Profile URL DiscordParlerWebhookURL=Public Posts Webhook URL DiscordErrorLoggingWebhookBotURL=Webhook URL Where Error & Status Messages get posted to TelegramBotToken=Public Posts Bot Token TelegramBotChatID=Public Posts Bot Chat ID ```` - [How to create Discord webhook](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks) - [How to get Telegram bot token + chat-id](https://tutorial.cytron.io/2021/09/01/how-to-create-a-telegram-bot-get-the-api-key-and-chat-id/) - All other settings will automatically get written to the `settings.ini` file as you check/uncheck the setting boxes while running the Poster. # Uncaught Script Errors I’ve done my best to catch any possible errors that might pop up and write functionality to handle them. But If an error happens that i haven't written resolves for, it will pop up a message box that looks like this. Please send me a screenshot so I can write a patch for the bug. ![Alt text](Assets/Screenshots/Error_Message2.png "Error Message") # Compiling To .exe From Source 1. [Install Autohotkey v1](https://www.autohotkey.com/download/) 2. `git clone` the project and then either run the `Compile Uploader to EXE.ahk` autohotkey script to compile automatically, or start up the AHK compiler that comes installed with Autohotkey and select the `Freedomain Social Media Poster.ahk` and `\Assets\FreedomainSMP.ico` icon.