You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

149 lines
6.0 KiB

; Check if LBRY Process exists
Process, Exist,LBRY.exe
if(ErrorLevel = 0) ; if doesn't exist
Message = Not Running. Starting up LBRY.exe
LBRYExeFilepath = C:\Program Files\LBRY\LBRY.exe
Message = Failed to Find LBRY.exe executable. LBRY not installed?
Message = Checking LBRY daemon_settings.yml file for Odysee Wallet Servers
; FileRead, daemon_settingsFileContent, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\daemon_settings.yml
; if(!InStr(daemon_settingsFileContent, "")){
; Message = Odysee wallet server is not in daemon_settings.yml. Replacing File with required settings.
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:=",DiscordErrorLogging")
; LBRYDaemonSettingsFP = C:\Users\%A_UserName%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\daemon_settings.yml
; LBRYDaemonSettingsBackupFP = C:\Users\%A_UserName%\AppData\Local\lbry\lbrynet\daemon_settings_BU.yml
; ; Msgbox % "daemon_settingsText: " daemon_settingsText
; FileMove, %LBRYDaemonSettingsFP%, %LBRYDaemonSettingsBackupFP%, 1 ; Dest [, Flag (1 = overwrite)]
; UrlDownloadToFile, , %LBRYDaemonSettingsFP%
; sleep, 1000
; if(!FileExist(LBRYDaemonSettingsFP)){
; Message = Failed to download the custom daemon_settings.yml file from git. Restoring Original File
; SaveOrPostProgress(Message:=Message,PostType:=",ErrorLoggingTextFile,DiscordErrorLogging")
; FileMove,%LBRYDaemonSettingsBackupFP%,%LBRYDaemonSettingsFP%, 1
; }
; }
try run, "%LBRYExeFilepath%"
Message = Waiting 1 Minute for LBRY to start up
Sleep, 60000 ; 1 minute
Process, Exist,LBRY.exe
if(ErrorLevel = 0) ; if doesn't exist
Message = Failed to Start LBRY.exe after 60 seconds of waiting
WinMinimize, LBRY
SingleQuotationmark = "
UploadResult := StrSplit(UploadResult, "`n") ; split results by new line
; Iterate through the array of the results
Loop % UploadResult.Length() {
PermanentURL := UploadResult[A_Index]
if(InStr(PermanentURL, "permanent_url"))
; Starting Result: "permanent_url": "lbry://Test-Video-161-Numbered#c9ad9afe54c7178d6f870b59bbe129aef8efc3ff",
PermanentURL := StrSplit(PermanentURL, "lbry:")
PermanentURL := "lbry:" . PermanentURL[2]
PermanentURL := StrReplace(PermanentURL, ",", "")
PermanentURL := StrReplace(PermanentURL, SingleQuotationmark, "")
PermanentURL := StrReplace(PermanentURL, "`n", "")
PermanentURL := StrReplace(PermanentURL, "`r", "")
; End Result lbry://Test-Video-161-Numbered#c9ad9afe54c7178d6f870b59bbe129aef8efc3ff
Return PermanentURL
GetLBRYCanonicalURL(LBRYJSONObject){ ; input json string
; ResolveURL := StrSplit(LBRYResolveAPICommand, "lbry://")
; ResolveURL := "lbry://" . ResolveURL[2]
; StrReplace(Haystack, SearchText [, ReplaceText, OutputVarCount, Limit := -1])
LBRYPermanentURLJsonOBJ := StrReplace(LBRYJSONObject, LBRYPermanentURL, "LBRYPermanentURL")
; clipboard := LBRYPermanentURLJsonOBJ
; DevModeMsgBox(LBRYPermanentURLJsonOBJ)
try parsed := JSON.Load(LBRYPermanentURLJsonOBJ)
try LBRYCanonicalURL := parsed.LBRYPermanentURL.canonical_url
; DevModeMsgBox(LBRYCanonicalURL)
if(LBRYCanonicalURL = ""){
Return "" ; return blank
; otherwise return the LBRY url
LBRYCanonicalURL := StrReplace(LBRYCanonicalURL, "lbry://", "")
Return LBRYCanonicalURL
SingleQUote = "
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, " ", "_") ; replace all spaces with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, ":", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, ",", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "?", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "!", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "`;", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "/", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
; LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "?", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "<", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, ">", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, SingleQUote, "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "'", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "=", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, ";", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, ")", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "(", "") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "___", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "__", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
LBRYURLSlug := StrReplace(LBRYURLSlug, "__", "_") ; replace all colons with dashes
Return LBRYURLSlug
UploadResultArray := StrSplit(UploadResult, "message")
LBRYAPIError := UploadResultArray[2]
; LBRYAPIErrorStrLen := StrLen(LBRYAPIError)
; LBRYAPIErrorStrToTrim := LBRYAPIErrorStrLen - 3
; Msgbox % "LBRYAPIErrorStrToTrim: " LBRYAPIErrorStrToTrim
LBRYAPIError := SubStr(LBRYAPIError, 4)
LBRYAPIError := StrReplace(LBRYAPIError, "}", "")
; Msgbox % "LBRYAPIError: " LBRYAPIError
Return LBRYAPIError