; This #include needs to be at the bottom of the parent script CheckForUpdates: ; The GUI buttons must have variable set to vUpdateAvailable and vChromeUpdateAvailable for button to get updated ; The following variables need to be set in the parent script ; GitReleasesAPIURL ; ChromeFilepath Message = Checking for Updates SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:="Tooltip,ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging") if(CheckForUpdates(GitReleasesAPIURL)){ GuiControl,,UpdateAvailable, Update Available! } if(CheckForChromeUpdates(ChromeFilepath)){ GuiControl,,ChromeUpdateAvailable, Chrome Update Available! ChromeUpdateAvailable := 1 } Return PasteClipboardToEditBox: if(A_GuiControl = "PasteClipboardToSMPBody"){ GuiControl,,PostBody, %Clipboard% } if(A_GuiControl = "PasteClipboardToSMPTitle"){ GuiControl,,PostTitle, %Clipboard% } Return